Why does being a Sup Forumslack and being cel go hand-in-hand?
Why are those of us with racist type beliefs barely get any pussy? SRS
Why does being a Sup Forumslack and being cel go hand-in-hand?
Why are those of us with racist type beliefs barely get any pussy? SRS
idk man
But it feels bad sometimes
I miss spending new years eve/christmas with people
Personally I get plenty, women get turned on by men who can impress them with shit they never thought of. Some ofc get offended, but it's a great way of filtering out the shit women too. So win win.
I'm married man idk what you're talking about. I've fucked over 40 women idk where this shittier meme comes from. Girls love alpha men alpha men almost always identify as farther to the right politically. It's no surprise with the internet we have all congregated here together to tell faggots like you to mill yourself. Fuck off kike
Do you mean Sup Forumspie?
I've never not seen a flaming racist without a qt wife like all the European "far right" parties.
I've also never not shown up to a questionable nationalist event or concert and not seen a bunch of women there.
>get any pussy
If you regularly sleep around, you're useless at relationships.
Being someone who cannot satisfy their lower needs = a lower breed.
This culture you talk about is projected onto teenagers, this, as teenagers cannot satisfy their lower needs, if you're still living within this degenerate culture in your 20s, then you're a failure at life.
Plenty of losers and racists have gfs or get laid. It's less about looks, idealogy etc and more about social networks and motivation. Sure, there's a lot of self hating NEET's here without a good social connection or routines but that has nothing to do with the racist culture here.
Also, Sup Forums is not one person. There's the redneck NEET brand of racism and there's left hating PUA's, conservatives and loads of other variations and you can't just pin everything on them.
Yes. Some people go SJW or Nazi to get laid and some of them are really desperate and terrible people who get nowhere but usually it's not so much on the ideology as their failed attempt at reaching out.
Because the "red-pill" is not a truth pill, it's a bunch of twisted angry rhetoric that you absorb and it makes you hate the world, and people who hate the world aren't attractive.
You are going about it wrong, fall in love with a loyal and loving girl and get plenty of sex. My wife is far more racist than me BTW.
>Because the "red-pill" is not a truth pill, it's a bunch of twisted angry rhetoric that you absorb and it makes you hate the world
This ^
I miss the time when I could fuck white women without calling them coalburners.
>being a Sup Forumslack and being cel go hand-in-hand
Speak for yourself, faggot.
They don't tho though. Sup Forums is by far the board where I hear people mention their spouses the most.
I get bored easy with women and small things start annoying the shit out of me. I'm fine being alone. All my money is mine and I don't have to answer to anyone about anything. Feels good man
Nice try, faggot
Because you dress normal and not like a fucking neonazi.
Racist people who get pussy dont come to Sup Forums
Speak for yourself, faggot.
Lonely people go on the internet more.
People on the internet more are more likely to read some amount of real news, rather than normie TV 100% Jew news.
Cause and effect.
>/r9k/ -> Sup Forums
Really? Everyone knows that!