> Pizzagate wasn't/isn't fake
> child prostitution
Pizzagate wasn't/isn't fake
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It blows my mind how many retards there are on Sup Forums who take this at face value to jerk off their retarded narratives.
You idiots are just as bad as the SJWs.
It's a law to protect children being forced into prostitution by treating them like victims instead of criminals. It's still illegal to fuck kids.
>without arresting minors
the adult solicitors still get arrested retard. Therefore it's still illegal
It makes it so the the children aren't seen as fucking prostitues you faggot and makes it so, just as part of abuse, the people won't get tried for trafficking just as pedos
I hate how the "alt-right" movement has been infested by these fucking parasites like Beforeitsnews and infowars
Retards shovel this shit into their mouth and make the right-wing movement look bad.
It's to prevent children who are victims being arrested and convicted in something they were forced to do.
Most under-18 prostitutes and sex workers are being pimped out against their will and being forced to do these things. Why should they be arrested?
Fuck off you fucking retard. You're just as bad as all the retards on the left.
>the people won't get tried for trafficking just as pedos
Except that's fucking wrong you frothing retard.
Sex trafficking is still illegal.
Soliciting a prostitute is still illegal.
BEING a prostitute is still illegal for anybody above a certain age.
Jesus fucking christ read a damn book.
We can make all the right arguments to make the world better but retards like this will always be cherry picked and crucified instead to make it easy to ignore our points.
> or how pols been infected by
> "Who is this "4Chaner"
> thinking ppl over the last week hasn't been filled with cucks
Jews have also been feeding you children and genetically modified organisms. Is that News.
> -1million internets for all of you
> ITT is creates US creates loop holes
> hurr durr it's still illegal like Silsby stealing Haiti kids
It also gets rid of one more tool used to take Child Prostitutes away from their pimps.
How many child sex workers who were forced into it were convicted, and as what, felons? For how long? Does it stick with them after they're 18? Etc.
Laws must be upheld that's why as a Kosher Civilian Officer I look at 100 pages of Legal Documentation before acting.
Be less retarded
There's no incentive for kids to not do this shit
Sure, this was passed as a method to protect child prostitutes.
That being said, liberals are retarded at marketing their ideas so of course they're going to be attacked over this.
>Be american child prostitute
>get arrested
you know most kids are forced into it right? Not doing it willingly?
They finally did it, they legalized pedophilia. Commiefornia needs to walled off
The minors in this situation are the VICTIMS of the crime, it's retarded that they could even be arrested by it in the first place
You know that's a fallacy, right? They might be getting emotionally exploited, but they have sex with strangers out of their own volition.
>commit crime
>waaaaaaaa I'm a victim tho!??
Did you notice conservatives ever conserving anything ever. Conservatism died when televisions started polluting the mind. The idea will be laughable when each child has an electronic brainwashing device disguised as a 'call and receive' device.
Who should we arrest them? Because their frontal lobes are barely formed and therefore can't make the most informed decisions and arresting them would merely make the situation worse for them because it would permanently punish them for a temporary situation they're in or have been trafficked into?
Boy you're such a nice guy OP
Pic related. It happens everywhere. There isn't any point in digging, because uncovering more and more just leads to frustration.
The small fries might be thrown under the bus, while anyone with any sort of authority, will coast on.
but Stephen Colbert said it was an alt right conspiracy theory and the M.S.M. and S.N.L. and Hillary and Donald and who am I supposed to believe ?!
You're a dumbass. Going to prostitutes is still illegal, and if you go to a child prostitute, you'll be charged with even more shit. The difference is that now, the kids are going to the hospital, instead of prison.
oh my good goys did the Government LIE????!!!!!!!!
stop spreading fake news you retard, post an actual source if its really real (its not)
You obviously don't get that we are semi-trolling. Yes, we understand the intricacies of the law, but can also see how it might be exploited in real world application. Its a layer of bureaucracy that while well intentioned, may end up being problematic in edge cases.
Save your outrage for resdit
>Pizzagate wasn't/isn't fake
Is too
Oh, I forgot. It's not just about Comet and Podesta anymore. Pizzagate is now what EWO Kektectives were. General pedo "researchers."
That still haven't found a single crime or victim.
L A Y E R of
> G O D L Y
>small child is kidnapped and trafficked
>lol let's punish them, it's their fault
Weak troll attempt
J.I.D.F. must be payed extra for their great attempts at pleasing the tetramoogoldoople. YAHWEH IS PLEASED.
Nigger have you never seen taxi driver?
Nigger the past week leftypol has been spamming stupid shit threads. Infowars has been here since pol was created. Same with before its news.
both Jew run Propaganda sites. The internet is under Israel's property and don't you forget it. Gentile.
This. Put everybody in lockdown. Get the kid 3 square meals a day, and maybe a little bit of education time. Its not going to follow them past 18. Besides if you dont donttake the kid out of the environment chances are they are going to go straight back to what they know. This law is shit for protecting kids.
but the people buying the hookers get v& ?
right ?
why must we protect anything. there is no point in anything outside of you. there is only one thing you should be pleasing. your self.
they get a party with extra prostitutes if some idiot wants to get fired for reporting inconveniences at one of the best parties ever.
get the fuck out of here with this fake news bullshit.
What media isnt run by the jews, except the chaos machines that are the chans? The beauty of Sup Forums is that you can find alternatives to everything, and decide for yourself.
You must ask yourself what all cultists desire most.
Pizzagate is all about helping those who cant help themselves. What the fuck is wrong with your head? You do your thing, and dont worry about kids getting fucked and spun out on drugs. Fucking Leaf i swear to god im ashamed you are my neighbor.
The fuck are you on about?
^ this.
Jesus Christ Sup Forums read the fucking bill. It's cited in the shitty fame news article and I found it after literally 10 seconds on google.
The bill punishes adults who willingly accept solicitation for sexual acts with a minor in exchange for payment, and places the child under protective services.
It does not legalize pedophilia.
This is precisely why fake news is called fake news. Because it's fake.
Protecting the whores from prosecution does not help anyone. It is only going to cause problems.
Before when they got picked up, the kids have to go to Juvie for sex trafficking and get a chance to learn actual job skills. Now they get... no punishment. They just get their money and go back to the pimp/madam.
Why. When they could automate the entire plane. Why do they keep you alive. Ask your self.
>there's absolutely no way this could benefit those forcing people into prostitution, no way
Outrage blinds. We plan in the darkness always waiting.
>Protecting the whores from prosecution does not help anyone.
There are kids being forced into it, mostly latino kids by hispanic gangs.
Instead of ruing their life with charges for doing something against their will because they fear death by the barbaric hispanic gangs, they will get help.
Take your meds. ASAP. And drop the cryptic one liners and speak clear.
I dont understand tRUMP WILL JUST OBLITORATE cALIFORNIA AND dumb these laws that were inforced in days of the election
believe me
etyhb uoey
elbufa eayeds ohtiwoy
iwnd dnim tno'w en ycn
I prefer not giving you easy answers. You really must seek them your self. If you do not want to grow. That's O.K.. Staying here for the leeches to siphon all the blood is a wonderful educational experience.
Wew lad, I know which state I'm moving to!
They're almost always being forced to do it by their pimps, not acting alone.
TrapWire, a potentially frightening surveillance program developed by a company called Abraxas that was started by former CIA officers in 2001 and later sold to Cubic Corporation.
more than 200 former intelligence officers on its payroll. CEO Richard Helms describes it as “the largest aggregate of analytical counter-terrorism capabilities outside of the US government.” Many Abraxas employees work as contractors in CIA stations overseas and desk positions in CIA headquarters in Langley, VA.
No. You're all pedo apologists.
Legalizing something like child/underage prostitution isn't going to stop the pimps/madams. Yes, now the kids can go to the police and not be in trouble, but guess what? Now that it's legal, there is going to be a major influx of child sex trafficking and prostitution taking place. Not everyone is going to be caught, and anyone who knows how to manipulate a child knows exactly what to say and how to say it to make sure they never go to the police or are coerced into doing so.
What these dumbfuck liberals should have done was make a law stating that no prostitute of any age will be prosecuted or charged with a crime when coming forward.
Everything liberals do is so fucking extremist. I highly doubt any sort of good intentions were made when they wrote up this idiot bill.
Please kill yourselves.
Every crumbling empire descends into faggotry and pedophilia.
>calling victims of sex trafficking whores
>such edge
I didn't think underage posters were up this early
Sorry man, but a whore is a whore, whether they're forced into it or not.
>permenantly punish
>under eighteen
Why not just change the definition of rape to include forced prostitution?
>be 10 years old
>adult beats you and threatens to murder you if you don't go get fucked by perverts
>pervert is undercover cop
>go to jail
Child prostitution is real. Pizzagate is a plebbit false-flag to distract ignorant little boys from the real breadcrumbs leading to the real monsters. You are worse than irrelevant.
Not true. A better way to look at this is it is small part of the larger picture.
Its also a weak point that can be exploited due to messy evidence trail so makes sense to attack it.
This is obvious given the amount of MSM resources given to debunking it. We are close.
It also serves to bring attention to the larger problem
So enlighten us you up jumped condescending turbofaggot. Is that you Alefantis? Cant wait to see you all dangle at the end of a rope, doing the jig.
> It's a law to protect children being forced into prostitution by treating them like victims instead of criminals
Nice sentiment, but it's not going help broke/addict 14-18 year olds from being groomed by pimps.
> adult solicitors still get arrested
Johns never get arrested.
Johns never get arrested.
it's worth repeating that.
Johns never get arrested.
Exceptions are red meat tossed up for the public. Overall, johns are never arrested.
Not fake. Soliciting is still illegal. The perverts who try to buy little girls are still arrested. The pimps would be too, though they are usually safely away from the action. It's just to protect the real victims, the children themselves, from being punished for being used as sex objects.