any info on islamic filth doing something tomorrow night?
/auspol/ nye celebrations
Doubt it. Coordinated attacks always get shown down beforehand. The worst case scenario is some neurotic as fuck lone-wolf with low-tier weaponry. No coordinated bombing/peace-truck/rifle combos to worry about unless our police slip up hard and end a great streak.
And be nice. It's not nice to call people 'filth.' We don't want to get two threads killed in a row.
Why did the last thread get deleted?
Before the thread got deleted I asked what are my chances of getting ISIS'd on NYE in the city. (Sydney)
Sorry by filth i meant lovely human beings that are just culturally enriching our country with their own very tolerant and relevant views.
I think it was the mention of a certain magistrate who won't be mentioned again and certain decisions made by him/her that some people find questionable. There is no such thing as the Pozzbourne Illuminati. Don't ask questions and remember to only consume Murdoch approved media.
Yeah they are probs googling "how to run people over for Isis" and having chats on Facebook about it.
Wish they bombed St. Paul's, they have a big refugees welcome banner
not even kidding, you cant talk about a certain judge
It would be Melbourne before it was Sydney m8
It really makes me wonder how it keeps happening in Europe. What are their extremists getting right that ours aren't? Are ours retarded or are our cops just much more diligent?
I'd imagine it's more just magistrates in general. That's the kind of talk that can escalate and get g00k in trouble if the mods aren't careful.
I thought it was for being off topic or something..
Sydney has a much larger muslim population though
I'm not a lawfag. Maybe Melbourne is setting most of the pozzy precedent relating to criminal and social matters.
What is /auspol/'s senate listings?
For me:
1. Lib Dems
2. Shooters and Fishers
3. Liberals
4. One Nation
5. Justice Party'
6. Pirate Party
been a good week
>7 days ago was working filled with chink tourists
> went christmas light hunting nothing but white families (about 20 families) all white
>went to phillip island all white
>went to casey (conservative melbourne) all white
>work tomorrow .....
I think Sup Forums has deduced that their is real problem with Melbourne magistrate sentencing though.
It's unfortunate we can't get 'specific'.
I'm a lawfag. Only been studying for a year and I'm a very mediocre student but I might be able to answer some questions. As somebody said in the last thread though most of the pozzy sentencing stuff comes from things that aren't magistrate-related. Our courts are too clogged up for everything to get a proper look so lots of minor issues get sent off to alternative forms of resolution which sometimes give pozzy results.
In the defence of that particular magistrate, it's only really a couple of calls out of god knows how many, and they are slightly awkward cases. 99% of people would agree that discretion was required and the rulings went completely in the wrong direction but the courts don't use the considerations of most people. That's simply not how it works.
Also if the peasants start questioning pozzbourne precedent it might be 'bad' for social stability. We should follow the instruction of our betters. They know the required pozz dosage levels.
I'm not really game to have an in depth discussion about Australia's (particularly Melbourne's) judiciary. The last thread dying spooked me.
Still, I think 'pozzy precedent' should become a Sup Forums meme. It can be our weapon against a leftist judiciary.
it's the wrong kind of chemo to get rid of cancer
what is pozzy?
>Why did the last thread get deleted?
Because the OP was nothing but a dick joke.
You need to at least put a news link there.
Does anyone have a video link to the carpet snake moment on Q and A?
I was minorly spooked too but I don't think that any powers that be give a fuck about this place. Mods are just being cautious. The Project doing a piece on how Trump's meme-army attempted to destroy an honest magistrate wouldn't be good for business is all.
If we should have one meme it should be Dick Smith. Population is the ultimate issue facing not just Australia, but the whole damn world right now. Pozzy precedents are also another significant issue that flies under the radar though I agree. Most people don't really know or care at all about how these things work. Magistrates shouldn't have to worry about upsetting the masses when they pass judgement but at the same time the intention behind the entire legal system is to enforce the will of the people. If magistrates are ruling completely against the will of the average Australian something is wrong but it's a hard thing to solve. All we can really do is apply pressure for magistrates to be conservative in some indirect way. Like a general cultural shift.
So what are your major predictions for next year?
- Hazelwood shuts down, 25% of Victoria's power supply is gone causing power prices to rise.
- After VIC and SA have blackouts Turnbull and Shorten both reaffirm their commitment to renewable energy.
- Ever political party has infighting and kicks their current leader in favour of someone else, except the Greens because there is no justice.
- China delays the purchase of Australia in favour of Canada, as Trudeau gave them the offer of America's hat for a bag of seeds and stems and a U.N. job.
Precedent that pozzes.
Dick Smith is an important figure in Australian politics. Mods need to learn to accept that you can't beat The Dick. His final victory is inevitable.
That's an interesting thought.
You right there, seppo?
>Liberals in top 3
Good goy
Another lonely night by myself
kill me already
looks like the digits are trying to tell you something
remember user, down the street not across the road makes Slashy MacSlashSlash a happy corpse
But user, we live in a world where anime exists. As bad as things get we'll always probably have our anime.
This, Drifters next epp soon :P
Which state? Besides depression that is...
>when you gave up on live years ago and just linger around because too pussy to end it
>Sydney has a much larger muslim population though
Melbourne is more pozzed with identity politics so niggers and musrats have a massive chip on their shoulder against whitey and the chinks
Cops seem to be well on top of the musrats though, every few months they arrest a few kids who thought they'd start shit
Wife and I went something like this (but voted below the line so not straight party preferences)
rise up
shooters & fishers
lib dems
one nation
amep (ricky muir)
We followed a pro-gun theme and didnt preference libs, labor or watermelons at all
>Mods need to learn to accept that you can't beat The Dick
never gets old desu
hi canada
1.One nation
evey other right wing meme party
There is always a light at the end of the tunnel. The hardest part is that you will have to create it out of nothing.
Best of luck in the future and if you do decide to proper pussy out, please atleast take jubba the hutt with you.
Keep your posting to LGBT please.
whats this have to do with degenerates?