One life, born shitskin

to poor parents, in a country which is hated universally, without prospect for improvement.

Why is life so unfair?

Any time I'm feeling down, I just have to remember "at least I'm white".

What are you going to do in new years eve?
I am in a poor country but at least I am white : V

>Poor in Pakistan
>Can into English language
>Has internet access
I smell bullshit.

>Implying you won't join the next rapefugee wave to Europe

You are not poor

end it user

Huehue can you tell me stories of robberys in your country please? The other day someone told me about the taxis and the ubber way to survive to death and the knockout powder

>waaahhh I get to get married in a country where almost every woman is a virgin until marriage and my parents arrange my marriage for me and divorce is non-existant

you have it a million times better than a poor african or a poor east asian or a poor south american who don't even have a functional family or marriage culture.

what part of Pakistan are you from?

Karachi. A sprawling slum of 25 million shitskins.

you are not alone, countless of your brothers have experienced this same misfortune.

LUCKILY for (you), they all came to the same solution: emigrate to england.
I promise this will solve everything

>25 million
Insane amount

so you are descended from hindustani banyas. i am not surprised your kind thinks this way. bringing your kind to karachi was the plan of the anglo-saxon parasite species. you should go back to hindustsn and take your family with you. banya monkey, for you there is either go back or to the sea.

if you had not been such slave banya scum, the anglo would not have used you, your lang. and culture to wage war against us.

Renounce Islam, get a degree and a job with an MNC, move to the West.

Stupid jew, that doesn't solve the overarching problem

>move to the West.

Fuck you

I should have never confused this place with /adv/

Make your country better. You have all the time to do it.
Whining about it makes you even worse.

>internet access

Whar are you a 3 wor....


I see...

In 10 years it will be still 25 million, all the surplus 5 million is shipped to Denmark.

> Move to West

>to poor parents, in a country which is hated universally, without prospect for improvement

You do realize you just described what most of the world get? Being born white is winning the lotto, about 1/10 chance or something like that

Hahahahah Estonia you are so innocent my poor retard amigo

> the mindset that enables shit happening

What's MNC?

>move to the West

Forgot your proxy Hershel

Multi national corporation, e.g. Kellogs, Johnson & Johnson, Toyota...

>move to the West.
kill yourself you fucking kike piece of shit

Try Cargill.