Other urls found in this thread:
She's perfectly healthy, no need to worry.
Post more qt queen
She wont die for another 10 years
It better be true man, i dont want charles to ruin monarchy for everyone
31 months?
>caring about the queen
saged and reported, faggot. the queen will live for another 15 years
>Being Jewish
t. jew
Bye bye Betty.
Fuck off shes not dying.
she will be fine
Any developments
I havent heard anythign but seeing as how old sick people dont last long... At least kill charles first kek pls.
>this thread again
She better be fucking dead soon.
These threads have been non stop since the John Kerry speech.
Needs to be some permabans introduced for the spamming of these threads. Getting a little bit annoying now, she was supposed to be dead at 9am UK time, it's now 1pm UK time, she's fine.
Give it a rest Sup Forums, you're not getting your way this time, go pray for Hillary to die or someone else.
The board has been infested with Putin shills for at least two years now.
They arent going away, sadly.
A closed mind is a closed heart. You don't have to accept everything, But don't just dismiss it either.
Have any links to threads about John Kerry speech? I've been away from Sup Forums and the internet for the past week and know nothing about his speech.
Average life expectancy of UK female is ~ 81,50 years. She should be dead.
There is no 31st month, retard
Don't they have education in your 3rd world shithole?