
I'm considering starting a fascist party in Northern Ireland. I just need a more friendly name than fascist.

Any ideas?

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Is it going to be just Northern Ireland or all of the UK?

The Green Beta Turd McCucking Manlet Party

Name it "Trump inauguration party"
or "Alt right get together"

idependentist party
liberation party

I nearly cut my hand, don't be so edgy.

Ideally it will be a UK wide party but I'm starting it in NI.

Then you need to give it a name that describes the UK, not just Northern Ireland.

That is true. We need a name that fits the whole uk, not just NI

democratie for the UK

This is retarded

Irish Republican Army

Oh wait

Your input has been acknowledged and disregarded.

Irish Solution

Blashist party

Fascism never works?

Are you retarded?




Beautiful Britain Party

Never works? Give me one example.

Hard mode: don't mention a country that was destroyed by unnecessary war.

By all means go ahead we need another excuse to fuck up some potato niggers.

Boaty McBoatface

Antifa Ireland

Bring the identitarian movement to Britain mate.

The Irish Identity Party

Alternative for UK

He said fascist not marxist.

How do you crush the IRA uprising?

Name one that did LOL

Fascism is hubris incarnate. It's the idea that 1 more is strong enough to rule millions. It always kicks them in the dick. Maybe not them, but their lineage for sure.

Humans are fundamentally fucked in the head and until you accept that you will fall into the trap of giving them lots of power.

Federalism is the best system we currently have to combat that.

Don't be a chump and get your loved ones murdered and/or raped for a shit ideology.

Northern My-land

British Identity Party
for uk

*1 man. wtf can't type.

National Union of Irish Catholics then. At least it doesnt sound too fashy to trigger lefties but just enough to trigger britbongs

Remake the BuF, you'll get plenty of press if you come close to ever being elected and chance to explain the virtues of Fascism to the masses. It's something I've being considering, more people would be fash if they knew anything about it

It worked in Spain

What are they against exactly?
British Fascists do not go against the interests of any British citizen, mosley just wants to protect Britain and British people, Fascists do not believe in exploitation or harm to other peoples.

It might turn out that you are correct but I foresee disaster in NI if someone doesn't take a strong stand against degenerates, muslims and marxists.

Fascist is just a general term in this context, I want a society that's like how Franco's Spain was.

anti fake news party

The Patriot Party?
The Liberty Party?

I'll vote for you desu

If you're against British Fascists, quite frankly you're against Britain and British people.

>What are they against exactly?
Not sure what you mean as I agree.

>basque people still exist

I like that. The Patriot party sounds like a good name.

I'll need to think about it, obviously, but that's the best suggestion so far.

brb going to mosley Britain in hoi4.

Op's faggot party

call it OFP

Britain First

But then you will be "literally Hitler!" D:

Weak Australia. I thought you guys were good at criticising things.

European traditionalists

and keep it positive: dont be against gay marriage but for traditional marriage and so on.

National socialist

The Eternal Anglo Party, which ironically could be shortened to TEA Party.

I wanted to be first for tea party.

British People's Party (BPP)


that's it mang.

The Stormcloak Party

Maith thú, a chara.

no it would be shortened to EAP actually

Real advice: take the name of the prominent left-wing party of your country, or something that they call themselves, then slightly modify it and use it as your party name. I don't know enough about Ireland to suggest something. But this will confuse people and give you an inroad. Coopt their language.

Like say you had a party called Democrats. Name yourself the Irish National Democrats or something like that, but mean something completely different by Democrat than what they mean by it.

Pick something extremely bland so you don't stick out and get vilified immediately.

>National Labour Party
>Social Unionist Party
>National Progressives
>National Alliance Party
>Irish Social Movement
>Ulster League

Prejudiced Potato Party

The Lion's

its inclusive for other UK facist groups to be linked to you.

Alternatively, you could have diffrent brenches by incorparating diffrent classical mytholgy beasts in your region as mascot. In irland id assume you'd be the unicorns?

the dead rabbits?


League of Patriots?

And call yourself 'liberal' so much, that people actually believe your philosophically is related to liberalism. Works here.

This is the right choice. Good luck Irish bro. Hell if you get the party started I'll move over there myself.

The friendship party of tolerance and acceptance. Whites only.

Paisley's Poofs has a nice ring to it.

I like this one

Workers' Haven Party

A fellow fashy Ulsterman? How are you doing sir, what part of the country would your party operate in?

Something like "Irish Heritage Party" maybe

> criticising things
simply trying to help

In terms of a name, something to do with unity. That's the idea of fascism right? Setting aside individual differences and uniting the nation as a whole in order to collectively fix society.

>inb4 that sounds like Communism

Yes it does a bit but the key difference is that fascists don't promote class warfare. They see class as an inevitability and actually as a healthy phenomenon in society that shouldn't be fought against.



The League of Extraordinary Irishmen

I would like to be the first to welcome our potato overlords

Four leaf Fists

Whiskey Rods

Leprechaun Legion

Flogging Scotsmen

You could be The Potato Reich or "Those Red-Haired Guys Against Cultural Marxism"

National Association of Zany Irishmen.


Something Irish.

Fenians United or whatever. I don't know all your words.

use the HDNW acronim

or Potato Popular Party

The present parties use Irish names and they're all multiculturalists and Marxists.

>Fenians United
a great way to get bombed by the UDA

the national humanists

Make NI great again.

the eternal anglo knows no rival.

Molly Malone's Children


Stop pussing around the bush and just call it fascist. Even a tiny hint of fascism and you'll get called evil nazi fascist racist and any there names they can come up with. Are you gonna try to keep the fascism a secret or something? Just own it. Call it what it is, faggot

The United Communist League


You can be nazi and be untouchable at one time.

Good place to start.
A club of concerned and connected individuals.
"Fascism" was all about co-ordination of "the group".
There is nothing technically there about authoritarian rule.
You could have a patriotic libertarian type of "fascism" where the populace are owners/producers and actually work together. (Construction companies building housing for students going to technical collages with a built in shop selling locally produced products for example). Rather than the atomization OF society for the benefit of distant profiteers who can't really gauge value (or replace the populace if they hold the wrong values)

Last Hope

>mfw i'm a fascist but also a racist sectarian catholic so i will end up sending money to dumbass republican groups if you accidentally restart the troubles

is the IRA still a thing?