Can we talk about germany? What do you think of it? It's history, it's culture, it's food music entertainment, cars. Everything.
Have you ever been here?
heil allah ahmed
German everything is great and top tier, but its not muh adam and eve of mankind like hitler declared
its kuckd
i think germany needs a purge
I have never been to Europe and at this rate I will never go.
You fags ruined everything.
Germany is a joke they lost 2 world wars and are so islamophobic they force muslims to attack them.
Germany = Degenerates
And america has never done anything bad to the world.
it went from love to hate-at-a-degree-where-i-just-want-to-see-everyone-and-everything-brun in the past 3 years
died in 1946
cars are overrated
food is good
german is a bad language for music
too dangerous to visit
> you fags ruined everything
> this first turkish "guest workers" accepted by Germany in the 60s, were sent only after the US government pressured Germany to accept them, since Germany wanted to deal with domestic unemployment first
beautiful women
Nice place.
Needs a new Reich.
Refugees are welcome here
I mean you ruined yourselves.
There's a very good chance I will never be able to appreciate actual european cultures because they'll be overrun by shit stain muslims. You can't go 5 minutes without seeing a head scarf or pre-faded jeans.
everyone knows refugees are welcome in Italy
italy is the new land of islam dumbass.
>I mean you ruined yourselves.
Yeah, but only after our will was broken and the people hit with guilt and brainwashing.
Now the remains are psychic ward patients and indeed very ill.
any good vacation spots in germany
example: I fapped to this probably 100x when it was first released
Depends on what you want. Berlin is in ruins. The whole city is a construction site. (havent been there since sept. 2015 though).
Freiburg is pretty chill and friendly. But nothing to do. If you want beer and food, go to Bavaria, anywhere from Nürnberg (museum is nice) to münchen.
Moved to Berlin 5 months ago, pretty good
Think of a more spacious nyc with fewer people, no aggressive begging (they're here, they're just kinda relaxed), and kebab shops.
Not too bad
Germany is the reason why Western civilization is going to shit btw.
This video explains everything.
dead country
degenerate people
we gonna build a wall and germany gonna pay for it
I would like to visit some spots that are quintessentially German and can show me what you guys are really about
So basically the whole package, you know, cuisine, chill atmosphere, culture etc
The average german woman is, well, pretty average. These past 10 years though, i couldnt help but notice that their asses have become bigger and bigger, same with boobs. I like that dont get me wrong.
The depiction of late-80s Germany in "Monster" got me pretty melancholic. Its really well made, it actually feels very authentically german, not "japanese bullshit" german.
You can even tell the characters ethnicites by their faces, a lot of the characters look distinctly german.
If you're a deutschaboo I highly recommend watching this anime (though I do recommend watching it in general)
good scientists and entrepreneurs but they are responsible for secularizing Europe and the rise of Romanticism and Irrationalism which destroyed Europe. I don't think non-latin Europe is good, because it doesn't create any long lasting order
Never been. My grandad did though. He did a grand tour through north Africa, Normandy, and finally Berlin. Fuck Germany.
nice culture,i'm french so I don't very like your history (ALSACE LORRAINE IS FRENCH REEEE) but I when i was young my dad worked here and we where with my family in munich,it was very comfy
but now I will never put a foot in there
Well, i still dont quite know what german culture is Lad. Im greek.
Oktober fest is pretty nice. Not much else to say. Germans copied a ton of american culture. Same clothes, same music, same food (except for traditional food).
I can give you one advice though. If you ever find yourself in germany, you absolutely have to try out Schäuferle mit Klos. Hopefully at a good restaurant.
i tried watching this anime for close to 10 years now. Dropping it everytime. Last time was 3 years ago, after the training in the woods. I think episode 25. It is not bad, it just feels boring and nothing actually happens.
Should i try again? I think my main problem is that i dont quite like any character in that "anime". They dont have impact.
>Well, i still dont quite know what german culture is Lad. Im greek.
this post sums up german culture in 2016
Poland. Poland is a country in wich people make half the money on average than greeks. A country colder than germany, darker with cities that feel like the buildings could colapse any second.
My ideal country would be the life in greece with the money you make in germany. Poland doesnt have either.
Pretty much like every 3rd world shithole now days. Plus, you now have "truck attacks" for crying out loud.
What little of the old germany is left, it will die out soon. Farewell Mehmet.
Is that Tübingen, I used to live there.
It's Lauf a.d. pegnitz.
>i dont quite like any character in that "anime". They dont have impact.
Thats odd, because they actually do. Most of the characters, if not all, developed in sub-plots stick around until the end, some actually being very central to the plot.
I don't know man, I'd always say the show is great and pays off, but if something doesn't click with you on a subjective level I can't really promise you that you'll like it later. From episode 4 onwards I was hooked and enjoyed it thoroughly. There may be a slow episode here and there, but they all build up to really good plots, so you do have to give it some time every now and then.
pic related for example is one of my favorite characters of all time, he's part of a little sub-plot but becomes very central later on.
Kill yourself, Stavros. Poland > Greece.
you can spew shit from your dirty mouth all you want, but you ran from your own land into some place where people hate themselves so much they invite scum like you
all your money were created out of thin air to help you not sell your girls for a sandwich
I love classical music so Germany will always be great in my books.
Don't get me wrong, i hate greeks probably more than germans. The corruption in greek politics/government is... well, think about what happened is south korea with the "goddesses" and the shadow government, greece is that only 10 times worse.
Modern German music sung by a modern German male:
And it is not like people there don't know that. They just dont care because a lot of people still have interests thats why they vote the same people over and over. Not that it matters though. Everyone in there is rotten the core, in the parliament.
Shit for humor (Jews and Negros are better)
Shit for literature (France and England better)
Shit for science (Jews italians and English better)
Shit for movies (Everyone better)
Shit for food (India Italy France etc better)
Shit for beer (Belgium better)
Shit for architecture (Pittsburgh better)
Shit for human beings (anal, obsessed with petty rules except when they go apeshit and bayonet babies)
Shit for europe (ruined europe with ww2 for all time)
Shit for warriors (lost 2 world wars)
Shit for porn (literally, largest purveyors and consumers of scat porn)
Have a german gf from Münster, she's really nicr and münster is a nice city.
Not much. I know its on the west and wild trucks kill people.
> i hate greeks probably more than germans
>hating your own people
I leave this thread, I am too disgusted by you
Did i hurt your feelings? Cool, go back to redit.
My family (Dutch) are really salty about Germans but I really like Germany and it's people and culture. Hope you sort out your refugee problem
>(Willkommen bei den Hartmanns Version)
history - meh
culture - meh
food - disgusting
music - terrible
cars - great, unless they break down
Overall nice people, but sheep mentality. Love working with them, would never drink a beer after work.
Its a mixed bag really, but overall nice to visit.
>history - meh
Tъп ceлянин.
>culture - meh
Tъп ceлянин.
>music - meh
Tъп ceлянин, yмpи
> music
Really? I mean come on dude, you can be a germaboo but this is going too far.
Most German people like rap and nigger music. It's no wonder that German musicians suck.
I am not that villager guy. I respect and love German history/culture/music very much. I just told him to die.
I like the country, for it is rich in history and has contributed much to the world as we know it.
Their people, especially the youth, are absolute degeneracy.
where did you got these pictures?
>Their people, especially the youth, are absolute degeneracy.
Care to elaborate, MedPack brah?
Its not just the Turkish welfare rap, it just somehow doesn't ring with me across all timeframes I guess.
I've always wanted to go. I've been fascinated with Germany more than any other European cultures. It's just your country, as of right now has a smudge of filth on it. I'd definitely like to go someday, just not anytime soon.
It goes beyond that. Over half of the students at music academies in Germany are foreigners.
Friendly reminder that we pay around 12 billion Euros in welfare to foreigners, annually -- and that was before we let in over a million migrants.
Pic related.
You always are on the extreme side of everything.
No surprises here, its the artsy rich kiddies that go study music. The rest of us either goes to work or chooses a useful degree.
>paying more out to turkey than most other european countries
>even before the refugee crisis
if im reading this correctly (cant speak german but can kind of see context), does the left column represent the foreign population and the right represent payouts in welfare/aid?
Germany will be the first caliphate of the western world. But thats ok, i will be an old man and die soon after, so why should i care?
>if im reading this correctly (cant speak german but can kind of see context), does the left column represent the foreign population and the right represent payouts in welfare/aid?
And while the figure for Turks seems high, bear in mind that the amount of welfare Turks holding German citizenship isn't even included in that, so the actual payout is much higher.
meh beer and porn are ok
I live near the border, work and deal with germans and have two germans in my family.
Two main problems are : everyone is spineless and refuses to defend their own opinion( or not to share it) and every german pretends they dont speak fucking english even though you can tell they understand every single goddamn word.
Other than that I got no beef with germs.
I enjoyed it a few years ago and its nothing like the muslim hell ppl make it seem.. though berlin had alot of turks.
I'm a Washington yank with a German heritage who restores antique VW and Porsches. Restoring the wartime German vehicles are a dream. I do all I can for the best of Germany until I move back there myself and fix this muslin issue personally. Germany needs a good blitz to remember what made it great.
Eat a falukorv and realize that Sweden has better sausage than you.
That aside Germany being cucked alongside us Swedes is a sad thing indeed...purge Merkel. Due to the cuck nature of my country as is I don't think we can free ourselves for a long time unless those in power get outside pressure. Too many leftists here.
You guys need to stop fucking beating up yourselves.
You have a long and wonderful culture that includes castles, castles for christsakes.
Why the fuck are Germans now dedicated to destroying themselves? You essentially made thought-crimes a reality. I mean, holocaust denial is a crime? Why? Like, just call the person a retard and move on.
I dunno. It's going to be really weird in a few decades when my kid, or grandkid is walking around saying "Oh, the situation in Germany is really complex," and I'll be an old fat shouting, "I't literally the simplest thing ever, they let in way too high of a percentage of people that refused to adapt to their culture, and then those people had ten kids o the german's one or none, and the culture shifted."
Then I'll look like a racist.
The Kaiserreich was pretty dope, so was the Third Reich. It was good, but now it is cucked to shreds.
I don't have time to go into detail, but you should visit a town (or towns if you have the time) in northern Germany, western Germany, eastern Germany, Central Germany, south Germany (Bavaria) and southwest Germany. Combine the cities and travels inbetween with local cultural areas (low mountain ranges, forests etc.) and museums and sights that deal with quintessential aspects of German history (+ restaurants for local cuisine, just pick any rustic looking one, easy to find anywhere).
Ofc you will have to work out the details, but you could streamline it and pack everything into a 2 week trip, 1 week if you're willing to cut half the stuff and only focus on the things that interest you most. The thing is, you won't get a "quintessential" German experience from just one area.
They have ruined Europe 3 times in 100 years. WW1, WW2 and now filling the EU with savage muslims which is going to kill not only the Union but a bunch of countries despite they have they own brexit because it's too late. It's like they need to fuck Europe and its peace every 30-40 years. Fuck you Germany.
Unrelated side note.
Has anyone noticed how the same SJW's that deride and ridicule people who say "Not all men" and cite that it's obvious that they mean not every single individual male, but as a systemic problem men are by and large culpable for the oppression of women, turn around and scream "Not all Muslims" at the mere hint of suggesting that Islam might need some fundamental re-tuning before it can adapt to western culture.
Just throwing this out there.