Eurasian alliance when?
Eurasian alliance when?
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Not European so you don't count
Asian cultures are fine as they are, let them build their countries up alone and in peace
>White Countries IQ: Dead Center Average
Funny that, especially considering the racial demographics of every "White" country.
White students actually typically test in the 105 range, like Asians. The problem is that in America "white" people include 80 IQ Arabs and other retarded gutter trash from the Middle East.
Asian countries still lack a lot of diversity.
White people are worthless. Asians are smarter and niggers and stronger. What a pointless, shitty race.
When you tell Hiro to bring back (You)
>Balkanised China
Yes please
I like Asian people. Except when I see the people beating the shit out of dogs in a back alley and shitting on the floor and boiling dogs alive and selling sewage oil.
But, I do like Asians and their culture. But what I learned about them scoring higher in tests is that there's really no incentive for Asian schools to stop cheating, since their students will be more successful from better opportunities. Did you guys see that picture posted this last week or so where China lets its students take an exam sitting in an open field in the fog? How are teachers expected to stop cheating when they can't even see their students?
For the most part the heavy focus on work and study ethic in places like Japan is a good thing but it looks like it makes people miserable. If you become successful, great, good for you. But what's the point if you throw yourself off a roof in your first week in an electronics company from being overworked and underappreciated? High suicide rates must correlate somewhat.
I'm not saying Asians aren't smart, I'm saying a lot of bullshitting is going on when it comes to testing.
cheating thing is a meme
If cheating was so accepted then our scores would be in the 180 range
I'm seriously worried for you if your IQ is 105
>that GrossRussianium
white and based
Am I not white for having a 97 IQ?
> a fucking leaf
Yours is 80 though, maybe you should worry about yourself
Asia has a shame based culture. If you do something underhanded and get away with it, it's fine.
That's a cultural difference between the East and West. I'm not saying it doesn't happen in the West but it's much more acceptable in the East.
No, mine is 131, my country's average is 80.
>mfw a country who was actually retarded enough to elect someone like Obama criticises some other person on their IQ.
You should do a calculation. Given the size of your population and your average IQ, there must still be millions of people in India who are as smart as the white average. If you're good with math, do it.
Yes I agree with this. Asians aren't as honest.
Also regarding work ethic and studying hard. Don't let (((them))) in to your country, your future is at risk. Whites used to have prestigious educational institutions and we used to learn latin and a bunch of languages at school, now we're taking faggot classes, feel classes, gender classes and a bunch of other useless and confusing garbage. They've also extended the legal requirement to stay in school to 18, all to coincide with (((their))) push to indoctrinate kids with LBTQ racemixing garbage. And now blacks with IQs lower than animals are being thrown through ivy league schools and coming out the other side with a smug entitlement and thinking they are literal Egyptian royalty. There is no longer any prestige in western education
I don't think Asians would appreciate it happening to them. And Asians get preferential treatment since they are minorities. If you want to take over the world make your own prestigious institutions and go to those instead of the ones in the west. Hold yourselves to better standards and hold examinations in more monitored situations. Reward achievement and improvement/development more than cheating.
>mfw a country who needs a mascot to stop people from shitting on the streets criticizes anyone at all, for any reason.
You must be English teacher.
North Indians are actually pretty civilised and light, almost persian.
South indians are much darker and less civilised.
>Trusting China
payback time
Arabs are literally only 1% of the population of whites in America and most are descendants of Maronites, who are descended from Crusaders and therefore white
Keep making excuses for sucking, cletus
Italian IQ is 112
I should have known it'd be you old friend.
We drink all your blood.
> -112
Doesn't belong on the scale you fucking amoeba.
the eternal anglo strikes again
I've read somewhere a while ago that the Chinese IQ results that they (their most trustworthy government) give are only from the people of Shanghai.
It's odd that China has such a high IQ average despite being more illiterate than most of Europe and North America.
Was just a typo
The only asian results I trust from that map are probably Taiwanese and Japanese. Maybe Korean. Otherwise, there is a huge culture of deception, and any IQ results are probably faked to make them appear superior.
Most of Asia has no real innovation though, it's just the ability to store information in the brain that is already known and then regurgitated back up with precision.
Real in depth knowledge of a field is something they lack, look at tests, they all cheat (well most of them do). Because they can store the answers in their heads. But you put them on the spot, to come up with the solution via thinking and applying what they know?
Most of them won't be able to do it. It's quite sad because it distorts raw data from the ground about how intelligent they really are. I don't think they're that smart, they're just good at remembering, trained by the state to do these things.
Trash them.
Asians are actually worse than africans in IQ, they just publish the superior schools in beijing.
what the fuck do you expect from commies? do you seriously believe they have above average IQ overall?
nice meme.
>Asians are actually worse than africans in IQ
Must be a lot of Jews in Canada. Will stay away.
They have
Off top they invented cool drones like dji phantom and the hoverboard
China number 25 on the innovation index.
Which would make it obvious that it's cheating. You have to cheat, but not too much.
>Ignores 12% African American population
Nice try.
Am Asian-American, can confirm Asians are smart but just can't into balancing hard work and having a life. They work too hard to the point that their work often becomes mediocre because of how much they're suffering.
That's not because of their genetics though, that's one of our culture-based things. And no, most don't cheat, at least not the Japanese. Chinese and Koreans, yeah, but cheating is like a mortal sin in Japan. Korea too but people still do it because of pressure, not out of laziness. As for innovation, may I direct you to the entire history of Grorious Nippon?
And even if you disagree, you have to admit us Asians are at least better than niggers.
That asian lives in St. Petersburg. Do you live near her?
I live in Murmansk. Is that considered near?
What would the IQ be lower in Asian countries when they start to accept diversity?
Better we be friends with you than the dumb slavs
So you wanna go full on 1984?
I mean it's happened here but jeez.
Thanks Neanderthal DNA.
only sweden accept diversity.
how was work today at the refugee center anyway?
1984 1984, is it a kind of code of western retards?
>I invent woo woo to fell supperior
>Turkey is brown
I-I've thought you were friends...
thread theme
They probably just try harder because of the "baaa must pass or mom kirr me" mentality
Niggers are faster, but whites are both taller and stronger.
Everyone are better than niggers.
Besides, you were good enough for Hiter so you're good enough for me.
Soon I hope, shitskins can't compete with the white-yellow alliance
I have nothing against japs but fuck china and mongolia
Beet's IQ is way lower than 80 man, bless his soul.
I like how Australia and New Zealand get an 80. Very nice.
Daily reminder that if european countries were 100% white, instead of 80%, we would have an average IQ of 110.
Normie redditfags don't know about Barn Yard and Brave New World
>implying getting away with cheating isn't smart
b-b-but muh rules, MUH HONOR
Fuck off kike
those are iqs of natives
Europeans don't need Asians dude, they're pretty much just as smart and have much larger, stronger bodies. You can tell whites are master race any time you go walking in a multicultural area. The blacks and the whites both stand head and shoulders above every other race on average, but the whites are much more intelligent and successful.
what's wrong with the frontiers in your pic? It's shitty as fuck.
We have always been at war with Eastasia.
>mfw literally everything not american hurts your freedom feels
>still falling for IQ meme
If your a good goy yeah.
> South Indians
> Less civilized
Are you retarded?
Ah good ole'Sarah "the one woman klan" Anderson
That's what the Slavs are.
It's little wonder why they have so many alcoholic, depressed, and degenerate geniuses.
>current year meme
>a leaf
Rare flag, lost brother.
Oceania has always been at war with Eurasia.