Why are people not going out to the movies anymore?
Hollywood is literally on life support...
Why are people not going out to the movies anymore?
Hollywood is literally on life support...
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Why even go to the movies when you can download full blurays online?
Plus, Digital Cinema Package is shit on their shitty projectors and there's no 35mm film prints anymore.
people forget about the writer's strike that happened a few years ago.
many people either did not return to their jobs or were let go.
some went on to start their own companies. this is why you see so many B movies with old A-list stars. Go take a look at Nicolas Cage's IMDB or John Travolta's IMDB.
now movies are saturated with low budget mediocre films.
not to mention, who wants to pay $20 to see a movie while Tyrone and Denisha talk on their cell phones near you the whole time.
Typical Greece doesn't want to fucking pay for anything.
Anime are superior in every way.
This. I coincidentally checked movie listings in my town today. And of the 5 movies that would be cool to see on a cinema, I've already seen 3, one is star wars and the other is the Mel Gibson war movie.
None of those is worth the nearly $20 ticket price. Not to mention the lack of comfort and overpriced snacks.
Except maybe the accountant, that was really good, but that wasn't really a cinema movie anyway, just a really good actionish movie.
Hollywood producers can't even read anymore.
That's why they only produce a 4th, 5th, 6th part of something or real life versions of comic books.
Vidya games are fucking them over. Good riddance.
When Hollywood stops making mass-produced sequel/reboot/remake garbage. I don't care if a movie is super original, I just don't want to see another fucking Star Wars/James Bond/Transformers/etc shit show written by none of the original talent.
Maybe Jewlywood should come up with something interesting instead of making shitty superhero flicks pandering to China
#1 movies are shit companies have worked on their formula so much over the years movies are boring.
#2 movies cost too much and they shouldnt. Stop using them as a way to launder your drug money assholes. If movies didnt blow so much money needlessly they wouldnt be so risky and you could take risks and make movies good again.
#3 The living room experience is much better then it used to be. There is less distance between staying at home to watch and seeing it on the big screen now. So why put up with all the shit involved with going out. Especially with kids.
#4 The movie cartel has gotten too strong of a grip. Most if not all of the ticket sales go back to them and the theater has to charge insane prices for popcorn and shit just to make a profit.
Like many industries the movie business needs to die and be reborn updated. The old one is too strong and fights change that is needed.
>not to mention, who wants to pay $20 to see a movie while Tyrone and Denisha talk on their cell phones near you the whole time.
That was Tyrone? Damn. Now I feel bad for turning around and shouting "Shut the fuck up Jamal! You dumb nigger!".
They're not though, Hollywood has never made as much money as it does today because foreign markets like China are open to them.
If you haven't noticed they don't make movies for North American audiences anymore, they make them for gooks because 1 billion tickets sold = Avatar box office. This means just rehasing bullshit and an endless sea of highly censored soap operas to pander to CHYNA
Good, fuck 'em.
The internet mostly.
Hollywood being trash is also a factor but that's nothing new.
I mean what is even worth going to the theater for? Star Wars? It's just another unwanted reboot, a pure cash grab that only autistic retards get excited about. Capeshit is the same, quickly losing its appeal. It seems Hollywood has completely lost the ability (that they barely had to begin with, but they still had it) to make anything new, they can't even come up with new characters or settings they just keep re-using the same shit over and over again. It's just reboot after reboot after reboot after sequel after sequel after comic book adaptation after retelling after re-imagining etc...
I never liked Hollywood trash but this is getting pathetic, it's really evident that they have absolutely no creative spark left whatsoever.
why would i want to watch the 93289034209240923984389034288380934089340983208943809809340894380934089349024908243093204934289th super hero released this year?
il go when good movies are released, which roughly translates to once every 3 years.
i dont even torrent movies anymore the releases are that fucking shit.
hbo/netflix has better viewing
plus beyond that i have cut my tv down to maybe 2h a week, if that. so yea fuck kikewood
If Hollywood wants to start making money again, they should start making movies again instead of SJW propaganda
Ministry of Justice has recently ruled that Austrians can't be prosecuted for copyright infringement if they watch copyrighted movies from streaming sites as it's entirely the stream provider's fault.
Austria says fuck Hollywood.
because most of them are shit.
mostly thanks to CGI.
take your photoshopped bs elsewhere
>tfw Sup Forums is more entertaining than any movie
damn they had some balls
Because I don't like super hero movies, iconic white characters being rewritten as niggers for no reason, and children's movies. What does that leave me with, some Oscar bait movie about the Holocaust or WE WUZ once or twice a year?
1. The films that are being churned out by Hollywood are complete and utter dreck.
2. Many people realize they can save 8-10$ by just downloading the movie at home for free. Going to the movies will one day go the way of the drive-in theaters; people will only go to them for a "nostalgic" experience.
Here are your top grossing movies of 2014 and 2015 (2016 not included since data is incomplete)
1. Star Wars rehash
2. another Jurassic film
3. Another Fast and Furious film
4. Another comic book film (Avengers something something)
5. Minions (Despicable Me spinoff)
6. Another Tranformers film
7. Another film based on a Tolkien book (Hobbit)
8. Another Bond film (Spectre)
9. Anothe Pixar film (Inside out)
10. more Marvel fag films (Guardians)
Literally no originality. Yet this is a small fraction of all movies being made. The remaining movies are all garbage pushing SJW and multicultural bullshit, and they're losing money like crazy. People just want to be entertained, which is why in spite of a lack of originality, the above movies are the top grossers from the past two years. And seeing this, the Jew has now decided to start inserting their multicultural bullshit into these sort of movies, since we refuse to watch their awful "serious" films.
Modern video games are jewed up and repetative, too. But at least there you can play the classics over and over again without getting bored.
Can't be fucked travelling to a decent cinema. I've watched about 10 films in one of those places in my 21 years of life so far. Generally speaking though there just aren't that much movies worth watching these days, at least those worth paying for.
The Bond film wasn't bad, though, and I also enjoyed the Minions movie. The rest of what you wrote is exactly what I wrote above:
It's either the xth part of something that's already been milked to death, or yet another comic book adaption.
I love the classics. I played Doom the other day for the first time in probably 18 years. It was awesome.
>normies playing Corridor of Duty won't get it
Hollywood's trying to win over the Chinese market so most movies have been dumbed down considerably. Just look at the shit in this user's list
Expansive, disgusting, no good movies. Also I don't like to help businesses who pay taxes in general and avoid them as far as possible
If you train a lion well enough there safe to be around.
I enjoyed the Bond film. And that's the point I'm trying to make. The message that the people are sending to Hollywood is that they simply want to be entertained. They don't want SJW/multicultural bullshit, and yet 90% of the shit that comes out Hollywood is that sort of garbage and they all lose money, and that's why Hollywood is failing. Not because of Spectre, but because of feminized Ghostbusters.
my mother and sister and grandmother went to try and see that disney princess movie and it was sold out. People still eat this shit up even though hollywood is producing mostly shit these days.
No money and no time..and the fact that so many movies seem to be pure shit now doesn't help them get my shekels.
>live in australia
>buy 1 adult ticket in an average theatre to a not so popular movie
>have to take out 2 bank loans and remortgage my home
such is life under the iron fist of chinese economic subterfuge
going to the movies supports the leftist barrage against us. you can find any movie you want online to stream from the comfort of your own home without having to listen to pigs rustling through their candies and and popcorn shoving handfuls into their disgusting mouths. the movie theater has become an awful experience
Movies are made for ape taste, brains and apes do not have money.
Even if I had three free hours to spend on the weekend, I wouldn't waste it and $40 of my money on some shitty excuse for a movie.
Literally better content on Netflix and Youtube. I was actually sad about it when I first realised this.
I dont need to pay 9 yurops to see leftist propaganda
>go to movies
>pay to watch Jewish propaganda
>every white girl gets blacked
>every white man is a pussy
Yea no thanks.
Is the title transparent or what? I don't get this image.
It's a shoop
>go to theater with date
>movie is only in 3d, with those shitty glasses that are uncomfortable as hell over normal prescription glasses
>pay 34$ for two tickets
>pay another 30$ for two popcorns and two drinks
>some smelly autistic asshole sitting right behind me talking to his friend the whole time
>movie is basically the same as every other movie released the last 3 years anyways
>For a 64$ total I could have just went to a decent sit down restauraunt around the same price.
Gee, I wonder why theater is dying. Also even if you buy the bluray, its still cheaper to watch it at home. With a good tv and surround sound its basically the same experiance anyways, minus the overpriced snacks and annoying strangers with poor hygiene.
This is actually sad.
I don't even think it's this bad in video games.
i'm not obligated to watch movies or tv.
Who started the meme that watching(and paying) people to act is a completely normal thing to do? They should be paying us to watch that shit.
The mistake was going on a movie date.
Music industry is the same, look at the cookie cutter edm/hip hop shit has become
>pay another 30$ for two popcorns and two drinks
Stop buying popcorn and shit in cinemas.
For comparison's sake, here are the top grossing films from '94-'95.
1. The Lion King (original work)
2. Forrest Gump (loosely based on little known novel, essentially original work)
3. True Lies (original work)
4. Toy Story (original work)
5. Apollo 13 (based on true storyl. Part of a genre that is woefully underrepresented, i.e. real amazing space shit that actually happened. Like how isn't there a remake of The Right Stuff, but this time focusing on Gemini and Apollo? I'd watch that movie)
6. GoldenEye (another Bond film)
7. The Mask (original work)
8. Speed (original work)
9. Pocahontas (Disney's yearly feature, inspired by real person, but mostly original)
10. The Flintstones (real people version)
side note: Tom Hanks stars in 3 of the top 5. I reminder of the times when great acting was more important than just standing in front of a green screen and reading off of a script.
>shitty scripts that result in movies that are mere tech demos
>also: an abundance of great TV shows
>plus: hollywood is filled with liberal scum
Nothing interests me.
It's either a remake, a prequel, a sequel, a threequel, capeshit, or some SJW-type shit.
And Hollywood doesn't really care to take dares; they just keep funding those remakes and crap until it no longer brings in money.
Good, fuck Jewlywood
Because a movie tickets cost so fucking much.
Tickets sale are at an all time high in France
I don't go to the movies because my FWB works in the industry and has a massive screening room (she's quite rich) and I usually just use that instead.
Don't post your yurifag shit here.
>#2 movies cost too much and they shouldnt.
yes, they should, the spectacle is the only thing that separates them from tv shows.
Bad sequels
Bad remakes
Superhero movies
Why so butthurt?
tell me this image doesn't get you hyped?
any tips guys got a giftcard for the movies for christmas, maybe see a dutch movie
Why give hollywood a nickel when you can watch anything for free on 123movies.to?
I actually do buy stuff I really like even though I don't have to, and do go out to the movies because going out is something to do, but if you want to see something meh, that you don't care if that kind of thing gets made or you are just curious, then you can watch it there for free.
because you have a GF and its a cheap way of going out, especially when its a good movie, and in hfr 3D
Homosexuality in any form is disgusting. More so in something like anime.
Well people aren't going out is because movies are now being released in both the box office and on movie services like netflix and the like at the same time, latter is far cheaper than the former
We also have a glut of media out there now, new movies also may not appeal to people.
How many years of movies do we have now? There is tons of shit to see out there.
Yup, and even the ones I might consider watching, like the Bond films, I just wait for them to come out on video. Between babysitter, tickets, drinks, snacks, I'm easily looking at $70 just to go see a movie with my wife. Why the fuck would I do that when there are a collection of movies available to me at home that I've never before seen? And, at some point during the film (once the kids are deep asleep), my wife and I will probably hit pause, engage in maritals, and then finish the movie post coitus. Can't do that at teh theatre. I mean, I guess you could, but it's not my thing.
Movie dates are great for girls who insist on a date before putting out (and you aren't interested in them beyond that) or a spouse or long term girlfriend that you see often enough you don't really want/need to talk to them.
Movies are passive. If you want to interact with your date (i.e. you are taking out a quality girl), do something else. Dinner is okay, taking her out to do something you like to do is even better
Why would somebody go out to watch Superhero movie #4213466
Most Euros don't know what it's like to take your girl shooting. Would suck to be one of them :^)
Pirate the Fuck out of their shitty movies. Watch them for their entertainment factor, disregard the propaganda. If you want to pay someone for content then give your money to a white youtuber that produces good content
>get good story with deep characters and histories
>cram that shit into 2.5 hours
>change race/sex of main characters to show how progressive the director is
really haven't seen anything very interesting come out all year
Mel Gibson movie? Obviously it stars a kike but he plays a devout Christian, Kek.
>make shit tier movies full of propaganda and make shitty changes to old movies to be "progressive"
It's all the same, nothing but cash grabs by greedy Hollywood jews
I don't understand how you faggots can let people talk near you whether it's on the phone or to other people
Tell them to shut the fuck up, everyone around them is thinking it
Why go pay money to see pretentious actors and actresses who patronize anyone who isn't a liberal and make shit tons of money off of most of the time little to no effort.
I worked at a movie theater from 2009-2012. Unless it's changed dramatically in the past 4 years, plenty of people still go out to movies. Just because Sup Forums doesn't go, that doesn't mean normalfags don't go.
Not that I think people like are wrong. I was able to see movies for free and I STILL didn't want to see very many because most of them were shit.
I went to see star wars with my family while I was home for Christmas. There was a kid next to me explaining the entire movie as it was playing to her grandma or something, it was super fucking annoying. And a group of like 7 people came in 15 minutes into the movie and had to have a worker come in with a flashlight to find a spot for them.
I bought a big 4k TV last month and have Netflix and Amazon and a 2 tb hard drive and an iptorrents account , fuck movies and fuck (((Hollywood)))
Literally every preview I saw when I went to the movies last week was for a rehash of an old idea or a cintuation of some franchise. I think that's a big reason. There aren't that many movies that actually look interesting. Most of it seems like Hollywood just ran out of ideas.
I go to the drive-in so I can smoke.
>buying 2 drinks and 2 popcorns
you dun fucked up
you get you and your date 1 big drink with two straws
and your dick goes in the bottom of one popcorn tub
I am working at one of those hybrid restaurant/bar theatre. My observations of the place is that the studios controll 90% of what the theatre companies do. This chain wanted to do some of those payperview UFC events. A major studio got wind that we would be putting something other than their content on a screen and literally threatened to black list the entire company from their movies.
Why the fuck would i even pay when i can watch everything for free by pirating it?!
>and your dick goes in the bottom of one popcorn tub
Does this actually work or is it just a meme?
Perhaps if they weren't so incestious and actually brought in new talent (I'm talking writers and directors), they wouldn't be in this situation.
The lack of auteurship is also hurting the industry. Games, anime, books and cartoons all have autuers that are willing to push boundaries. Hollywood hasn't had anyone since the 90's.
The internets are awesome.
>inb4 some faggot somehow incorporates some type of denuvo system into the movies themselves
>make garbage for 30 years+
>New generations have alternatives to the garbage
>on top of not being conditioned to go
>And in the last years go all in with the agenda pushing
Also people who grew up with technology can recognize and not tolerate the garbage that was put there on purpose to make more shekels
That's a good point. Tarantino is the only one I can think of that's still active, and he just makes SJW revenge porn nowadays
Kek wasnt this image sent around normiebook and actually believed to be real like a year or so ago?
Delete this. Seriously.
That Megaman X on iPhone was the worst shit. How do you port something over to a new device that has to be at least 20 times as powerful as the SNES and have your game look choppy and run like shit