We have to be prepared for the worst: Germany may re-elect Merkel in 2017


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North Europe is lost. Forget about them.

Who cares? Fuck Germany

Britain is out of the EU and Trump is president. Not the Anglosphere's problem any more.

Europe will have to deal with her themselves. At least a complete maniac like Merkel makes complete dissolution of the EU more likely.

But a Muslim caliphate in europe is bad for the entire world.

Wouldn't surprise me though. I really hope she wont win again.
There are tons of people that voted for her before but wont do it again after this rapefugee disaster that everyone saw coming.

No it isn't but Germany and Sweden are long past saving at this point.


If Germany and Sweden became Islamic countries it would probably be an improvement, given their current state.

well its good for israel

Israel may even get nuked when Muslims conquer France and Germany.
Then they may unite with Russia and finish off the rest of western world.

>tfw no Hofer
>tfw no afd
>tfw no FN neither

why does our parents did nothing against that ?

fuck Germany, whether re-elected or not, Erdogan is going to unleash hordes of rapefugees on Germacucks anyway. At this point it would be best to just quarantine that shithole.

Ironically coming from the two countries that are objectivly (and not subjectivly according to made up pol memes) far worse

>reelecting merkel

Mass media wont show it but the general public is fed up with all that refugee crap.
We germans are silent, we take a lot of beating before flipping the fug out. Just u wait, the Reich is cumming. #Merkelmussweg

I hope you're right, refugees have to be kicked out if we want some good ol' franco-prussian war to happen again

Germany is giving money to Turkey for this reason. Unless you have other explanation for the billions of euros sent to him.

Do Germans even get to directly vote for Merkel?

then russia declares war on you because you're evil nazis, just like the ukraine

Lol, Hans please, no one thinks USA is worse than Germany at this point. At least the U.K voted out of the E.U.

You're truly in a league of your own, with Sweden. You guts got a little club going on, "who can be cucked the fastest"

CDU - Center-left
SPD - Left

Lenin's plan failed in the USSR but worked in Germany.

I'd ask for the polls but they're pointless.

The only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.

City people all voted for Hillary.

germany. lol




the most important thing is to elect CDU
no other party is acceptable except CSU which however is exclusive to Bavaria

everything else is either voting for the filthy libs or splitting the right vote like the protestants split the church

International TV either shows Grade A Libtards or Untermenschen when reporting on the State of the German Republic. But the ppl from working class are more and more fed up by this blatantly obvious Propaganda. The official Narrative of german/international Politics is mostly in doubt, you woundt belive how many ppl here are actually quite redpilled once u get to talk to them.
This is mostly because of germans always hearing the tale of the Big Bad Nazi, yet the entire population nowadays doesnt even identify with this generation anymore, yet we have to pay reperations, solidarity taxes, higher Healthcare taxes... There will be an uprising.

Which is Urkel?

>The moment you realize even with the rapefugee crisis Merkel only lost 10% of voters

Germany will destroy Europe again. It's only a matter of time.


Black Is CDU, the party of which Urkel is head of

>merkel is right wing in germany
>merkel allowed rapefugees to flood in
>merkel should be re-elected because she is right wing

You are dumb

Your problem now is jailing people for throwing bacon on mosques and protecting muslim pedophile rapists.

>going to vote at all

u better start preping brother, if merkel gets elected again, even 0815 bürger will storm the streets in protest

germany should make a kraut/pol/ general
and start bashing out memes to help win their election


>Nearly 70 percent of Germans don’t blame German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s open-door refugee policy for the slew of recent terrorist attacks, a recent survey says.


>Christian party

Oh no she didn't use the lord's name on her muslim invasion party

More than likely fake polls to sway opinion. Just like Hillary had 10 point leads in states Trump won.

Nope its actually preferable. It would be an endless fuel source to maintain the populism of the USA and the new USSR

maybe some German guy can "take care" of her if you know what I mean?

Surely you have one German with enough testicular fortitude left

He isn't, that is a legitimate problem in Germany.
A large number of germans are so brainwashed that they will vote literal commies and greens.

AfD is gaining the most votes from Merkel's party and it is quite possible that the left coalition takes over.
Germany is completely fucked and it's all your country's fault, you brainwashed them completely.

yeah since the 70s this "Christian" Banner of the party loses more and more meaning, the CSU (christian social union) is the original mindset of the CDU, but the party is only exclusive to one State of germany (bavaria),
>bavarians actually doing the RIGHT thing for once. i wish i was at my alm hütte

We need Putin to Shoah the Germcucks, tbf.


>democratically elected
literally the future they chose.


Most of Germany is hopeless. My pipe dream is independence for Sachsen.

20% of them will vote the AfD, the rest are cuckservatives who will vote for Merkel.

All parties in Germany are center-left or left. AfD is the only slightly less leftist party you have and they are not getting elected anywhere.

why, Putin is very much in love with gud ol germaneigh, he even encourages speaking german in russian/german meetings because of his year long past living in germany as an agent.
Putin wants germany on his side, and with merkel out of the picture we could finaly honor our broken treaties again.

No shit.

Fucking CDU shill.
Vote AfD.

>implying it's not inevitable

but user u gotta admit 20% for a newly formed party is a bretty strong sign for the mismut of the german population


Yeah what said... Putin is a Germanboo... he lived here... then when he started in Russia he held a speech in German at the Bundestag and the people loved it.. then the media did a smear campaign but that's another story..

unless we vote for afd , every vote will go to the next koalation under merkel

also our old chancellor schröder is quite literally best friends with putin

mittagspause, wie?

Arbeite von zuhause

>Tfw America is controlling our media which controls the minds of our people, while still being occupied by them and get blamed for what our retarded population votes. Yet they still endorse nazi culture and want this country to live again like it used to be.

Germany is basically California. Is that what (((Americans))) wanted all along? Why won't they overthrow our government like they did with other nations elsewhere? Only a coup can safe us at this stage.


this is what we get for our wirtschaftswunder where the us pumped up our economy till we took over under their rule

not "maybe"...
It WILL happen, you will see..unfortunately. :|

Yeah, maybe Merkel will be reelected. Problably she will. That's the reason we will fight this 2017 meme war with all the passion in our hearts.

no way she gets reelected, right? you guys aren't suicidal are you?

How can I say "At least our inflation is low'' in german?

not me, but the most of us are cucked.
Not as hard as sweden, but yeah...srsly, dont believe in AfD Petry winning or some sh*t..
I think AfD will get 15 or at the highest 20% votes (15% is realistic), Merkel & Co. will be reelected...you will see. Its a shame, but it`s the reality here.. :|


its like saying "TRUMP will win" at the beginning of 2016. you cant say for sure how this election will work out and if germany gets even more (((((((culturaly enriched)))))) till then.

nice doubles, they tell the truth, praise kek

Das ist nicht Amerika, Hans. Doch aufgeben werden wir nicht.

Europe won't survive another round of Merkel or Schulz.

>implying this is bad

more happenings incoming

Fuck Germans

I hope Trump will save us.

Only Allah can save you now.

Mashallah ackbar!

I'm surprised she hasn't been assassinated desu

>Europe won't survive another round of Merkel or Schulz.
>The moment you realize Lenin wrote 100 years ago that Germany shouldn't exist


You could have prevented this! YOU SHOULD HAVE LISTENED TO MAGGIE!!!!


"Wenigstens haben wir ne niedrige Inflation."

Thank you

Trump will save us.

And therefore he will be the first American president for decades who fought a necessarily war, which means, he will be going into the history book as greatest man ever walked on earth.

being on an island gives one a fake feeling of security, perhaps you should ask some of the greek islanders what's their opinion on the subject now. just being out of eu doesn't make you immune to european threats.

Rip Germany

as a Sup Forumstard i support the UK referendum, as a german i support the UK 2 because fuck INSELAFFEN!
They will have to work overtime now to get all those firms back that are turning their back on the UK. most of those Firms migrate to Germany/Frankfurt am Main , so thanks for that UK bro.

Everything about EU is Christian made, since early politicians of EU were all running away from Nazis/Communists and were friends of Roman Catholic monarchy.
>picture related creator of EU, NATO and purposed common banking of EU
>Roman Catholic

>promoting the sedation of a masterrace
i think ur on the wrong board there buddy

>Forcing me to checkwitness my own post


they don't express their true feelings/opinion because they will literally get locked up for it.

Germany is a police state as bad as North Korea.


Really? Because we've been pretty shielded from a lot of the ficki ficki that's been coming into Europe. Sure we have a handful of token examples blasted in the media. But really? You think that our little moat does nothing?

That's cute, we'll see where the next attack happens. France, Belgium or Germany. Those are the prime targets due to accessibility and convenience for all the smelly turds that were allowed in by Mama Merkel.

She really does need to just fucking die, I pity the Germans for having that disgusting flabby cunt as a leader. If you can even call her a leader, she seems more of a "I'll nod my head to whatever is popular at the time". Cowardly if you will.

Plz clap

>may re-elect Merkel in 2017

it's pretty much guaranteed

Fucking disgusting propaganda bullshit, I want to see these people hang.

The guy i posted first worked for refugee during Nazi times, he was saved from concentration camp by a German (((lawyer))).

You aint tricking me again with that .gif you evil demon.

libtard teacher forced them to rally and they gladly accepted because it means math in the 5th and 6th schoolhour is cancled


Holy shit!

bretty goob

It's difficult to get rid of a chancellor when you don't just have two options.
The options we have are center left (what should be center right cdu), lobbyist left (what should have been center left spd), commie left, pedo hippie left, libtards and then there's AfD. That makes it difficult for parties to get the majority of the votes, so there's usually a coalition and with all parties leaning to the left it's easy to exclude the AfD. Some people might also be afraid of a red red green coalition, "center left", far left, pedo hippie left with (((Martin Schulz))) as chancellor, so they decide to vote CDU, because that increases the chances of a big coalition, CDU+SPD, again with Merkel as chancellor. Even if AfD somehow got enough votes to make any other coalition but CDU+AfD possible, which they don't want, Merkel would still be chancellor.

>Caring about what Hans and Franz are doing

Fuck em.
They're a lost cause.
I dare say Canada has more hope than they do.

>yeah we don't have attacks
>Pakistani rape gangs gangbanging thousands of English minors