Why are the French so autistic?


Define "French".

I went to France.

Nothing but Cafe's and fields.

They are fucking retarded. Can't fight a goddamn war without needing Britain or America. They can't even have their own revolution without fucking up. They should've been snuffed out a long time ago, useless shits.

>Can't fight a goddamn war without needing Britain or America.
Yeah, that's not like you won your goddamn Independence War without needing our help.

You got fucked by Germany twice and needed us to save you :( probably gonna need us again soon

Here we go again

You're proving OPs point you silly baguettenigger

>stinky anglos still jelly they're stuck on a cold grey rainy island filled with nothing but sheep and drunks
Will they ever grow up? It's been over 900 years lol

I'm sorry but your country just sucks :( the stereotype that French people smell bad is true as well

Met a Frenchman in a Swedish sauna once. It was the most awkward moment of my life.

better that than being a degenerate or a lib

such an empty accusation



Why I am not surprised that brit made such thread?

Hairy women, fags and niggers from Senegal

Thank god you saved them from dose terrrible NATZEEEES,if not for your liberation today they would be speaking German... Thankfully in 30 years time they will be speaking Arabic gud blezz demokrasi

The Normans were of Scandinavian descent.

"Lafayette, nous voila" were chanted by the GIs. USA considered it payback for France helping them 200 years ago.

We friends bro.

Ignore him, you're our greatest and oldest ally. All true Americans know that.

Sitting with man while your naked and sweating in a room together is awkward


With a*

>not israel

It's much better with a few ladies

Nous sommes amis mon petit rosbeef

Such a great historical fact. US propaganda framed entering into WWI as "paying back Lafayette" so when general John J Pershing went to Paris, he personally visited Lafayette's Tomb and greeted him with "Lafyette, nous volia"

In America, we take care of our friends.

Dude, a small band of Scandinavian raiders were invited to settle in a region henceforth called Normandie. We're talking at most a few thousands of people. Estimates go as low as a few hundreds. They immediately intermarried with locals, quickly adopted French culture, converted to Christianity.

Their descendents almost two hundred years later had NOTHING in common with Scandinavia, except maybe a few percentages of DNA.