Thank you, Trump
Israel is just getting their land back from mudshits. Israels true borders extends from Sinai throgh Sytia,Iraq,Lebanon, and Southern Turkey. Israel has a right to take their land back.
Adorable, they've always been kikes tho
I pray to kek to nuke both cancerous countries
Israel is a model country.
They put Muzzies in the ground without a sound and don't give a FUCK about what anybody else says.
Hello Avraim
I love how Sup Forums completely gives up on its Israel position because a clown who has no understanding of geopolitics thinks its good now. You guys are just pussys.
Hello, Ahmed.
I love how easily swayed by shills you are.
Protip: The pro-israel shit isn't coming from Sup Forums and no one has stopped supporting Trump over it.
This. The Thousand Year Keich needs to fulfill the divine mandate of its territorial boundaries.
Is this not just a result of Trump wanting to put the Israel-Palestine issue to bed early?
>Trump shows "support" for Israel
>doesn't actually "do" anything over there
>Doesn't have to worry so much about that conflict
>Spends more time fixing things at home
Can we just nuke all of middle east?
The subversion is obvious but a little bit late. The left don't know they lost the war.
People are just jelous about how sucessful they are. Israel has a right to exist. Palestinians are invaders on Israeli land. The state of "Palestine" is a made up country. It doesn't exist.
Based Trump. The muslims are the problem that need to be deleted from earth
Nah he legit loves all things Jewish. His iron-clad support for Israel is one of the worst things about him, but he is still far superior than the other option and a few bad apples don't ruin him.
With your money.
Ah. Gotta say I'm not keen on either.
Still, if this is a strategic move, it is fairly clever, at least he's supporting the westernized bastion of the Middle-East.
Israeli Jews are nationalists and natural allies of pol against the filthy globalist jew
pol stand with Israel
Sup Forums is not one person JIDF cunt
Oh, and I should probably add that Hillary was the same way. Trump and Hillary probably have different reasons for supporting Israel so much but the end result was the same regardless.
>this voice in my head.
>it tells me to slay my neighbor and take his land.
>slay the women and children too.
>now it rightfully belongs to the juice
>can't seem to manage the land
>lose control of it
>meanwhile one of the tribe has become fabulously wealthy
>the bankers of nations if you will
>create the zionist movement
>uk issues balfour declaration
We Jews now?
Listen faggot. Nobody is entirled to land. If you fight hard enough, you get to keep it.
>Israel is butthurt that the US didn't veto the UN on reprimanding Israel
>Trump likes Israel
>Trump threatens to leave UN, meaning the US doesn't hold veto there anymore, meaning that the US can't stop the UN from reprimanding Israel
>Trump is acting pro- and anti-israel at the same time
>all the jews spread all over the world for years
>somehow they manage to communicate and make a plan to conquer the world
>they do it and now they are going to get their own land where they are going to be together to plot their next plan
i cant wait dude
>jews get israel
>aight kikes now dont worship any fake gods
>worship golden cow
>moses and jews are not allowed to return to jerusalem
>palis move in
>live there for years
>jews decide to invade it
Gods chosen my ass.
Sup Forums supporting jews?
Pepe help us
Remember Kek is a chaos god.
This guy gets it.
The pro-Israel shit is shills. We've known they would start pushing this type of "Ohw Hellow fellow Nationalist, we're just like you goy!" narrative for ages. It's not Sup Forums saying this shit stop being gullible.