Yes! Mesas and basalt columns are actually ancient treestumps. Most religious and historical texts acknowledge a time when things were a lot bigger as well. Except Maybe not in our Rockefeller education system.

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I swear Sup Forums is home to the dumbest people on this entire site. Even /x/ laughs at your stupidity

>acknowledging trees used to be bigger than they are now is /x/ tier

you're just being retarded

so what happened to those big ass trees?

I have a degree in geology and you're fucking retarded if you believe this picture. Triggered.

The jews happened, Crest toothpaste.


Degree in rockefeller indoctrines? Nice leaf

>trees out of rock taller than modern structures made of steel and concrete

Same. This and the flat-earth threads need to fuck off to /x/ and stay there.

>trees used to be bigger
Okay, show me those dozens of massive prehistoric tree stumps all over the world then. Oh wait, what if Devil's Tower is the stump of Yggdrassil? Holy shit!

And to clarify, I don't mean actual agreed-on tree stumps but "mesas and basalt columns"

Mesas and basalt columns are ancient tree stumps

The climate change deniers are just as bad desu

Well pagans believed in World Trees.

Climate change is not caused by carbon you gullible retard. It's caused by GEOENGINEERING, chemtrails + GWEN towers + HAARP.

i don't think people realize the immense change the earth has gone through in the billions of years it's been around giant trees is literally the entry level of the weird shit that used to and still does exist

Where is the rest of the tree then?

Dinosaur jews cut it down, obviously


When will the jews have enough!!!!!!

Oh I get it
These trees were giant spaceships and the best dinosaurs used them to leave the planet after a meteorite strike.

is that teldrassil?

I should probably invent an "education system" of my own and feed gullible retards with crystal hippie tier -disinformation in some kind of secret schooling meetings (hundred euros per hour)

I'm very bad at actual working and doing something with my hands, but i'm a good speaker and solid liar and i'm 50% serious with this. Should I start my own crystal third eye therapy for delusional old ladies?

Only as long as you include some lecture about encouraging them to an hero without hurting their unretarded vicinity

Queens dead

Sneak some redpills into your learnings.

I always wanted to start my own cult and fuck all the hotties as their guru..