If you've got nothing to hide then you've got nothing to fear
Prove me wrong.
If you've got nothing to hide then you've got nothing to fear
Prove me wrong.
>toss bacon sandwhich within 50ft of moss
>gov surveillance monitors situation
>prompt sentencing to 12 month rape session
when will you tea drinking, non-colgate using fucks learn
as expected of britcucks
kill yourself, shit thread
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
False reasoning.
What if you don't know that which should be hidden?
government gonna look at me while pooping?
So that means the intelligence community doesn't need confidentiality either right?
That depends, could your deuce reasonably be considered a thread to America®?
I bet you'd know a lot about shit threads huh pajeet?
Sure, why not? You're not hiding drugs in your ass are you, user?
>government spies on you
>they see that you browse pol and could be a "problem person" (because going against the grain is just bad)
>send their goon squads to take you away and lock you up in a dentention facility and spend the next six months brainwashing you 1984-style
Foreign governments hacking the US politicians and releasing to the public is good. What is good for the goose is good for the gander
Wouldn't want the gov't to see your stash of pictures of plastic korean girls now would you?
yeah i mean why do we have doors on public bathrooms?
you're just taking a shit and everyone does it, you've got nothing to hide do you?
>do anything against the liberal agenda online
>government can trace you and arrest you
>pretty much anyone who is against the liberal agenda in any form can be traced and arrested
>meanwhile muslims who rape kids are allowed to roam free
Every fucking ISIS shit was "Known" to the authorities
Nothing was done
Fucking truck driver shit was under surveillance since he entered Germany and nothing happened.
So tell me again how good fucking surveillance is
Lol good point Texas
i dont want to be watched
For a few hundred quid you can gain access to these records.
If you find a drug addicted employee, you could gain access for a bag of drugs.
FYI, they are recording politicians data aswell, it's just that it cannot be requested formally.
>If you've got nothing to hide then you've got nothing to fear
Everything they do is secret.
1. Innocent until proven guilty
2. Guilty until proven innocent
Which option do you believe represents a free society, OP? Don't think too hard.
>write a bunch of far leftwing posts on Facebook
>far right government takes power a decade later
>data analysis computer flags you for comments you made 10 years prior that were backed up on a government database
>You're under arrest for conspiracy to overthrow the state
>Prove me wrong
>Government conducts surveillance and detects non-illegal but questionable activity
>Government re-legislates so that questionable activity is illegal
>Government arrests/fines/harasses you for an ex post facto violation of law
Yeah, nah. Unwarranted surveillance opens the door to serious abuse.
Post your email address and password right now then.
We all have things to hide, many of which aren't illegal.
It's not the government's position to see what I want to hide, but to protect the population.
"If you've got something to say, it better be good."
It's not there to protect you, it's there to protect them.
in canada the "minister of information and privacy" said that the police can use look-thru-the-wall cameras to watch you in your own home without a warrant because you do NOT HAVE A "Reasonable expectation of privacy"
Why dont you have a reasonable expectation of privacy?
Because they have a camera that can see thru walls, idiot.
Give me full access to your bank and email accounts right now.
You're not hiding anything, are you?
In a society of absolute surplus where no money exists, sure.
The "scarcity" meme and money changes things tho.
And if not, please gib me your bank account senpai.
I for one welcome a benevolent second set of eyes to keep my neighbourhood safe.
thx Constable
it's not up to somebody else what I want to hide
K, if you have nothing to hide, post both sides of your credit card, along with a timestamp and a photo of your genitals.
After all nothing to hide, not like i could process that data in a way that's completely out of your control, besides, I'm a government agent
I've got to hide my shemale midget beastiality porn.
I agree, politicians should lead the way by releasing their entire banking and internet history to the public.
It was all right, everything was all right, the struggle was finished.
He had won the victory over himself.
OP loved Big Brother.
Lots of lsd ?
Also I'm sure my ip is flagged for all the Google searches about regrowing 4 skin
got nothing to loose? Gimme your social security number, credit card number, pin, expiry date, bank number, a copy of your signature, all your fingerprints and a DNA sample. And I'll show you exactly how much you can loose.
Fuck off theresa
I thought it was "innocent until proven guilty." Why do they need to do government surveillance if I haven't done anything wrong?
>nothing to hide
>browses Sup Forums
Everybody has something to hide, you fucking idiot.
Or else post your nudes.
>whys it bad for the government to constantly watch you
Depends public then it's fine
In a private home that's where the line must be drawn because the government has no business being in someone's private life and dictate how they live by watching them. That's just my shitty opinion though.
Who determines whats bad in these types of cases? The ((((((government))))))?
funny mean leaf
Say what you will, it won't change reality.
if you have nothing to hide then post a picture of your spread asshole and your full first and last name and a times stamp. or else you will be executed as an enemy of the state
>2 posts by this ID
The (((government))) is incompetent psychos who lie to you about their activities at every moment
Unironically makes the counterpoint in his own statement. What defines something to hide? Is it fluid? Can something be ok one day and not the next? Which government do we have to fear? user, try harder next time.
1. You should read a book it's called 1984 by George Orwell
2. Your trust the government today but such an apparatus can be used by a regime in the near future
3. Things like downloading torrents and watching region looked videos are a crime this apparatus will be and is used by (((them))) for there gains
4. Read about the snoopers charter you can no longer know how the changes against you were brought to court that's fundamentally against the justice system
You're the reason we've become a surveillance state you daft cunt.
Enjoying the CCTV in your toilet my britbong friend?
>If you've got nothing to hide then you've got nothing to fear
Wrong. The government does not follow its own laws, so if they learn something about you that they do not like, they might punish you even if you follow every law and and are certain that everything you do or say is viewed favorably by the government.
The error in the "nothing to hide, nothing to fear" argument is in assuming that the government will never use information gathered by surveillance to punish/oppress a law-abiding, well-intentioned person who has nothing to hide.
Why are you all responding to OP? He's not legitimately asking, nobody's that retarded. He's baiting a discussion into existance. Becuase you can't just talk to you fucks. You need to attack someone or something to be intereste enough to leave a reply. Especially one that that's well formulated.
"Good" only makes sense within a moral framework. Morals differ between the ruling class and the ruled. The ruling class does pederasty, because who knows why, the ruled hate pedophilia because of emotional reasons, and those emotions are instinctual, so since we've been told that diddling children harms them (btw all evidence seems to point that it doesn't, not a pedo nor condoning it), we think of our own children (or potential children, we're on Sup Forums kek) and we know that we don't want any harm to our children, so we reject it.
Freedom is a pleb's value. It just is. No aristocrat ever cared about freedom. Power is the aristocrat's value. If you become powerful you control, and you control the people so you remain powerful. Power is at direct odds with freedom.
So why do I value freedom? Emotional reasons, mostly. I've gained redpill knowledge on looks and politics, and it appears that I'm not good looking enough to attain power, and taking any sort of political action is counter productive to safety and a good life. I know that technological society is directly antagonistic to fredom (cyber.eserver.org/unabom.txt), so my best bet is to wait and see if it collapses or if I just get to live a miserable slave's life and die just like my parents' life has been.
What is another reason for freedom? Well, we're already committing hate crimes just by posting here. The EU and the Democratic Party know that we exist and have influenced the world. We're already criminals, as criminal as pirates. But we're not Monkey D. Luffy. If the World Government wants to get us, they just will. If we're free, then I'm no longer a thought criminal.
If we're not free, then I'm not able to do anything. I'll just look down and cry when they open the door.
stop posting images of women i'm trying not to fap and anything mildly arousing or attractive sets my imagination in motion and i end up tugging my dick reeeeeeeee
There is a thing called privacy. It shouldn't matter if I have things to hide or not.
If youve got nothing to fear why set up surveillance systems? So if you have something to fear then you must have something to hide. What is government hiding?
I have lots of things to hide.
Fuck you. Turn of images in browser.
It's for your own good. Surveillance protects us from pedos and terrorists.
America's going to go the same way.
Fine if you're in agreement with your Government. However, just imagine you get a real ultra right or ultra left wing gvt in charge, they could put you up the wall and have you shot for a Facebook post you made ten years ago. Once all this political correctness bullshit is dead and they want to round up every cunt who ever supported a Muslim or spoke in their favor in any way they will have a system in force that makes this task easy. Then the gassing can commence. Actually, yes, keep the surveillance, you know it's soon to be Kek who is at the controls.
Just kys now
I rest my case
her cunt is gross and she looks jewish. Thanks for killing any incentive I had to masturbate.
>If you've got nothing to hide then you've got nothing to fear
anytime bby.