Sup Forums and /k/ btfo

Sup Forums and /k/ btfo

Niggers, Mudslimes, and Jews shouldn't own guns.

>a holier than thou propaganda image
>an argument

It's like you have Trump Derangement Syndrome.

> Guns don't kill people, niggers kill people (and other niggers).
Leave 2A alone and take a hard look at 13A.


>OP is pic related

Democrats kill people, 80% US homicides

>ban democrats

Crime falls by 80% overnight

>Antigun faggots btfo

>mandatory safety classes
is the state gonna pay for them?

>background checks
No you don't, because you can't wait for boatloads of brown hordes to infest your city

>stricter negligence
well they either die or get charged for manslaughter

activists literally go after just guns, they don't care that people die, they only care when they die by guns.

That pic reminded of a true cuckolding story in France of some disabled guy whose wife had an affaire with a dude she met on the internet, then the bull started to install himself at home, they were fucking in the husband's bed, and at the table the bull would take the husband place in front of the children. They would go all together buy cars and shit, well the husband would pay while the wife and the bull were fucking around.
Up until the day when they both killed the husband and hid the body to get his life insurance, and then they pretended he was missing.
The police then discovered the can of worm : not only did the wife fell pregnant with his bull (the whole affair lasted for years), the husband knew it wasn't his but still officially recognized it!

Even worse, the police then found out one of older children looked like an half sandnigger, that's because the wife had another affair before, with a sandnigger and the husband was't told and he recognized the child as well. And to explain why he was brown? The wife said

>he fallen on the ground, he'll get lighter as time passes

Yeah, I shit you not, that whole story is true and there is a TV documentary available on it (not in English unfortunately).
Well why I am wasting my time typing this? Because the west is fucking lost.

But the activists ARE pissed at guns. Why else would they assume they're penis compensators and why would they try to ban rifles when handguns do most of the killings?

I agree. since democrt voters commit the most gun crimes they should be banned from owning guns for the protection of the american people

>"we want to stop bad people, not guns"
>tries to push through "assault weapon" ban for political points instead of reform that would actually do shit.
No, fuck off and take your jewish lies with you.

Dear. God. Man you should make your way to the US. Europa has fallen. We need to pool all the whites into one spot to stave off the armies of Mordor.


>mandatory safety courses
ok, for everybody right?
>more thorough background checks
ok, just get em done quick enough to not infringe
>stricter negligence penalties
then why are you pushing to make gun manufacturers liable for the crimes of others even when they're not negligent?
it is the liberal position to be in favor of the people disarming the government
>why are you so illiberal?

The point is, you don't need a gun for massive casualties. Hell, you could do a lot more damage to a school (or whatever) with a hundred pucks and a few hours at home depot:

1. Chains for the doors (windows are already barred, lol)
2. Bolt cutter for the sprinkler system
3. Spend the rest on paint-thinner and rags to start a huge-ass fire

In one of those aging, overcrowded public schools that's a few hundred kills, easy. And you might actually get away with it too. No gun needed.

>we want to punish people for things they have not done
>because muh evil guns

Hang all progressive soviets.

looks like Utah needs some cultural enrichment

bait thread. move on

>we want

tough shit

>We want limitations on PEOPLE, not guns you stupid Drumpftard
>now let me tell you how dangerous these fully semi-automatic assault rifles can be

CCW training involves safety. Hunters education (which is FREE at least in my state) involves safety. Boy scouts used to involve safety. 4H shooting involves safety. Every range near me makes you watch a safety video if it is your first time there. Once upon a time, most people learned safety from their father/uncle/grandpa.

>more thorough background checks

do they think the FBI is swinging their dick in a windmill fashion? the instant background check service rejects plenty of people. as it is, lying on 4473 is a felony, as is straw purchasing. You cant buy guns with a recent drug conviction (remember the Left often says they want pot convictions to go away??). What more do they want?

>Negligence penalties

this is vague. Improper storage in a vehicle, brandishing, discharging a firearm in city limits, carrying in your car without a CCW, failing to inform an officer you are carrying, and discharging a firearm at a residence or building are already criminal acts.

>activists dont REALLY want your guns

then explain the bans on automatic weapons, regulations of suppressors, short barrel rifles, Cali/NYC gun bans?

they may not want ALL guns (for now) but they do want 95% of them.

>we want mandatory safety courses for people
That's exactly what the NRA does, of course the left demonizes it saying is some kind of death cult where people go and furiously masturbate to pictures of guns, pretty much all "gun nuts" are well informed in gun safety.

>we want more background checks
It has been proven that its niggers or criminals in general in that sense that cause the "accidents", if they know they can't buy a gun legally they'll buy it illegally, i mean drugs are illegal but you think criminals say "WELP OH SHIT LOOKS LIKE ITS ILLEGAL, BETTER NOT DO IT" apparently how liberals believe everyone acts.

>we want stricter negligence penalties in people
There may be an problem there with you libs, you see most shootings or gun related "accidents" are caused by blacks, so you'll legit have to target blacks more than anyone else, and according to libs twister view of the world that would be racist somehow.
Enjoy being a racist according to yourself faggot.

>safety courses
the people suggesting this don't even know how guns work

>thorough background checks
they are

>negligence penalties
you can go to jail if your gun is used in a crime without your knowledge

>pol btfo

>DC maxxed the hell out


The place is like 50% black what do you expect?
The only reason why Michigan ain't over the trillion mark is because only Detroit is 80% black, the rest of the state is white majority and it brings the number down.
If you counted only detroit the number would be ridiculously high kek.

>niggers and muslims are cancerous
>Guns are an amazing leveler of power in humanity making the weak the strong and vice versa, while many outliners of the major population get's uppity and decides to shoot another person, the majority of owners really mind their own property and business peacefully

You can't into-logic if you're going to only use it on certain sub catagories you daft fucking twats. If you're sticking to your logic guns (pun intended you twat), then it must permeate all possible conversations and rhetoric that it would reside over, as logic naturally would. 1+1=2 isn't fucking changed just because you say, "One pencil and another pencil means you have two pencils."

What's it going to be? The right or left get's to make the cake and eat it too?

Personally I believe (like with most things because i'm a centralist cunt), there is a somewhat bearable middle ground. I license verifying compitence of operation before buying a gun and jotting down the serial number of the weapon for 'emergency situations' before sale for record are not bad concepts. But people will always pawn off guns and give them to friends or sell them to a desperate fucking nigger who happens to have cash and it happens to be an extra gun laying around.
(as for my niggers and muslims are cancer rhetoric to start, I still believe yup, you need a happy medium, full psych evaluation before entrance to societies they are not originally apart of, this statement i'll blanket across everyone though because i'm not an unequal cunt and believe there are crazy chinks and white women residing across the planet as well).

Happy? No? Get fucked then. I will still own my gun, and i'll still judge 'Blanket ban' cunts the same way I judge any blanket rhetoric fuck. Like your retarded and can't into greater abstraction of concepts.

>mandatory safety courses

Won't stop anybody crazy or dedicated enough. Also won't stop niggers who get their guns illegally (Chicago).

>thorough background checks

Could help, but won't stop people like Adam Lanza who used his parent's legally obtained guns.

>negligence penalties

Punishing people after the fact to make an example to others is shaky logic and more a symbolic solution than a practical one.

>if you're too stupid....

Fuck off. Lots of faggots hate guns on principle.

Since you brought it up...our minitry of interior revelated earlier this year, that 13% of all "refugees" commited crimes (and that is what they know of/bothered to investigate). Theft and such minor crimes are often not even actually persecuted here anymore. #notallmuslims right? If you look into criminal identification folders at the criminal investigation units of the police you see pics of at least 95% mudslim shitskins. If 13% of the population of any country would be criminal and violent this country would be some kind of a warzone - which most muslim countries are on a regular basis.

At the same fucking time only 0.0002% - 0.0004% of legal firearm owners commit actual crimes (obviously not counting administrative violations like parking in the wrong place)