
Other urls found in this thread:


>Bad Food.

We litteraly control trade, all food is ours.

>no fat people
>tfw fat
Suck it peasents.

>loves Japan

But I eat potatoes every day

Loves Japan? well I guess that's better than "most suicides"

anyone from Latvia cares to comment their label?

Commie jokes I think.

Same joke as with the irish and potatoes

>tfw Ukrainian and French heritage

>ywnh a qt belarus gf

why live

>Bad Food

ok, our food isn`t as visually glamorous as other nations, but every foreigner that comes here has enjoyed our food.

Toad in the Hole.

>killed jews

>2 BROTHER NATIONs have beautiful women
>I'm "Huge"
ooga booga, where da white women at?

only ever been to England once and all i remember was i had best pizza i ever had

maybe its bad compared to other parts of Europe

>non white spaghetti manlet is jelly

why does everyone in europe hate poland?

Bruh, buttered toast is edible, but it isn't that enjoyable.
Would you rather have a toast or an italian pizza?

Feels good

this map was done by japan users google research to get their cliche about europe. so yeah you lost a great chance for not being stupid

>good at tennis
>only 1 guy that plays top tennis
I think you need to change that to a removing kebab

one is Breakfast and one is a main meal.

At least japs know you exist. Croatia and Montenegro didn't get even that.



Since when pizza is the main meal?

Muh yogurt

>stupid people

im very angered about this and want this thread to be pruned

also wtf is romania telling to japan about what they actually do

What is this loves japan meme?

i-it's the japs saying that, i like you pham

>9% Russia
Must be chechen users

>also wtf is romania telling to japan
the truth, you fucking mafiot

Stop bullying Portugal!!!
Portugal is CUTE!!!

>stupid people
delet this

>low energy

Wtf is wrong with her eyes and cheeks

Wrong century there, bud.

>Cooking skills so bad they have to order pizza as their main course

This stuff writes itself

cuz they are niggers of europe

we had one of the biggest empires known to man what the fuck are you talking about?

Yeah, when i go to an Italian Restaurant around 6pm for a meal, i`m gonna order a slice of Toast.

>anyone from Latvia cares to comment their label?

Slanderous lies. The map is obviously made by a vicious latviaphobe, who is trying to accuse us of intolerance towards potatoes.

Feels good man
I don't see any empire anymore

and now here we are. Sucking merkel's dick

Playtime over

Keyword: >had

>Slovakia not mentioned
rightfully so


> After the Portuguese first made contact with Japan in 1543, a large scale slave trade developed in which Portuguese purchased Japanese as slaves in Japan and sold them to various locations overseas, including Portugal itself, throughout the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.[7][8]

>Many documents mention the large slave trade along with protests against the enslavement of Japanese. Japanese slaves are believed to be the first of their nation to end up in Europe, and the Portuguese purchased large amounts of Japanese slave girls to bring to Portugal for sexual purposes, as noted by the Church in 1555.

>King Sebastian feared that it was having a negative effect on Catholic proselytization since the slave trade in Japanese was growing to massive proportions, so he commanded that it be banned in 1571[9][10]

>Japanese slave women were even sold as concubines to black African crewmembers, along with their European counterrparts serving on Portuguese ships trading in Japan, mentioned by Luis Cerqueira, a Portuguese Jesuit, in a 1598 document.[11][12]


still got the best food tho
