Sup Forums fucking BTFO

Sup Forums fucking BTFO

>Russia gets caught meddling in US affairs
>Sup Forums's response: "REEEE guys there's 100% no way Russia would EVER do something like that lets just condone their behavior and cuck our nation to them. The entirety of the US intelligence community, multiple private sector agencies, the military, and federal government are lying REEEE"

Seriously why is this board so fucking eager to pretend like they did nothing wrong and just bend over for them? wtf???

That information is classified and for good fucking reason. If you dont understand why then read this (protip: actually fucking read it you will learn something)

>inb4 Hillary shill, CTR, jew, REEEE, etc
This has nothing to do with Hillary or Trump but everything to do with a foreign country accessing US information against our will.

Here's a redpill that will be hard for some of you in this (apparently Russian cucked echo chamber) Putin and his shit country are not our friends.

Enjoy having the CIA and NSA up your ass you fucking vodka swilling, bear fucking, ice niggers. Get fucked.

Other urls found in this thread: STEPPE-2016-1229.pdf

Guardian is fake news.


Russia Hacks is fake news by Jews.

The hackers provided access to unfiltered information regarding the Democratic Party.

That is good. Could not care less to whom hackers answer to.

German establishment fears hackers might give German public also access to unfiltered information regarding the migration, that is why EU and Merkel wave red flags.

> tfw we will have to listen to asshurt niggers and dipshits for years, whilst Trump and Putin make the world great again

>getting angry about government sponsored propaganda

kys you stupid nigger

>Security experts on Twitter criticized the government report as too basic. Jonathan Zdziarski, a highly regarded security researcher, compared the joint action report to a child’s activity center.

Podesta gave away his password like a retard. There is no "hacking" here.

Russia hacks are fake news but ileven if it were true, it would have saved us from 8 years of Clinton, which would have destroyed the last remaining vestiges of America. So if they hacked the DNC, thanks Russia.

>report is released with a disclaimer saying information may not be correct
>no mention of wikileaks
Fuck off shill

The only people caught hacking the election was the DHS themselves.

And wikileaks themselves admitted that it was an insider who gave them the information.

The king nigger himself called it a leak in his own press conference: