Sup mateys, remind me again why do you hate Argentina so much?

Sup mateys, remind me again why do you hate Argentina so much?

Do you envy the freedom and glory of the soon to be last bastion of the white race when the world collapses?

Or are you just a bunch of cretins?

Other urls found in this thread:

I don't hate Argentina, but the Falklands are British.

If the people want to keep it British, then it should be kept British.

Why exactly do Argentinians think that they are theirs? They never were.

It's just islamic mudniggers that hail from Britain who hate all whites. Argentinans, being white, are obviously gonna get flake from Brits who are paki, indian or some mudshit breed.

If you had an inflation rate below 9,000 you'd immediately be swamped by the neighbouring riff-raff.

Also the Falklands are British.

Las Malvinas belong to Argentina.

"White" bahahahaha!
Also you guys can't even take the Falklands when they are right next to your country and the other side of the world for us. Epic fail

>which of cretins
Everything pol says is pure cretinism and not be taken seriously
>Hitler dindu muffin
>Germany ruined Europe 3 times
>Slavs are not white
>Agentine is not white
>Russians are Tatars
>Finns are mongols

Basicall the whole board is to demean everybody but anglos/germanics since 60% of pol are amerifats and brits

Pol is a meme and memes=\reality

Going to Buenos Aires in March. Should I get a Los Malvinas son Argentinas shirt to lower my chances of getting robbed by some subhuman darkie?

yes, and a Maradona hat too, just in case

too bad you are in the middle of nowhere and surrounded with all kinds of mexicans

Can someone redpill me on the whole "Argentina is white" meme? I always thought it was filled with spics just like other South American countries. Are there actual demographics that prove me wrong?

argentina is whiter than britain now actually

"It's ours"
Salty assholes got denied every time they tried invading, so instead they steal our only islands
Dick move bruh

A meme from Sup Forums
Mexicans are resentful pieces of shit and started spamming "Argentina is black" memes
Or that's how I recall it

>not african tier

select one

That white is pretty muddied up though if you take a look at PISA or any IQ scores

I would like the Argentines if they didn't want to steal our clay. But they do, and that's that.

>having many of the worst financial meltdowns
>3d world
>acting up
you dumbasses never learn

On average we would out skill any American idiot at any IQ test
Mister common core

At least we can fail,you on the other hand,live in a constant state of uninterrupted failure
Dirty gypsy

> last bastion of the white race
PeruANUS here. Keep telling yourself that whiteboii

That pic is so gay

King of south america passing through

Yes, yes, ooga booga, whatever

>At least we can fail
that's all you do, you rise a bit out of the misery the drop face down

>there are no whites in Argentina

Reply when you become a proper country

Brazil has a lot of those small isolated German communities as well and they'll probably get BLACKED in one or tow generations. Doesn't mean anything. The average Argentinian is a shitskin.

why Buenos Aires, literally the letrine of our country? But if you have to, just stay inside the boundaries of Capital Federal and should be ok. Don´t even think on going Province of Buenos Aires if you value your life.

I like Argentina

If you keep this up, they'll have to begrudgingly conquer and annex you, too, and rename your country the "Lesser Falklands".


las malvinas belong to argentina doe

You will fail just like you're fathers failed doing the same thing

your fb team will get annihilated again


You guys should BTFO the brits from the Falklands before they get turned into Pakilands

nigger, you could wear a union jack shirt and no one will notice youre not an argie unless you talk

of course we rib each other here, so watch out, but niggers look like niggers everywhere


>be eternal anglo
>be ruler of the sea, strongest empire ever
>half the world is your
>you have nothing left, you only own a souvenir shitty rock at the other side of the world
>"at least i still have you malvinas"
>shitskins chimp out to steal your last souvenir

i kek at you britbongs

hey man please dont pull chile into all of this they are really cool people and absolutely white (like your country, argentinabro!)

Our iq is higher despite our massive brown and black population

Remind me what is left of France's colonial empire? Guyana and island off the coast of Canada. You don't have much room to talk shit.

You are a backstabbing bitch who betrayed your only ally on this continent. You are no different from jews and niggers in that aspect.

Peru may not be white but at least people are not shit like on argentina and chile where they are all degenerate whores

>Our iq is higher

Chileans are the worts neighbors
Salty resentful indios jealous that they forever will be our shadow

>that fernet

come on man theyre just too stressed out from all the floods and earthquakes

we still own the 2nd larger naval territory in the world just after USA, and hundreds of islands all over the world.

I wouldn't hate them if I didn't get devoured by flea's when I visited Valparaiso and charge me 1400 pesos for icecream

>tfw argies have to come to chile to buy stuff since their economy is so fucked

>tfw chileans have to come to peru to buy stuff since their economy is so fucked

Try and take it back Pedro and see what happens. Faggots.

I thought Chile was whiter than Argentina?

I don't hate Greate Britan, but London is ger.. ehm... european..

If the people want to keep it european, then it should be kept european.

So Argentina is a balding, ginger faggot?

Argentinians act like they are the last cookie in the cookie jar, they are pricks.

A bunch of speaks of dirt in the Pacific and Carribian aren't very impressive.

I personally witnessed Argentinian scum walk out on a restaurant bill in Buzios. They were white looking, but that is nigger behavior.

It's just because of it's location that Sup Forums makes fun of it. It's actually the most white country in South America I believe. It was also the country to kill all of it's native population.


You know you're not m8 stop pretending you are.

Your "nation" (a sad lil rock)
Is cucked beyond comprehension
We could retake those islands with our 3 remaining jets

Now that I think about it,Malvina's are like Constantinople, it belongs to the white Christian man,but is under Muslim control

Sshhh Mohammed, white men are speaking

>Burka (male) beaten to submission by halal cock

>t. jealous of not having the Guadeloupe, jewel of the french empire

By the time you've finished reading this, 10 German families have fled Berlin.

isnt argentina another BR HUE HUE latin america shit hole like the rest of that continent ?

>it's another argentina is butthurt about the falklands thread

Okay you got me there.

Only the North, the South is really white.

Plottwist: my was one of them, Berlin is a shithole anyway m8

Why are you a gay 70s man?

I have been to both capitals, and I have to say, London is definitely less appealing.
I'd rather have Turks than blacks/ arabs.

>We could retake those islands with our 3 remaining jets
>Malvina's are like Constantinople

You're spics. You have no chance in the world and you know it, everyone knows it. You're an embarrassment to the world, a complete irrelevant shithole that has and never will contribute anything to the world.

Give it a go faggot, I would love mummy May to repeat Maggies rekking of filthy spics just to remind you who's boss.

does HMS Le Ramp even have planes?

Not nearly as butthurt as those poor British girls and boys raped by muslims

You seem very angry about something
One day a big wave will wash you pitifully island off the map

So... Salty. You can't even defend an Island in your own backyard...

Argentina is objectively white.

>believing Sup Forums memes to be real
Chike is brownier than Paraguay

Wow, dude. Sorry to hear that. Vote AFD.

We're all going to invade Argentina, before too long


That moment you realise, we took the Falkland Islands to set up a place from which to launch an attack on you.

butthurt incoming :3

>when your country is so irrelevant you have nothing saved in your meme folder

Imagine Argentinio owned let's say the Isle of Man.. It would make me feel like a right cuck.

Oh in have many memes,wanna duel Mohammed?
Check those digits

honestly i don't think of argentina at all

New Caledonia

I'd prob end my life over the shame. It's like we grabbed OP's gf's pussy and he got beaten the fuck up after trying to stop us.

Let me sum south america for you
>Argentina and Uruguay
Most people decendents of italians and spanish. Lots of people with arab blood as well. Then come the mestizos, jews, germans and polish minorities.
Actually multicultural. Mestizos, whites, natives.
Majorty of people from two kinds of natives. Elite white holds power, represent next to 0% of the population
>Chile and Peru
70-80% Mestizos. For Chile there's also an elite white rich class. Peru has some natives and japanese for some reason.
>Ecuador and Colombia
Elite white rich minorities, plenty of mestizos and mulattos. Sizeable black population.
Half mestizos half spanish descendents. Some blacks as well.


>Las Malvinas belong to Argentina.
Well they were Argentinian. (That is, from April 2, 1982 – June 14, 1982)

peru natives are smart for some reason when they are educated they do well in business.
Some just become comedians and do really well

t peruvian intellectual

Nah, you're alright.

I don't think most americans hate argentina, or have a negative opinion of your country, like many of us do with respect to mexico, columbia, nicaragua, etc.

I'd love to vacation in Rio sometime if I can save up.


We'd take it, do you think the Argies could stop us? In my opinion we should take the Faroe islands, too. They're dangerously close to your island.


I think Argentina is a pretty cool guy.