
Man jailed for leaving a bacon sandwich outside a mosque is found dead in prison halfway through his 12-month sentence.

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>Man jailed for leaving a bacon sandwich outside a mosque is found dead in prison halfway through his 12-month sentence.

maybe should have chosen the other side in ww2 fuckers

How much do you want to bet the corrupt cunts put him into an area with muslims?

>He was serving a one-year sentence for racist attack on a Bristol mosque
>leaving a bacon sandwich outside a mosque
fuck this gay earth

>put him into an area with muslims?
>implying there are any areas without muslims in prison

What the fuuuuuck

wow you brits made me kek about your "tv license" thing, but this is just pathetic.


Strange thing to crowbar into a thread, but anyway, a lot of countries have them.

What if some Musser came along and ate that pig flesh?

RIP, you bigoted fucc

How do they know it was and intentionally aggressive bacon sandwich?

Maybe he'd been on the lash and put it down to take a piss, then forgot all about it.

Maybe he was feeding the birds.

Insult Allah and get what's coming to you, it's a no-brainer.

Did you really think you were above God?

Hey, who's nigger is this?

I'm trying to enjoy my constitutional!

get kicked in the dick

>using sandwich meat in a manner other than directed gets you murdered by the police and justice system

Pretty redpilled comments section

>Bacon attacks

I wonder if he was attacked inside? Details are pretty scarce.

Yeah, media changed a lot in the last few years.

Norway what the fuck do you even do? Other than not being as good as Finland, Denmark or Sweden.

>daily Mail
Lel. Kek.

Why deflect from the subject of conversation? It's pretty scandalous alone to be imprisoned over a sandwich.

We are very cucked but not as cucked as you or Sweden lmao

>wahhabism weekly
allah akpaar! allah akpaaaaar!
ählämsähläm wababababaa

this really doesn't sit right with me.
we cant allow this one to slide.

We need to bring back gallows.

Only above Muslims.

The most shocking part of that news is a guy gets 12 months for leaving a bacon sandwich outside a mosque.

Daily Mail > Sup Forums

Yeah "lots" because there are like eleven countries in your country.

So if it was fish and chips it would be okay?


I can't show this to blue pills, got another source?

>bacon kills human

I would fuck Kat Dennings to kingdom come and back.

F.bacon man o7


Where in Germany was this?

Such is life in the British caliphate.