When is it gonna trickle down?
When is it gonna trickle down?
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"Trickle Down Economics" is a strawman constructed by the media back during the Reagan Years. Neither he nor any economist from that period ever argued for a model where the wealth "trickles down". One of the original pieces of fake news.
Liberals and their regulations cause wealth to accumulate in hands of fewest people
Is the wealth not supposed to trickle down with job creation? Then if a lot of them get outsourced in other countries the wealth trickles down there and to lesser extent due to lower wages? Does that not defeat the whole point for arguing for trickle down economy.
Trump is going to gut outsourcing so I suppose we'll see.
So what were they arguing for?
what this graph mean by this?
When the 99% wake up and start killing the 1%
tomorrow, i promise!!
>mfw the lower classes clamoring over themselves to give me money
God bless you all
Just a quick reminder that Americans don't know what Keynesianism is and just parrot what they hear on Michael Savage and the like.
Pure wages doesn't include things like healthcare and other such mandates; if you count those, it tracks productivity fairly well. Leftists think there is a free lunch
When people learn from history and kick out the central bankers.
They were arguing against heavy taxation and wealth redistribution. Any time there's tax cuts liberals chimp out.
Look at Trump's tax plan. He wants a tax cut for everyone and Shillary during a debate called it "Trumped Up Trickle Down"
Economic inequality exists for the same reason that intellectual and athletic inequality exists: humans are biologically unequal.
I'm not an economic expert
But generally the idea is
>Less taxes for everyone
>People have more money to spend, stimulating the whole economy
>No redistribution of wealth because that's fucking retarded
Are you criticizing this? Are you some sort of antisemite?
When life goes to shit, not a second earlier
Notice that the major problem area is under Obama. Also scale it by percentage growth
Yea well that affects mostly manufacturing. So trickle down is still probably shite.
Mass immigration from nations outside of Europe to suppress wages
See Note how it starts not long after the Immigration Act of 1965
>99% is incapable of producing anything that the 1% is willing to pay for
>this is somehow the fault of the 1%
99% needs to step his fucking game up.
daily reminder your brain is mush.
Reaganomics was about boosting economic growth by lowering taxes and regulations. That's about it
The rich will be brought to heel. No more mega mansions while people starve in the streets.
They learned from history and built central banks. See Great Depression.
This, basically.
Growth for a very small amount of people.
When globalism does not devalue the worth of labour in western nations anymore. Don't hold your breath.
that means gutting his daughters business.
im not holding my breath
This shows inequality rising thru the bush Clinton Obama years
What the Fuck exactly are you trying to convey
I cannot figure this graph out. What is the Y axis indicating? The "Index Relative to 1970"? What do they mean by that?
Additionally, does the X axis represent years, like 45 is 1945, 55 is 1955, etc? If that's the case, why is the Y axis the "Index Relative to 1970" while the X axis goes all the way back to 1945? Was 1970 a particularly good year or a particularly bad year?
what a triggered gypsy
>what is a joke?
It has. Show me the 'Quality of Living' graph and how it's gone up for everyone. Just because you don't have those immediate warbucks bucks in yer meme-accounts, doesn't mean the general quality of life has not been going up under capitalistic societies comparitive to every other society.
Eat shit motherfucker and go die in a sub-society of your choice if you don't like it.
The rich are getting richer. There are no hard times for the ultra rich but they are not releasing it into the economy, they are sitting on it.
This poster will go into another thread to cry about the degeneration of western society after sucking rich person dick in this one.
Value of unskilled labour doesn't change over time.
The Immigration Act of 1965 was a limitation of foreigners who could come in. At 170k.
>everything is foreigners
For that chart to happen.
Index takes 1970 as a 100. E.g. productivity at 50 means it was half the productivity of 1970.
I once wished i was born rich, but if I was, I would not appreciate it probably. I wish instead that I could become rich, but that is very very difficult and I will never live that dream. I am doomed to being a wage cuck. I do not hate the rich, I just don't care about inconveniencing them if it means I can get free food for a year. They can fuck two 8 out of 10 whores every day. Sometimes I want beef stew.
I assume it's as a percentage of what they were earning in 1970. For example people were working twice as hard in, I'd say around 2002, at 200%, but only being paid around 100% of what they were earning in 1970.
Looks like we need a new communism thread
It may be mush but at least it ain't washed
Another major factor was more women entering the workforce full time
When we get back to the gold standard
>When is the wealth gonna trickle down to us younger folk?
Not exactly, though if you're living in the US it may as well be what you're saying. The ultra rich are investing it abroad.
Limiting the labour market cannot raise wages. Otherwise by firing everybody except one person the economy would be at its best.
Increased household income increases consumption. Theoretically if more people worked everybody would be better off assuming perfect distribution. If twice as many people worked thered be twice as much goods for everyone.
The commies are right in this one aspect. Unskilled labour doesn't go up with the economy. It's no coincidence the billionaires are universally investors.
if you look at the memes like "trickle down" you havent been paying attention and you are being led by your nose by the (((media))) or rather, by the (((bankers)))
it is trickling down. leftists are void of any rational thought beyond basic reactionary instinct
I seriously hope you're joking. Do you not know the history of the Federal Reserve?
Are you retarded? This is literally why Sup Forums is so economically illiterate.
Real wages don't grow 1/1 with productivity. They grow with the rate of change of productivity. If you take the derivative of that productivity curve it is going to be a constant, which means real wages will stay at the same level.
Also, the gold standard is a terrible idea. Countries leave recessions using monetary policy. Inflation has a real impact only in the short run. In the long run moderate inflation has no impact on real variables, specially when nominal wages ALWAYS grow with inflation at the same rate.
If you misunderstand the "inequality" of wealth, then you probably fell asleep in economics or skipped it for gender studies.
he's not comparing middle class americans with the rest of the world, you retard. he's comparing very rich people with everybody else.
Why, because this time we will get it right?
Also... Piketty explains really good OPs image.
Say g is the growth of an economy. If g = 3% a year due to a productivity increase of 3%, real wages will grow 3%.
Now r is the rate of return of capital. Capital returns tend to be higher than g. So since rich people can work but also own capital they benefit from both anual rates of growth.
Poor people don't own capital so if r>g, people who own capital will be wealthier and wealthier every year than people who don't at a faster rate, so inequality will grow perpetually.
yeah its going to rain fucking money
oh wait they pay less taxes and i pay reasonable prices for everyday shit
go back to russia and give germany back its clay you useless fucking dumkopf
fuck poland how useless can you get white niggers thats what you are
oh no they take my country i need some space
oh no they take again
help me
kill yourself
when the (((bankers))) are decorating the street lamps lol
What have YOU done to make America great again? The top 1% are the people who work to make real differences in the world. If you're a white person you should instinctively grasp the "divine right of kings" and be damn glad you live in a nation where it's possible for anyone to actually do great work and rise up to the level of royalty and by extension be relatively confident that royals trying to rest on their laurels and "birthright" often fall out of the 1%. If you saw a chart broken down differently including "The 5%", "the 10%" even "the 25%" it might be easier for you to understand why there will NEVER be class warfare in the US.
I love how people ignore this while treating graphs made by socialist and commies are legitimate.
Bull shit. People are born into different, unequal, economic strata. It isn't the same as being biologically born retarded or deformed. Economics are about how societies organize themselves and the fruits of labour and economic creation.
You don't understand that apparently.
Unequal economic strata exists because people are not equal.
Economics is the study of scarce resources with alternative uses.
Wealth difference comes because of difference between intelligence and ability. You're the one that doesn't get it.
Flat income tax across all incomes..... no loopholes everyone must pay..... national sales tax except on things necessary to live (food, water, etc), no coporate income tax, it is double dipping.
When we abandon globalism and put power back into the hands of workers.
Michael Savage would bring back feudalism.
It isn't going to. You are basically fucked.
Our biggest problem is government. It has grown exponentially and while it is a necessary part of civil society it had become must larger than our framers ever intended. Government is not the solution to every problem we have.
Trust me goy. When we cut taxes for those multi-national Jewish corporations so they can invest their profits overseas, you're the one who will benefit the most.
When it's actual money as opposed to fiat alchemy.
>import millions of poor people
>complain about wealth inequality
>import millions of poor people
>complain about low wages
Why are leftists so fucking dumb?
I walk around with a tiny computer in my pocket, which I'm using right now to type this message. When am I supposed to be poor?
They claimed that a "rising tide would lift all boats".
>muh iPhones
Kill yourself.
kill yourself
so far the only thing preventing an economic collapse is the evidently much higher rate of productivity. people dont care as long as they can afford a inexpensive large flat screen tv and new car on loan.
If people spend all their paycheck on bullshit like Apple products, boooze, takeout food and lotto tickets they can't expect to build any wealth. So when they wise the fuck up.
It's the introduction of computers into the workforce ya dingus
If more wealth goes to poor people than to rich people, then it's not "trickling".
On a side note their is a difference between being rich and having wealth. Also one should understand what it means to be in each bracket. If one person makes $100,000 a year they are placed near the top. If a couple each makes $50,000 year. $50,000 job is hardly a "rich" job. Yet together they are classified into the upper brackets. Take a whole family of lower income workers and collectively they could make enough to be considered near the 1%. Leftist mental gymnastics.
i think $250000+ is the bracket for the rich. $100000 is not alot of money if you live in the city and support a family. $50000 and less is near poverty levels.
I can never remember the cut off for each bracket, and of course it is variable. But people fail to understand what it truly means to be in each bracket.
The super rich thank you for your ignorance and support.
What dumbass libtards don't understand is that the gap between the 1% and the 99% is always going to widen because the more money you have the easier it is to make money.
1% of $100 investment is $1
1% of $100000 investment is $1000
So obviously the gap will widen. Also it needs to be said the the bottom 99% are PISS POOR at investing and saving money. They would rather spend all their money on a new car or a new phone than invest it in some blue stocks.
What poor as fucking libtards don't understand is that wealth doesn't come from nagging your boss for a raise. Wealth comes from individual and independent action.
They are already paid what they are worth. If a run of the mill job was worth $30k adjusted back in 1980 there's no reason why the same fucking job should be better paid in the present. It's still the same value so obviously it will pay the same.
If you're not satisfied with what you are paid, start investing and creating value.
Capitalism promotes inequality, but it is still the by far most succesful market that has ever existed. Communism and socialism doesn't work so capitalism and open market is the only way
slurp slurp thank you job creator
Thank you for explaining it after all these years of just memes and racist shitposts whenever the graphs were posted
Ok thank you for the irrelevant information.
We all started from the earth as tribes. The most successful, and intelligent, of those, typically built their tribe into nations that prospered and passed that onto their children.
You are not an island. You are the product of your ancestors, as well as their economic and biological legacy. Exceptions aside, if your parents were stupid and made stupid decisions, there's a good chance you will too.
>When is it gonna trickle down?
it already has
trickle down works as a way to reduce costs of new technology and other high demand products
the fact that a smartphone can be owned by niggers is a result of trickledown economics.
You are straight up contradicting yourself dude.
Except for the fact that literally everything else is getting more expensive.
it's a bull shit comparison. the poorest in America live in the 88th percentile of the world. You have to take that into account when you cry about people not getting what they think they're entitled to. the poorest Americans are receiving the benefits of trickle down every single day they just don't know it