If you've got nothing to hide then you've got nothing to fear
Prove me wrong.
If you've got nothing to hide then you've got nothing to fear
Prove me wrong.
>toss bacon sandwhich within 50ft of moss
>gov surveillance monitors situation
>prompt sentencing to 12 month rape session
when will you tea drinking, non-colgate using fucks learn
as expected of britcucks
kill yourself, shit thread
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
False reasoning.
What if you don't know that which should be hidden?
government gonna look at me while pooping?
So that means the intelligence community doesn't need confidentiality either right?
That depends, could your deuce reasonably be considered a thread to America®?
I bet you'd know a lot about shit threads huh pajeet?
Sure, why not? You're not hiding drugs in your ass are you, user?