What does Sup Forums think about Vaping and e-cigs in general?

What does Sup Forums think about Vaping and e-cigs in general?

I personally think they are an healthy alternative to tobacco and a good way to get nicotine.

Nicotine itself is not dangerous and it's actually an anti-anxiety, anti-depressive substance.

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>Nicotine itself is not dangerous and it's actually an anti-anxiety, anti-depressive substance.

Not when you dont have it

I take hallucinogens on the weekends. Vaping is fun to do and fun to watch. I compare it to hookah.

Smoked a pack+ a day for 20 years on so. Switched to vaping Sept 2014 and have gone from 18mg nicotine down to 4mg since.

It ain't perfect but it helped me kick the cancer stick..

I suffer from anxiety and panic attacks because of my OCD. I take medications for it and ever since I started vaping at low concentrations of nic (3mg) I started to feel much better. I can do better at work and be able to have a more productive life.

I personally think vaping is the future while smoking is the past. Smoking to get nicotine is such a dangerous way to do so. Smoking has so many chemicals and additives that Big Tobacco companies ad that it's pretty much a cancer stick.

Which mod do you guys run? I'm running an Alien Mod with a TFV8 for those big clouds.

I keep it simple. Kangertech CUPTI2 for home and a NEBOX for out and about. I like the built in 5 and 10 mil tanks.

I also have the Baby Beast that came with the Alien.

That thing is great for portable vaping. You can make big clouds and wont use much power in doing so. Perfect for chain vaping.

Smoking anything is pure degeneracy. Smokers are worse than heroin junkies, they can't handle living half an hour without shaking for their next fix. Into the fucking oven it goes.

I'm not sure exactly. I bought it used from a friend.

The mod looks like a brick, has Bluetooth + a cellphone app. I know it has an atomizer.

This is what my friend said it was, I don't know what any of this means:

Smok tfv4 quad coil deck rebuildable rta

Smoking is quite bad I fear that as more people vape big tobacco will push for more draconian regulations on vaping.

This is a joke, right?

It's been keeping me off cigarettes for several years now. I hate seeing kids trying to fuck it up it public though, they'll probably get it banned and then I'll have to go back to cigarettes.

Smok is the company.

TFV4 is your atomizer tank.

It can run premade coils or use a rebuild able rta which you can modify to your liking.

Premade coils are good if you want to keep things simple, RTAs are better if you want to lower costs but need maintenance.

>man you guys have a common interest, what losers.

I agree that kids shouldnt be vaping, just like they shouldn't be doing cigs, weed or alcohol.

I'd rather see kids vape than smoke desu senpai.

True but I also not a fan of kids taking excessive medications.

I could allow kids vaping if they use 0mg nic juice.

Vaping/E-cigs are a dirty disgusting habit and the jury is still out on if they give you cancer.

>but at least you don't smoke

Yeah big tobacco is going to crush down hard on the whole "underage kids vape". Which will drive the cost way up if nothing else. Been going in with a bud at work buying bulk vg, pg, nic and flavor. Probably spend about $10 a week now which is fucking sweet compared to the 50+ I was paying for cigs.

>but at least you don't smoke

Well... Yeah.

I'll stick to cigars like a REAL MAN. You don't even inhale.

Jury is not out on anything.

Vape Juice does not have carcinogens unlike cigarettes.

There's much more benefits over vaping than smoking, is not comparable out all.

Enjoy your throat cancer.

My only quarrel about vaping is that it's still a relatively new thing. There hasn't been a lot of research into the long term effects of inhaling the FDA approved chemicals. I'll still do it, but I've also been taking hallucinogens every weekend for months now.

I completely agree with you on medicating children. I think that's why our youth is so dysfunctional. They get told that a drug is the same thing as medicine, and they develop a psychological dependence along with whatever chemical dependence / addiction that may come with.

popcorn lung kids with a chest full of chinese gutter oil and the toxic/carcinogenic metal fumes wisping off the hot coil

At least don't vape in public, because instead of looking like a hip and cool person you usually come off as a try hard cunt, especially if you vape your shit clouds in front of everybody on a busy street

I'm on the Alien too but running baby beast. Pretty sweet mod after I've been running a TFV4 on a kanger 200w for ages

Yeah, and when you take LSD-25 your brain bleeds or some shit. Or you can only take LSD-25 6 times, 7 times and you're legally insane.

i want to switch to e-cigs but i found that it was harder to breathe after vaping, i figure it's the liquid
what kind of liquid should i be using?

It's shit. But regular cigs are way fucking worse. So if you really need to smoke something then vape.

PhD of Erowid studies here checked

You know we have diacetyl free juices now right...

Also there's a lot of way not to buy from Chinese manufacturers... Vaping pretty much gives some more business power to small businesses as compared to just huge tobacco companies.

Make the conversion from the Jew stick

Still dumb but significantly less dumb than inhaling burning tabaco your entire life.

You only have the smoke in your mouth and at worst you experience some second hand smoke. It's worth it for a good smoke.

Also, vaping is gonna cause health problems just like any other chemical. You aren't supposed to breath anything except air and super oxygenated water.

What are you vaping on right now, Sup Forums?

Pic related

>tfw down to my last 10 mL of my fav juice
>tfw new bottle won't be here til Tuesday

Uh... I vape a lot I breathe a lot clearer than when i was smoking (no wheezing or rancid taste in my mouth).

A lot of the stories you're seeing online are pretty biased any of the issues like popcorn lung are worth researching a bit because it's not as straight cut as everyone likes to shill.

Get a cheap starter kit from an American site or if you have a Vape shop just go in and tell them any of your concerns and get a starter kit.

People who vape are usually pretty keen to get other people into it who are smokers.

beta way to smoke cigs


>inb4 Snopes

This article is actually thoroughly researched and shows that ciggaretes actually have more diacetyl than diacetyl juices. And even then most juices removed diacetyl from their juices.

Why do you care what little Jemalius Petain III puts in his lungs

been vaping since '08 - fuck things have changed since then... kept me off the cigajew...

Doesn't matter anyway. I only vape one day a week. I'm not addicted to nicotine. I don't plan on getting addicted, and I only vape for the clouds.

They're a great tool for getting off the cancer sticks.

I don't get the appeal of vaping if you've never smoked before, let alone vaping nicotine if you've never smoked.

Just started or rather I am waiting for mine to arrive in the mail (eta 2 weeks - 1 month, lmao china)

If I love to drink coffee when smoking, would I like coffee flavored juices?

I feel that but if it's the person going to vaping or cigarettes I'd rather they buy a vape...

I think a lot of people go from shisha to vaping imo especially when their friends vape etc etc

Use it to stop smoking and not for fag replacement like I did (cause it cost way fucking less). I felt worse and I'm glad I threw everything to the trash

Reminder to avoid dairy based flavors if you want to avoid the popcorn lung. Creamy, buttery, cerealy, all bad.

As long as people are aware that vaping is harmful, I have no problem with it. I'd rather have every smoker vaping than smell cig smoke all the time.

I vape savory juices pretty much exclusively (coffee, cake, caramel) they go real well with coffee.

Coffee juices and an actual coffee is fucking great

>I don't get the appeal of vaping if you've never smoked before

What's there not to understand? It's in all the vines, social media sites, music videos, songs, movies that include partying; for most teens it looks cool, especially the big clouds you can make, and of course the taste and the smoke actually doesn't stink

They are healthier and not nearly as foul smelling as tobacco.
However, they have an image problem. Literally the only people I ever see vaping are actually wearing Trilby (Fedora) hats. And the industry won't be allowed to correct this image problem as all smoking advertising is banned, even for vaping.

Best way to find out is to find a shop selling it and ask to try.

Post pics when the Chinese battery explodes

>tfw you're told by your freakin' doctor to not stop smoking because you're too unstable to miss the nicotine.

Yay, I guess?

As someone whose father smoked, I am anti smoking. It's just unpleasant, gross and it smells bad.

That being said, there truly is nothing wrong with using those appliances in order to quit tobacco altogether. Since continued smoking is an addiction, quitting cold turkey might be very hard, so it's okay to get your nicotine fix elsewhere.

Pic just to catch your attention.

nice, thanks

i'll do that.

how hard is it to make your own juice?

chinese dont ship batteries, just the kit itself + accessories

This desu, what the fuck were you thinking

>shilling this hard

where do I start?
first of all, remember that back in the 70's smoking was good, healthy and ok for the entire family, even little Billy. I see the same shit happening to vaping today. Even if you use fluids with no nicotine in them, inhaling hot smoke is ALWAYS bad for your lungs. Not to mention how some vapers just like to explode.

>Nicotine itself is not dangerous and it's actually an anti-anxiety, anti-depressive substance.
Nicotine is hella addictive, which makes it dangerous by itself, no matter what good attributes it has

I actually can't believe the kind of posts that are in this thread though I thought Sup Forums would be so anti-vaping...

Good feels

Well making big clouds is fun as hell and the flavors are awesome.

Coffee flavors can be really hit or miss, so make sure you read reviews on the juice you try before buying. I found that coffee juices with a "latte" or "chai" type flavor tend to be the most well-received, but just do your research first.

Personally I find that breakfast cereal vapes (froot loops aside - they all taste kinda the same) and pastry/doughnut vapes go the best with a cup of coffee.

>how hard is it to make your own juice?

Pretty easy.
Get a base.
Get concentrated flavor.
Mix with with appropriate dosage.
Wait a few days.

It's also cheap as fuck.

The batteries only explode when dumbasses short them by throwing them in a pocket/purse with loose change or keys. If the battery is cared for properly (re-wrapped when there's the slightest malformation in the wrap, kept in a silicon/plastic case when not in a mod) then there is no danger.

Smoking separates the cucks from the alphas. Only alphas smoke.

This isn't Sup Forums related take this back to Sup Forums faggot

>I'm not addicted but I do it in a timely basis

ITT faggots who can't give up putting a tube like object between their lips and sucking.

I kept thinking that doughnut flavors would taste disgusting desu.

I see, I guess I need to watch some videos

I think the stigma that comes from vaping stems from the faggots that adopt it and make it their identity instead of just something you do on the side


There are more bad ones than good ones out there, no doubt. I've found that juices that fall under the doughnut/fried dough category are better than anything labeled "doughnut." For example, the few funnel cake and apple fritter flavors I've tried have been fantastic.

>0mg nicotine in my juice.

>Must already be addicted since I do it once a week.

>I only vape one day a week. I'm not addicted to nicotine. I don't plan on getting addicted, and I only vape for the clouds.

>I'm not addicted to nicotine. I don't plan on getting addicted, and I only vape for the clouds.

>I only vape for the clouds.

The fact that our society has made them very popular is enough evidence for me that they are bad for you. When was the last time something healthy was popular here? No research being done on them yet either, another red flag.

It help me quit cigarretes easily when everything el se couldn't.

Suggestions: don't be a clud chaser it gives vaping a bar rep and don't use moda that looks like a box it males you look hipster and stupid and don't use the egos that look slim, those make you look like you have a sign with "I need a dick, now" con it.

Manly option is the ones that are bulk and look like a cuban cigar

Flavors are pretty subjective. Every single vanilla/custard I tried tasted like caramel to me. Also melon and lemon hurt my throat for some reason.
I'd advise you to find a shop and try a variety of flavors to avoid any bad surprises.

Fitbit, "organic" food, home gardening, etc. The world is big user, and (you) only see what (you) want to see.

I do agree with you that it may be unhealthy though. With the lack of evidence it is really hard to tell which is better, smoking or vape. It's definitely not something I would recommend anyone do everyday, but the same goes for drinking alcohol, smoking cigarettes, or eating fast food without exercise.

If I'm thinking back last popular "healthy" thing I've encountered was the yoga explosion. Like back in it's heyday you could be in podunk, Nebraska and there'd still be a yoga studio.

>only ingredients: nicotine, water, flavour
>nicotine is highly addictive, and you can dose down when you switch from cigs, but you can also puff all the time and dose up, so it's individual
>4200 various health damaging substances less than cigs
>but particles in the vapor are less diameter, which means they enter the bloodstream quickly and are "harder" to clean your lungs from

>Ingredients: nicotine, asbestos, radioactive phosphorus, tar, and 4200+ more substances
>extremely pro-inflamatory, pro-oxidative, stressing action, while still having enormous dependence potential
>particles are a bit larger, but considering tar and everything it has, it sticks to the lung tissue and it's actually harder to clean your lungs from
>they also permanently change your gastrointestinal and mouth microbiota, damage teeth, and virtually every single organ, tissue and cell in your body

Summary: both are shit, but cigs are greater shit. E-cigs are also shit, but they are fine as a gateway to abandoning regular cigs if you can control your intake

t. pharmacist-medical biochemist

i think with all the stuff I've seen about the batteries exploding and popcorn lung they will eventually be considered not that much safer than fags

Batteries explosing are because of a shitty charging regulator or somebody discharging the battery too much.

That's an operator error. Cellphones did the same thing years ago for the same reasons; hoverboards as well.

Quit smoking faggot