There is literally nothing wrong with having Jews on our side against Islamization.
Prove me wrong.
Pro-tip: You can't
There is literally nothing wrong with having Jews on our side against Islamization.
Prove me wrong.
Pro-tip: You can't
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Jews don't support White Nationalism
So why should I support Jewish Nationalism?
I would love to have them as an ally but LOL I'm not holding my breath. They hate white people and want to kill us and take our stuff and rule over a brown hoard.
>Jews don't support White Nationalism
So what? we don't support zionism either.
>Dutch Nationalist
>We don't support zionism either.
Speak for yourself favela monkey
“He’s an evil man, in that sense, yes. He is destroying our borders. He will send emissaries to Ferguson for a street thug who got himself killed attempting to disarm a police officer, resisting arrest. But when a beautiful young woman who happens to be white, and is a good Samaritan, when she is murdered by someone that he is chiefly responsible for getting into this country, he won’t even pick up the phone to call her parents. He is systematically destroying America.”
- David Horowitz
WTF I love Jews now
Better to fight against everyone than compromise and side with kikes
Meanwhile in Britain...
So you do support zionism you fucking piece of american trash?
The jews caused the islamization though. Its a faux solution to their own problem.
people need to remember that the muzzie terrorist charicature that constantly is depicted by the rightwing is actually a neocon creation. Hajis aren't even capable of this shit without the US giving them weapons. Pegida and other anti muzzie groups are always pro israel. Remember that the jews falseflag muslims as the perpetrators for these attacks. 9 times out of 10 its a falseflag or staged hoax
If the splc hates him he can't be that bad
fake news delete this
The question was about white nationalism and you, a brazilian,responded with "we"
Just ignore the fact muslims have been trying to enslave the world the past 1400 years
OK Mehmet
So every time Achmed shoots up a gay bar it was secretly Shlomo? Muslims are too retarded to point a gun and pull a trigger? Please
>Muslims dindunuffn
Ottoman Empire
The Arab Califs
Iranian Revolution
The Crusades
Etc etc etc
I agree, but after the muslims are gone the Jews will be next.
Europe will not be free until both are gone.
Are you fucking stupid? The Jews were literally in the upper echelons of the Ottoman Empire. The Jews did very well during that time. Why do you think they wan't to flood europe with hajis? Its because the Jews do better when they are ruling over low iq monkeys and their endgame is to turn the rest of the world brown and become their global plantation
Zionism is the strongest ideological force against Islam on the planet. Of course I support it (as does Trump)
The problem is not anti or pro zionism you anglo zombies. Fucking low IQ anglo inbreed.
splcenter must be closed and all people who work and worked for them must be get arrested or shot.
True, sometimes you have to "ally" with one enemy to fight another enemy.
Divide and conquer.
>strongest ideological force
You know what would be even stronger? Not allowing Jews to throw money at haji mercenaries for their proxy wars. Maybe we should tell the kikes to shut the fuck up and fight their own goddamn wars. You are acting like the muslims are some leviathon that we need to ally with Jews against in order to slay. All we need to do is stop goving isis weapons and deport the muslims that the jews let into the country. Their wouldnt even be muslims in north america if it wasnt for chaim chhanging the immigration laws in the 60s
Guess what? The Jews are already united with muslims to destroy USA and western europe
Not all jews but the atheistic jews and the "moderate" ones are.
Their target is: white european people.
>In July 1921, Shukri sent a telegram to the British government, declaring support for the Balfour Declaration and Zionist immigration to British Mandate Palestine: We strongly protest against the attitude of the said delegation concerning the Zionist question. We do not consider the Jewish people as an enemy whose wish is to crush us. On the contrary. We consider the Jews as a brotherly people sharing our joys and troubles and helping us in the construction of our common country.
Jews use usury to enslave. Christians and muslims have it outlawed. Why should anyone support debt slavery?
Yeah good luck with that. He's the best thing you got atm tho.
Geert is a big guy.
Its better to have islam on our side against jews. Jews are a much bigger threat to the western world than islam will ever be, you're a massive bluepilled faggot if you can't see that.
Yes he is.
that tweet isn't real is it?
whath'th the next thep of his mathterplan?
Having them on our side against muslims is fine.
But they're not on our side. They are split between the nationalists whose only concern is Israel, globalist kikes who are destroying the world and the irrelevant peaceful Jews who want no part in their heritage or legacy.
I hope he crashes EU with no survivors.
Reminder that the eighth stanza of our national anthem praises Israel.
Yeah brb killing myself.
>implying it actually refers to modern Israel
Who opened the gates of Toledo?
Who opened the gates of Constantinople?
Who opened the borders of Europe?
It more or less does, actually.
Once they rid of Muslims, they will go after Aryans
>Who opened the borders of Europe?
Germany and their Protestant allies (UK and France).
You see, we'd normally be glad to have useful idiots
The problem is that Jews are not idiots and would dearly love to co-opt the entire right wing and everything it stands for
Heh, good times, when Israel was still genetically Hebrew.
being exploited en masse by Rothschild's banking cartel and financial institutions is no different from islamification.
Cuckery is cuckery.
China halp.
inb4 chinese turn everybody into bile bears
I meant that it refers to the more Biblical idea of Israel, not the zionist state it is today.
Just ignore the fact America has enslaved the world through the Money Changers.
Christ only fell into a rage against you. You're literally THE ENEMY.
The head on the guy on the right can't possibly become any bigger.
Anti-establishment working class and middle class Jews are our comrades in this struggle. Elite, regardless of nationality or ethnicity, is not.
Geert is Yakub.
You don't understand. The root of europa problem is secularism
In France only 26% of people believe in God. In Germany the number is even smaller.
The jews are responsible for much of the secularization but who is bringing "refugees" are the Protestants and liberals.
>Anti-establishment working class and middle class Jews are our comrades in this struggle. Elite, regardless of nationality or ethnicity, is not.
This was written by Lenin wasn't it. I read many years ago I don't remember in which book. Do you remember the year of this?
It's called Jewish false flag attacks.
Helping rapefugees is consistent of Christian pathological altruism. Czechia and Finland are relatively secular and neither is as cucked (relatively speaking).
>we don't support zionism either.
Since when? Sup Forums was always in favor of Zionism. There is a difference between globalism and Zionism, Zionism is a form of ethnonationalism
>consistent of
consistent with*
>Another protestant nation becomes the center of multiculturalism
You are just proving my point.
Not our fault that Eastern Europe used our country as a dumping ground for Marxist Jews
Did he actually use ((()))? That's amazing.
The only Institution who fought Islam is the Catholic Church
While europe was Catholic no kebab went there to rape white women.
Your entire country is the capital of multiculturalism
Yeah, but some jews look at the land they were supposed to have (had they killed who God told them to kill) and they want that.
Also, read the book of judges...always something along the lines of there was not a king in israel, and they began to do what was right in there own eyes kinda thing. Idk, maybe israel doesn't need to be a democracy? Kingdom of Israel when?
Compare the number of jihadists in France and Germany to the number in Italy.
Jews are exploring the secularization of europe but Protestants and leftists are bringing the "refugees" by the millions in Germany, France and Sweden.
>12 (Twelve) months
They are trying to diversify their assets
Once again calling out brazilians on Sup Forums. Do you really think a brazilian nigger would be posting here, Wang Sahrar?
Are you retarded or a jew?
Greece is an Orthodox Christian country and they received most of the migrants, same with Italy that is Catholic.
France is Catholic, retard
Also Catholic countries in South America are all shitholes
>"A now, Europe is losing its identity in favor of another people and another religion, and there will be no remnants and survivors from the impurity of Christianity, which shed a lot of blood it won't be able to atone for."
Who allowed this Rabbi and other Rabbis work for the destruction of Christians?
You must need to see who is your traitors, then look for those behind the traitors.
>France is Catholic
26% of people in France believe in God. How much % do you think go to Church? not even 10%.
They've received the most, but the polls showed they were the European country that hated them the most, and tried to get them out as fast as possible, since they were obliged to rescue muh poor refugees.
Is that the actual size of his head? He looks like a fucking caricature.
>Greece is an Orthodox Christian country
Also I forgot to answer to this meme
Most greeks are communists. They vote for communists for many years. They are anti-Christian just like the Rabbi who celebrates the destruction of europe.
>Who allowed this Rabbi and other Rabbis work for the destruction of Christians?
Protestants and Evangelicals were anti-Semitic. Martin Luther and John Wesley were anti-jew.
You're doing the divide and conquer shit to put one against the other and make people forget the jews are the problem.
There's that fucking word again.
It's hypocrisy to not support Israel if you're a nationalist. We can occupy our own lands fully and give the kikes their usurous paradise in a shit spit of land in TooHotToFuckistan.
We don't ever need to deal with it. To us, the world would look like pic related
>Martin Luther and John Wesley were anti-jew.
But they were humanists and pro-secularism. Luther wanted to give all the power to the state and remove from the Church
Look the result.
Why every right wing party taking jewish cock?
fuck off you kike
Because situation is so bad in europe there is no other right wing. In the left you have the pro-Israel, anti-Israel, the moderate, the radicals but when you look at the right you have half a dozen of amateurs fighting kebabs and the only help they can get is from jews.
>The enemy of my enemy is my friend
Nope, not going to befriend Muslims.
Fuck all Semitic trash.
Netherlands must perish because they are a calvinist commercial republic
The enemy of my enemy is my weapon.
>Frank Harary described how balance theory can predict coalition formation in international relations:[16]
One can draw the signed graph of a given state of events and examine it for balance. If it is balanced there will be a tendency for the status quo. If it is not balanced, one should examine each of the bonds between pairs of nations in a cycle with regard to relative strength in the situation. One might then predict that the weakest such bond will change sign.
George Orwell wrote in his 1942 essay "Pacifism and the War", "If you hamper the war effort of one side you automatically help that of the other. Nor is there any real way of remaining outside such a war as the present one. In practice, ‘he that is not with me is against me’. The idea that you can somehow remain aloof from and superior to the struggle, while living on food which British sailors have to risk their lives to bring you, is a bourgeois illusion bred of money and security."
Then is it hypocritical to not support Arab nationalism if you're a nationalist?
No, I'll actually prove you right and wrong at the same time.
However there is countless weirdos that happen to identify themselves as Jewish...and or white...or what are they doing?
It's the same thing why people couldn't realize there was an Italian mafia, until it was almost too late.
Yes, there is a fucking Jewish Mafia. No they aren't the controlling power for everything. Yes, they do have power and they do have an objective. But they don't control everything. There are outside powers that they are not only fighting against, but somehow ally against.
Remember the Italian Mafia was just a meme to the people living in the 20s. The FBI thought it was a joke. "Italian Mafia...haha, what idiots".
There's a fucking Jew Mafia. Are all Jews involved? No. Is it dangerous? Yes.
I support north america.. becausr its where i live.. though i hate both american and canadian gov to a degree. Id rather it be us taking the piss out of the world than anyone else.
As long as we dont meddle with israel and israel and other jews don't meddle with the Netherlands, I have no trouble with Wilders removing kebab for the next 4 years. We can get rid of him when the work is done.
Also I dont want to get samsom'd.
Fuck jews though
>It's hypocrisy to not support Israel if you're a nationalist.
It is common sense to a nationalist not to support Israel, for Israel wishes to be nationalist in a world where all other countries are globalist, hence why they continue to destabilize the Middle East (sometimes using the US as a proxy) in order to flood Europe with migrants