Sup Forumslack applies for a job at chick-fil-a

>A 25-year-old autistic man in Illinois is suing a local Chick-fil-A restaurant, and the fast-food chain’s parent company, Chick-fil-A Inc., claiming he was denied a job solely because of his disability.

>James Kwon of Orland Park, Ill., claims the branch manager at his town’s Chick-fil-A told his job coach that “Chick-fil-A was not interested in hiring people with disabilities” and “people with disabilities would not be able to succeed at Chick-fil-A,” according to the lawsuit filed Dec. 23 in U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois Eastern Division.

Come on now, hands up, which one of you full on Autists is this?

Other urls found in this thread:

this guy is a genius
>do retarded shit like carrying an anime pillow around
>get official autism diagnosis
>apply for jobs, get discriminated
>sue and get millions in damages

It was me, ok...

You have all the right in the world to hire anybody you want.
Laws that prohibit "discrimination" are exploitable as hell.

>Checks flag
Of course a criminal non state trying to create a criminal superstate would know how to abuse laws to their advantage.

Though I am surprised that a shart in mart figured this out.

What is with autists and "job coaches"? This other autist I know needed to hire one too. I am disgustingly autistic and I got a job on my own so I don't get it.

I smell a Johnny Knoxville movie in the making.

>Poland is thinking it can into making delicious chicken products

The only good thing you are good at is keeping kebabs out of your country, stick to what you are good at!


Kebab is a part Polish cuisine.

Best friend is legit autismo and he's a fucking master electrician.. still can't live on his own though at age 31.

I worked at a call center and they had this lardo tranny with a life coach. Literally a fat dude with patchy beard and zits in a dress. Deeper voice than James earl Jones.

Couldn't get something as basic as keeping his schedule because he'd play the arcade game we had in our break room. Once his handler tried to gently remind him to get back to his desk and he tarded out and started kicking and head butting the machine.

We all started laughing at him and he ran away into the parking lot screaming about transphobia.

Best day at that miserable job.

Mfw no kebab stand within 200 miles.

sounds like the origin story of a autistic super hero "electderp man"

Well I also have severe autism but luckily in the UK I get £75 per week and a 1 bedroom flat for free which means I am quite okay

Put your trip on yktd

Get a gyro, same thing. Taziki sauce is superior to kebab semen sauce anyway.

Jahans, you need to release more videos.

Kek. And, with his amputee vet nigger boyfriend as a sidekick that could be a good manga..

>with his amputee vet nigger boyfriend as a sidekick that could be a good manga

make it a brown loli and set it in japan and we just pitched a bestseller

They provide most christmas goose (think of German turkey) to us

>Thinks Chicken/Turkey/Goose all come from the same Genus

Chicken genus Junglefowl (Not even kidding)
Goose genus Branta
Turkey genus Periplaneta

German "education" at its finest.

I've gotten rejected from fast food job for being disabled before. I'm a hard worker though so it wasn't even a good decision.

Never went to court about it because I don't want it on the public record that I'm an autismo and I'm litigious. That's a good way to not be able to ever be able to be hired for a good job...

Don't see a problem with a disabled guy taking advantage of the laws as they are written though. Sounds like they're just trying to do an honest days work, people won't give them a chance, and Chick Fil A is stupid enough to say that's why they're not giving him a chance.

A shame what being surrounded by deathly animals does to you. He meant it in a cultural way aussie. btw, have you seen your baby lately?

Yep, my wifes son is being taken care of by the local emu overlord.

Also the wildlife isn't so dangerous now that we pay our protection money to the local cassowary gangs.

How goes being the equivalent of Germany's red headed step child?

This can't be real surely

Austria is a great hosts. They pay for me and my family back home and I can mate in the open with any female I see. don't have to work, no secrete police throwing me in jail for praising the one and most of my friends from the war are also here. Next year we become officially Austrians and our families will come too inschallah brother.

I've been rejected from fast food jobs for being over qualified.
> you'll just leave when a better job opens up.
WELL NO FUCKING SHIT anyone would..

Oh real as hell and my description doesn't do it justice. He would tard out on the phone so they just assigned him the coveted email duty we all wanted.

Another time he was apparently jerking it in the women's bathroom. When done women protested him using their bathroom we all had to do sensitivity training. And the ironic thing was some of the women who complained were Uber dykes.

It was these experiences that turned me from a centrist to supporting right wing causes. I honestly sat there one day while witnessing this tard tarding out with extra tard tard sauce and thought "you know, maybe the nazid were on to something gassing retards..."

I got told not to come back to a call centre in like 2007 after less than a week because they detected I was socially awkward/ wasn't really socialising like all the other fake people there. I was still in highschool at the time so I didn't really care but thinking back on it it really was unfair dismissal. Yet that thing you described can secure and hold a job. Rustles my jimmies.

I'm sure the majority of Sup Forums users hate the disabled so I don't see how this is relevant to us.


I worked at Tendies Fil A for 6 years and I'm pretty autistic, you'd have to be a retard to not be able to do the job desu. They treat their employees pretty well.

Did this happen in California? Please tell me it did.

It was a vacation rental company in Austin Texas that bent over backwards for sjw shit. I know how you feel. That thing was occupying a position someone else could have worked.

Eventually he was let go but they gave him 3 years pay to avoid a lawsuit. It infuriated all of us.

No, cali lite aka Austin texas.

>“Chick-fil-A was not interested in hiring people with disabilities” and “people with disabilities would not be able to succeed at Chick-fil-A,” according to the lawsuit filed Dec. 23 in U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois Eastern Division.

no businessman would ever say that

Most people sell their dignity and don't get a million dollars.

The Cockroaches will flock like flies when they hear about this. Remove those Kebab attractors at once Poland.

>Orland Park

Kek I live there

Never thought I'd see this place end up on the news

This, it pretty blatantly violates a well-known law that anyone who has to hire people is more than aware of.

Kek, that explains it all. Fucking hippies. Have a buddy that loves in Kyle. San Marcos and Wimberly are based.

>Northern District of Illinois Eastern Division

Yeah Basically Chicago the most cucked city on the Planet. Over 700 Murders this year Mayor calls it a "sanctuary city"...

Is that like a rich suburb of Chicago or a business park type town because I constantly ship packages there to sales reps.

Yeah I live in south side so the influx of hipsters is getting annoying. What is it with those faggy bike rides they go on. Like literally dozens of them riding and shouting like fagtards.

I got fired from a call center for being a straight white male with a girlfriend.

>entire staff is single-mothers, mostly black
>every last one had a life in shambles
>multiple baby-daddies who never paid child support
>whole spectrum of addictions from meth to soap operas
>all of them fat and we could eat at our desks, so they all did nonstop
>every problem ever was someone else's fault
>they all want their claws in me thinking I'm the next betabucks provider for their crotchspawn
>they pour on the sluttiness when I mention girlfriend
>outright harassment and molesting when I resist, grabbing my cock "don't be shy boy" type shit
>once they realize I'm loyal to a hot, fit, childless woman out comes the cunty side
>get blamed for anything and everything
>even management turns against me
>3 bitter cat ladies in HR, fired soon after

Taught me a lot, since this was 10 years ago before all the white-hate shenanigans.

Very rich suburb with a huge, huge strip mall that consists of street after street of nothing but commercial businesses

Sounds about right. I had this one fatty niggress try to get me to go to her place to play "video games".

She looked like precious with a pug face.

fuck i would impregnate that in a heart beat.

"I have never been to Chicago" the post

Well that explains it then

Don't be surprised when the bosses nephew gets hired for that cush job opening. Or a referral from one of the key employees is whisked in to fill the job opening. Nepotism is real and safer bet than posting on monster or some shit and getting flooded with a bunch of weirdo applicants. It really is about who you know, not what you know. If you have a friend or relative vouch for you and tell mgmt you're not a total tard, you have won half the battle in getting hired. Large companies have an HR paperwork nightmare when they decline to hire someone, and even then they will get sued.

Get out there and network. Farm your friends and family network to see if they can get you hired at your company.

I don't blame companies for using nepotism when the alternative is being sued into oblivion by a gaggle of autistic trannies with no people skills.

I work in a call center now. I hate it, but I've mastered the art of saying "oh, you don't know the basics of your own job, so you're calling me for help?" Without getting yelled at.

The roasties here are atrocious. Either single mothers, some level of fucked up, total sluts, old and dried up, or literally over 300 pounds. Fucking disgusting. Every day I think to myself if the Nazis were onto something with eugenics and gassing the degenerates.

Then there's the kind that get hired just for benefits. Always negresses, always 9 months pregnant, then you never see them again because they get maternity a few weeks after being hired. Boils my blood.

Lol I know the feel bro. The ironic thing was the money was decent and the benefits were awesome. The people were the problem.