Could this be the beginning?



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> germany is getting angry again

No stats for arrests given. I feel like they should be trumpeting how many people they've executed for hate crimes.

Maybe the police are too overworked by migrant crime to catch anyone?

I bet 990 of that thousand were refugees attacking their own shelters.

Eh, probably.

>There was an attack to a Mosque in Dresden some months ago. Media said it was right wingers. However the evidence says that it could have been the imam of their own mosque. No injured. No deaths. And the only witnesses are those from the mosque was an arab family. MSM immediately said it was right wing.

>Refugees burn their own camp in Düsseldorf

Nazi guilt is a thing

It's foolish of the Jews to provoke them so much. They might think they are completely defeated and cucked but the Germam mind will efficiently find a solution once they all agree there is a problem to be solved. Prepare yourselves fellow eternal Anglos, the time has come yet again to feast on Aryan blood and tears.

Fucking do it Germany.

>sandnigger attack Germans all over Germany
>better report about attacks on poor dinduuus
>its mostly rapefugees destroying their own camps because they heard they get moved to better conditions when they do it
>also every "terrorists and rapists not welcome here" protest, poster and spraying 100m near a camp counts as an "attack" against the camp

>Could this be the beginning?

Good, I hope they fire up the ovens and toss Merkel in there first.

>despite arrivals slowing down

as if they didnt take too many already

But I want to help those Aryans exterminate muslims

>one news article says Merkel support growing
>other says 1000 attacks on refugees

Which is it?


>passer by gets spit on by nigger in camp
>german looks at big congo nigger in camp with slight disgust

that man just gave me the nazi stare aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

he wants to put me into a camp aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

>press: ebil nazi attacks poor underage refugee from syria


those ovens are in poland tho

>Shitskin living in such homes drawing funny swastikas
Terrorist attack
>Lefty with 250K inheritance burning down cars, attacking cops and being responsible for over 5.5 Million in damage
Free speech
>Bernd thinking about the problems of immigration
Literally Hitler

Somebody end the misery of this ""country""

the beginning? the beginning of what? German retarded people will put Merkel again in power, the beginning of nothing

>German retarded people will put Merkel again in power

she will be in power no matter what because the entire voting system is a joke

i am glad that she will stay in office and wont be able to fuck off now. she will face the consequences of her and her friends actions while in office

probably neither

Come on... do Nazi stuff

Yeah, no. Yesterday if I recall correctly, there was a thread about 68% of germans after the Berlin attack thinking it had nothing to do with the refugee policy or Islam. Just because there are enclaves of defenders all over the country (may God bless them and keep them and their families safe), does not mean you won't see Merkel 4.0 patch going live next year.

>Still trusting (((polls)))

Thread theme:

If you promise to wage war against the US with Mexico to keep them busy not interfering with our OP this time

Yeah we've seen how representative statistics are currently

That's bullshit, the media is spreading lies about racist attacks, fearing retaliations for their sand niggers pets behaviour.
They are literally placing articles/news about that after the ones about the constant sexual assaults and terror attacks now.

Not just Germany.

Few days ago an abandoned swimming pool that was scheduled to be converted into a mosque has burned down.
Of course the authorities are considering the possibility that their relentless pandering has cost them their popular support and that this 'tragedy' is a consequence of their actions.

Well, when in the USA the polls were saying that Trump barely had 1% chance, I knew they were fake because of the huge crowds he attracted and because of the other voting sessions results before the big november race.

I now see polls for Germany, but I do not see anything that would say to me "fuck them, fake shit just like in the USA". That's why I've drawn that conclusion. But hey, I sure hope I'm wrong, why the hell would I wish all of this to continue for you?

Do it Germany!

>some local drunk throws cigarette button towards migrant camp while walking by
>drunk gets jailed for life for being racist
>i-it's happening r-right

No. There is no hope for Germans. Give up. They are dead, Jim.

>Islamic Civil War

>attacks on migrants

>Many attacks were violent and some resulted in deaths of migrants.

If a single shitskin was attacked and killed by a German, we would never hear the end of it.

Fuck these MSM kikes

> tfw this video is not available in your country

are the germans so brainwashed they still believe their media?

reminder that graffiti also counts as an "attack". they also only count for the right so "kill cops" and "fuck deutschland" is just graffiti.

why do you people even still speak german
what's the point of it anymore?

We Dutchmen are, and we don't have the nazi guilt


Why do you even ask that you stupid fuck? You must be some R_Donald cuck that doesn't give a fuck about anything. Fucking kys.

its not only a nazi thing anymore, it's all white people.

americans have been abused by the media for so long that nobody trusts it anymore. left, right, it doesn't matter. you guys probably need a few more decades of abuse before you figure out what's going on.

SJWs like the party called Denk are doing their best to accelerate the awakening. I welcome it. Leftism is a mental illness, and the only treatment is the truth.

>leaders in government who didn't immediately know this would be the result also control nuclear weapons stockpiles and wage proxy wars on other nuclear states

we won't last

It's not only in Germany, media here report those "racist" attacks, without any proofs, video or photos of course.
Meanwhile they rarely speak about rapes and migrants incidents, they do it only when it's something really big, like Rotterdam pedo rings or Cologne NTE mass rape.
You need to read local news from happenings sites to learn about those incidents.

if the fabricated nazi riots in sweden halve taught us anything, cucked governments are wiling to sink to any low to preserve the phobia of nationalism.

>There are people here on Sup Forums who actually have some hope left for Germany, France AND EVEN FUCKING SWEDEN
You know this is fabricated so le evil White Germans feel worse? Merkel will win and nothing will change.