What do you think of Poland?
Do you hate it? for what?
What do you think of Poland?
Other urls found in this thread:
It's a degenerate christian patriarchal hellhole.
>hate muslims
>hate gays
>hate trannies
>hate SJW
>hate niggers
Poland is all right in my book
It is Sweden that is degenerate.
Poland is pretty based.
I wouldn't mind them if it wasn't for their eternal butthurt
What the shit
I like Sup Forumsand. Poles are bros, IMO.
butthurt poles are kinda cute, aren't they?
Lithuanian butthurt is much bigger desu
testing fix for (you)s, pls respond
shameless self reply
some faggot told that fix like that a.quotelink.ql-tracked:after {
content: " (You)";
works but it doesnt
The people are abit cold,rough, and humourless, but overall decent and hardworking. Nice place and alot of qts, but wouldnt want to live there.
Poland is too big for them to be cute when they're tsun-tsun
The balts are cute though when they're mad
>But it doesn't
Wat? Explain, user.
It needs to be liberated.
Poland is great.
No Muslims
No Niggers
No SJW bullshit
Our women think of our feminists as subhuman, 70% population according to stats is against muslim refugees
Any tourists I get here in Warsaw can't get enough of Poland and how redpilled/based it is.
Whole V4 is bunch of based countries, the future saviors of europe and arch-enemies of German Caliphate and Swedish Islamic Republic
yeah, amazing for a large country
Quick to be invaded like France, except they don't produce smelly luxuries.
What does the average Pole think of America?
Do you accept American immigrants?
in Poland there are many things that works but they doesnt
you will not understand, it is a slav thing
thread theme
I used to love perogis.
THEN SEPT 1ST, 1939.
Now, I don't care for them as much...
They are worse than scum.
I like Poles more than most immigrant groups but those forming enclaves still need to go back.
I am ethnically Hungarian so I guess polish are ok, I however do know of a Polish guy that beats his wife.
But maybe he is just a Russian rape baby which explains why he acts like a nigger? Can any pole confirm this?
I love Poland
I wish I was a polish lad and have access to those polish qts. Austrian women suck.
Moved from Lodz to London as a child, pretty much everywhere apart from Warsaw and a few other places is a shithole. I've already decided I never want to go back
Polish people outside of Poland are scum, consider it confirmed
I love you back Hungary
good, you moved from national shithole to international shithole
I'm glad you will never come back
Hey uh I've never been to Poland but do you guys have something similar to Budapest where they clean the streets everyday in Warsaw?
Our allies against PC and muslim cancer.
Krakow seems nice enough
A Slavshit country like Russia or Ukraine.
Was in Krakow last month. Absolutely beautiful. Couldnt get enough Zweic.
you mean beer, Żywiec?
> czterdzjesci i cztery!!!11
scum for other Poles
hell, they are scum for other Poles here too!
Just like my country in mentality, but better in standard of living.
opie nie wiem kim jestes ale wiedz że to forsowanie Polski ostatnio na /pol szanuje cie jak pojebany rób tak dalej xD
>that ID
>just like retard would say browarek
I keked a little
Most of us like America and treat USA as our truly greatest ally. You will be welcome.
Glad to hear. Poland would be one of the countries I'd like to move to if America collapsed.
The future belongs to Slavs. Soon, when EU collapses, union of Slavic countries will rise with Poland as its leader. It will be later called The Slavic Empire. Slavs are beginning to rediscover they true nature and potential. Those, who for centuries have tried to suppress the Slavs, failed miserably.
Can I be a Winged Hussar pls?
you need to be catholic and own a horse
horse needs to be catholic as well
is it true that polish horses also have small dicks?
I believe in Jesus. But I have no Catholic Horse. I'm also Irish, Italian, and German. Will this hurt my chances to be a Winged Hussar?
I always despised Slavs, but yesterday this super cute Pole posted his face in a super gay thread on Sup Forums and now I love Poles :^)
Isn't he adorable?
Hahaha, even Japan know that Sweden sucks ass xDXDXD
BTFO Sweden
Suprime Aryan beauty of Polish soul.
And we love Germany, here is proof
ask your son, Canada, they are experts at the subject of horse dicks
or maybe Sweden or Germany will know something about the matter, they list zoophilia as their hobby
>mixed mongrel
>german in the mix
no way you will become winged hussar unless you will spend 20 years in Poland, speak Polish perfectly, get christened, and drink 10 liters of vodka without being ded
to be fair, sleeping with animals isn't as bad as sleeping with blacks
>to be fair, sleeping with animals isn't as bad as sleeping with blacks
isn't that the same thing?
Pretty cool Slav country that I'd like to visit one day
Being superior is suffering
Based as fuck,
one of my best friends growing up was almost pure polish and he was loud as fuck and always obnoxiously hitting on da qts
He was a great guy.
You know, I've been thinking about moving to Poland after I get that sweet DD214. I've been learning German and Russian for the past year so I think I'll be pretty well prepared to start learning Polish before I make the move.
>inb4 "fuck off we're full"
I have a colllege education, good work experience, and plenty of money in the bank. Starting a new life in a smaller country with traditional moral values sounds pretty ideal to me. What do you think, polebros? Is Poland open to productive white immigrants or am I just wasting my time?
we are not taking tripcode posters
wtf is with the stigma against tripcodes?
>Posts on an anonymous Russian hacking imageboard
>Uses tripcode
Just contradictive, lad.
They are based.
I don't get it either, but I guess it's because it negates the point of being anonymous
Fair enough.
are you retarded?
yes, yes you are
Would Warsaw be nice to hang for a few months?
Or maybe Krakow?
While keeping in mind that I do not speak Polish.
Pretty hot
no no, you should go to Łódź. Its beautiful this time of the year
if you speak english, both cities would be fine. warsaw is faster than krakow. But for few months i would choose warsaw - more to do. if you are over 2/10, you will have a lot of pussies as soon as polish whores recognize you speak french.
Pretty rare flag you got there
>if you speak english, both cities would be fine. warsaw is faster than krakow. But for few months i would choose warsaw - more to do. if you are over 2/10, you will have a lot of pussies as soon as polish whores recognize you speak something other than polish
t. has been to bolan for a week
I con't care much for whore pussy, but thanks.
So can I come to Poland. My mom and her side of her family are 100% Polish. I've been baptized and I'm already an alcoholic.
I just want to be a Winged Hussar. Pls.
>Kartex2312 days ago
Pierdolone pedały do gazu kurwa!
>I've been baptized and I'm already an alcoholic.
lmao nice
>I've been baptized and I'm already an alcoholic
Made me laugh.
But with that, they should give you at least an honorary citizenship.
>Would Warsaw be nice to hang for a few months?
From a tree
You fucking shitskin
a ja mam tego dość. jebane forsownictwo zakompleksionych userów. polska to smrut, a jak jakiś inny zjeb, który nigdy tu nie był powie,
>oh oh polany ok
to wam staje kutanga i zaczynacie wierzyć, że tak jednak nie jest.
Really? So if I become a Polish citizen, I can be a Winged Hussar?
don't worry mate.
Polish qt's love exotic men you should come plenty of pussy.
Do you mind putting some vowels in your words please?
I understand and even encourage your skepticism toward French posters, but let me reassure you, I am white and civilized.
If you can prove one of your parents or grandparents is Polish you can get citizenship and travel EU for free senpai.