Why are they so poor? it's kind of fucked up like african tier poor in some parts
Why are they so poor? it's kind of fucked up like african tier poor in some parts
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What are you talking about, leaf?
>ireland as slightly below average
top kek
The past:
>Africans and Arabs immigrated into Greece and now the modern "White" Greek is a shitskin.
>Africans and Arabs immigrated into Rome and now the modern "White" Roman/Italian is a shitskin.
The future:
>Spics immigrated into the US and the "White" American will be a shitskin.
>Africans and Arabs immigrated into Europe and the "White" European will be a shitskin.
blame Germany. We were the 7th indutrial powerhose before we joined this shitty union.
I want to emphasize this:
When you look at how brown modern Greek and Italian people, that's our future.
When people talk about "White genocide," remember that it's already happened several times at the ethnic and national level.
Greeks, Italians, and Spaniards were wiped out.
Now it's moving on to the global level.
>Tyrone with his cuck fantasies again
fucking potato niggers trying to sell the cheapest crop to other countries is why
>Southern Italy still better than all of Eastern Europe
Kek. Slavs are really niggers.
that's because they leech out off our wellfare.
>american education
>implying Slavs don't
Poland gets massive gibs from the EU and contributes nothing in return.
That's not true, they and Romania do a great job of driving wage compression in the western European economies
Which in case you've forgotten is one of the main reasons the EU was established in the first place
Mediterranean work ethic, widespread corruption, and Mafia.
you dont realy understand that history is taught as a joke, you dont need to learn anything beyond the revolution and how we saved the world from fixing itself.
European history ? we get maybe 1 page a day of cliff notes in school, most americans arent even thought that the french helped us for the war of our revolution.
the worse part where not thought why things where going the way they where and why people reacted to it they way they did. instead its black and white Disney morality and that war is bad unless america is fighting it.
american education is the worse and they want it that way.
suprisingly redpilled speaker
Yes, Hans keep wageslaving to pay for nigger and Muslim welfare. I'm sure you're doing a great job working yourself to death while Jamal and Ahmed fuck your wife at home while you're away.
we'll catch up on the ruins of germany
>most americans arent even thought that the french helped us for the war of our revolution
Looks like most of you aren't even taught english
for emphasis i put that there glad my euro bros know English better than us.
yes but they get our wellfare and Europe's wellfare as well. southerns are double niggers.
>When people talk about "White genocide," remember that it's already happened several times at the ethnic and national level.
This is true, the rest is not.
Check Portugal
You do know that Portugal got mega-Jew'd by the IMF?
It's mostly because they were ruled by the corrupt and idiotic Soviet communists, not because of their race.
Italians are the richest people in Europe. Economic dynamism(GDP) is not the same as wealth.
I'm sure there are environmental reasons for why Southern Italy is poorer than the rest as well.
>Nordcuck countries at the bottom
Hilarious. They brag about their "wealth" but forget that their money goes towards helping niggers and sandniggers leech their welfare system.
>Spics immigrated into the US and the "White" American will be a shitskin.
>the future