>I need my rifle for protection against tyranical gove-
I need my rifle for protection against tyranical gove-
Other urls found in this thread:
We won. Get over it.
You are stupid if you think the USA millitary will slaughter their own people. If the shit hits the fan, many people will desert.
>Americans rebel against "tyrannical" government
>Government shuts down all McDonalds
>Rebels surrender because Americans cannot survive more than 72 hours without a burger
Half the fucking military would desert if they were ordered to fire on US citizens
Probably more
>government surrenders because it cannot survive more than 48h without mcdonald's taxes
>you need guns to protect yourself against government
>government has no power anyway because the military wouldn't attack its own people
See the flawed logic here?
*sips tea*
>is op, dare I say it, our guy?
>look at this outrageous tweet guys
>what do you think of Rogue One? Redpilled?
>look at this reddit post guys
>thinks his guns will protect him from drone strikes
>not all niggers
>look at this crazy tweet guys
*sips tea*
>it's another Sam Hyde episode
>take this jewish DNA test goys
>not all jews
>random nigger porn
>really makes ya think
>that'll be $9.99 plus tip
>what did he mean by this
*sips tea*
Sup Forums is as cancerous as Sup Forums now
Mcdoubles confirm. The guns are actually for forcing women to make you burgers when the burger huts are closed.
>CAS aircraft enforce a police state
How? Does it roll down the street and the pilot jumps out and checks people's papers?
This most of the military is retiring and joining private contractors for more money doing the same shit.
Obama pissed off the people he needs to keep himself in power, hopefully trump is a little wiser.
This. America is not China. We are stupid not socipathic.
If the shit ever hits the fan that pilot's on our side, guaranteed.
Really quality post there thanks dude
only dumb liberal use that argument. we need it to kill robbers
it's hard to get a firm read on you Polocks. are you typical leftist retards or freedom loving men.
Not many. About 99.9999 %.
The truth is that you don't need guns to fight the goverment but you need guns to fight off niggers.
The Second Amendment has evolved. When the police does not protect you, you must do it yourself.
>guns in the hand of the citizenry are no threat to the government
>the citizenry should give up their guns because it's too dangerous for them to have them
See the flawed logic here?
Yeah because you can accurately enforce a police state from several hundred feet in the air.
You have to actually kick down people's doors to see if they're criminals or not.
That's not in service so BRRRT away
This thread gets posted once a day. Why do people give it replies
It's the "in case"
You are misinterpreting and purposefully ignoring the realistic scenarios we could face
He's a Brit mate.
Why are you sipping tea? Are you a britfag?
In the event of a US civil war the police and military join the political right, the EPA and IRS join the political left. Guess who wins?
>a few shills trying to slide the board
>replies to them, doesn't even sage
City boys! I tell you what! Nothing beats a good steak or cheese burger on your very own propane grill!
They are shitposters.
but I own 1 of these and I wouldnt use it to defend your right or property
nah he's a leftist hipster
>he actually think US Soldiers will go against the people they want to protect
Of course this is difficult for the polakk to understand, no patriotism.
Germany's tyrannical move of mass Muslim immigration without checks like private gun ownership is a prime counterpoint to your post, OP.
Reported to the European Commission for suspicion of domestic terrorism.
A white male in Europe has no reason to own a weapon.
almost all the grunts in the US military are right wing. There's zero chance they would kick down the door of fellow citizens,
If the fact that this argument is used to imply that your government wouldn't hesitate to use heavy weapons against its own citizens doesn't scare you, then that is a bug problem.
If we have reached a point where people see our governments as perfectly capeable and willing to so, what better argument do we need to unmask tyranny?
save it and sage this.
This fucking thread again.
kiss my ass
It the rifles are useless why are they so adamant that they must be take away?
If it actually happened they wouldn't level a city block with tanks and jets though.
But where would you get the meat from if not for McDonald's????
tl;dr edition
Eurocucks wish they had guns, their governments are literally working against their own interest, with their own money, and what are they gonna do about it without guns?
30.000 deaths a year
B-because goiy-I mean civilian's don't need fully automatic m-military grade ar15's :^]
Then they would recruit people that will, ya dingus
30 deaths per year?
That's not bad.
Why does your flag look delicious?
Congratulations. Today you were white.
>newfags cant into sage
another cancerous dumbfuck shitting on this board
I don't get it. What's wrong with rising up against your government and the military doing air strikes for you because they are even more based than you are?
Tell me again why inferior arms are inconsequential.
This. Don't give up your guns burgerbros
In the past I would have wasted time trying to explain your own idiocy and the flaw in your logic but nothing I say will fix your train of thought. Either you're genetically unintelligent or you're trolling. Either way I'm just going to call you a "faggot" and close this thread.
All that technology and the US is still fighting a handful of sand people literally living in caves. When you finally manage to beat them I'll accept that they might stand even a tiny chance against their own people and probably half of their military under the same conditions.
Implying we don't have burger militias and underground burger production capabilities.
They should also ban junk food, cigs and alcohol. Since it causes addiction, health problems, and cost tax payers millions in health care.
How do you hit unknown targets with a jet?
Nope. My government doesn't have a history of murdering its own citizens. In fact, they kill about 2 a year. British citizens, on the other hand, regularly kill each other.
Why not take a look at reality and stop living in a fantasy world of what-ifs
Good luck finding people to patrol a police state with 300+ million guns.
Afghan and vietnam prove your theory wrong
The US military cannot even eliminate 3rd world inbred Arabs practicing guerrilla warfare. From a purely strategic perspective, what makes you think our government could successfully fight against a rebellion (not even considering it would be hard to convince Americans to fire against their own).
>be white hipster liberal
>vote in anti gun prez (hypothetical)
>civil war starts with gun confiscations
>white hipster liberal's son gets pic related by his heavenly supreme leader's military
Because its filled with the sweet flavours of the Caribbean man.
Fuck off, shill.
this pic related gets posted every fucking time. Shills and CTR making these threads only bring more people to the redpill.
except for, you know, slaughtering millions of young men in pointless slaughterhouses like the Somme.
>It's one tiny step from banning assault rifles to Hitler, Stalin and Pol Pot
It's not one tiny step to all of that, but it is one of the most integral steps.
And yeah, the People would be outgunned and out-teched, but to go from that all the way to "so just give up now and turn in your guns" isn't just an oversimplification, it's outright pussyfaggotry.
>it will come down to all of the population united against only the government XD
>surely this is not only a fantasy scenario i establish to validate my adult toys
Your country is literally getting fucked at the moment, but they're so slick you dont even see it. You have lost every way and right to protect yourself
>plebs with small arms weapons will never be able to beat the us gove-
>11,208 homicides (3.5 per 100,000); 21,175 suicides
Keep in mind 60% of the homicides are done with pistols. Not sure percentage of illegally owned.
>You are stupid if you think the USA millitary will slaughter their own people.
Go and read into American history. The US army bombed striking workers.
>replying to 0/10 bait
you're the problem, people
My dad was an A10 pilot.
I literally grew up around a squadron of A-10 pilots and can assure you without a doubt that they would NEVER brrrrrrrt americans unless it was niggers.
They confiscated guns after Hurricane Katrina as well.
bombing strike workers != wholesale slaughter of innocent citizens
Implying the Vietnam war isn't bait for burgers.
theres like 7 white people left in the US so when are you going to actually stand up to your government with these guns?
This. We need our weapons for our own protection as well. I am reminded of this when I hear stories of police in some European countries no longer responding to certain calls because they're short staffed and dealing with larger issues. If only these victims had some way to protect themselves. The "invasion" of Europe might look quite different.
Without weapons the citizens are dependent upon the government. A government which may not care about the wellbeing of its people outside of an election year.
>>It's one tiny step from banning assault rifles to Hitler, Stalin and Pol Pot
And suddenly, Sup Forums became anti-gun.
>he believes in the myth that his precious mobster satanic government would never kill it's civilians.
Step outside sir.
No you're just new
He's talking about military personnel. 99% of them would refuse to attack citizens, unless those citizens are non-white.
Maybe your shithole of a country would use its military to open fire against its own countrymen, but the US military IS the countrymen and they wouldn't blow themselves up.
That plane has to land eventually, it has to be re-fueled, re-armed, therefore fuel and ammunition has to be brought in on trucks, those trucks have to travel on roads....
The pilot has to sleep eventually, his kids have to go to school eventually, his wife has to be home alone eventually.
You get the idea.
Never ever give up your guns, americans, not even a single bullet, there is no comeback
fucking kek
AM I BEING DETAINED????????????????
Just stop. You're making The Witcher look bad.
playing devils advocate here, If the government become tyrannical they will more than likely begin droning the opposition leaders as well as doing no-knock raids. As they begin to fail they may resort to destroying whole blocks as false flags or using biological weapons. Kind of hard to resist when 99% of people have a super flu and too sick to take care of their dying children. Small arms battles are the real theater of operations that the average citizen will be able to engage in.
What is more imporant is during a time like this you are more likely to encounter criminals and domestic extremists groups (U.S. version of ISIS) that will either have you fight with them or die as a traitor.
Plenty of reason to have protections in place for weapon ownership, and I am not even for it. I would rather see a much more regulated system where you have to carry a gun license like a drivers license, and you have to provide a permit for your gun.
Why is he so based Sup Forums
My drink just came out of my nose.
Woah, woah. We're honorable, we don't kill people's kids or wives.
Come on, man, we're better than niggers.
>government will blow up its own infrastructure
When they try to take them.
Though I have been wondering what's wrong with the American people. This bill to censor the internet, all the shady dealings, the surveillance, etc...why haven't tens or hundreds of thousands of armed People marched on the Capitol? Why not?
It is, that what I'm saying, It's been posted > 6mil times and ""people"" still replying