Say something nice about the country above you
Do not mention
Say something nice about the country above you
Do not mention
Pretty based.
You managed to build a functioning society that isn't rotten by leftism without being religious. That's pretty impressive. Also your language is fucking adorable.
Has balls to go to war with emus
Best sausages in the world come from Poland imo
BFFS also you are little bit whiter then us
Not Slovak
you didn't kill all your abos
Nah Slovaks are Muslims, Gypsies, Ukraines, Hungarians. Why even care?
produce a lot of stuff for my wank bank
ikea hotdogs
Qt Slavs
Shield of Christianity
PewDiePie and that's it
Good, cheap wine.
Monarchy thought the old cunt needs to die
The greatest super power in the last 500 years imo. Traditional men's british style trumps all.
Cool accents, with the notable exception of Cockney
you're between us and Mexico
your shitposts are occasionally funny
At least your not Czechoslovakia anymore.
Cool western movies. Even the good guys were bad guys.
Dramatic Landscapes. Would really like to visit.
National Socialism
you managed to get rid of poverty once, maybe it was the only time in human history
Shit, your country may get raped by muslims but you have one of the best economies in the world
National Socialism
One of the pillars of modern society
Top tier bakery
Held onto to one of the largest empires for longer than most others did.
Scientific revolution and Manchester United FC
Where are you guys on the map again?
Huevos rancheros and teens from Tiajuana fucking donkeys.
Cool flag.
One of the comfiest series of all time, Trailer park boys.
Good at the huwitest sport there is - ice hockey.
Free education, even for non-citizens. Pretty based.
Produce quality porn
Flag is only slightly uglier than Bulgaria's.
best beer on earth.
Based 2nd amendment.
Invented motorized flight.
I've met one Estonian in my lifetime and he was a very well-mannered, likeable guy
We're all gonna make it, senpai.
President Elect
Awesome economy
Thanks for the mango.
Good drugs
You basically support our entire economy, so don't fuck up
your citizens kill each other in my country
Saved our asses in 1918
your country isn't a burning oven as mine is
good food
Friendly people
infinite war profittering
good videos of people getting rekt come from there
Excellent target practice
There's actually less deaths in your country
Every bomb Russia drops there is forever lost and does not drop here.
thanks for the uncommon flag
Usually not as hairy as other Arabs :^)
Fuck this thread I'm out
Nat Soc
Gives us monies.
Few to none muslim
Knows everything about Syrian hairiness.
Thanks lads :^)
Nice decapitations videos too
Population not yet entirely niggers.
* Arab hairiness
You're redpilling western society faster than it could ever redpill itself.
American beef is the best beef I've ever had (obviously haven't tried Kobe beef yet) and I wish importing it wouldn't be so fucking expensive
No one beheads quite like you behead
you own the best fighterjet this world has ever fucking seen
Beautiful country, stunningly beautiful in fact, and I am not just talking about the coastline, the countyside is beautiful too
huh? m8 just visit this page: blogdelnarco . com
you won't take away that title from mein country
Id love to but..
I'm not surprised you like all the BBC porn Czech whores produce,Sven.
Good trading partner
Amazing military achievments, unparalleled contributions to science, philosophy and culture.
Gave birth to us, thanks dad.
>implying i'm gonna say something nice about a wetback beaner
Guns, Constitution, best at everything, all the inventions
you just did
thanks for KRAUTING my country
Hitler and U-boats
Only one to ever do a full 180 like Germany was Japan. Good job!
Exceptional beer culture and quite a few Germans i've met have actually been pretty based.
I live here. 8)
Burgers, meat, and muscle cars
Polish market close to my house has wonderful food. Go there every Sunday for deli meat cheese sausages and some of those fruit/custard filled donut things
>Do not mention
very nice climate
They have the best STDs
You guys have persevered through some tough shit and rarely bitch about it. I wish niggers had 1/100th of your stoicism.
Also your relative obscurity confers a certain exotic status to you, which should not be overlooked.
Some beautiful landscapes. Cabo is nice.
I like waffles