Are you proud of your flag, Sup Forums?
Are you proud of your flag, Sup Forums?
It's pretty good. My little Jack tells me where my historical roots are from. I liked being part of The Empire.
of course
yea because its on the majority of other flags too
But of course.
>A legend refers to a mortally wounded chief of a Latvian tribe who was wrapped in a white sheet. The part of the sheet on which he was lying remained white, but the two edges were stained in his blood. During the next battle the bloodstained sheet was used as a flag. According to the legend this time the Latvian warriors were successful and drove the enemy away. Ever since then Latvian tribes have used these colours.
I respect our colonial past, but today is different and there's no benefit from it.
Go ahead, erase your cultural and national heritage just to be progressive.
You're basically a marxist.
Fuck republicans and fuck Zulus. God save the Queen.
It's not about the clothes a girl wears, it's what's underneath that counts
And the Stars inform you of where you now reside. Long live the nations of the Commonwealth.