Blacks and muslims are more violent than whi-

blacks and muslims are more violent than whi-

Other urls found in this thread:,7340,L-3342999,00.html

Yes, they are. Every week, we get the shit like these guys has done in Africa and Middle East.

nice try mahmoud abdul rahmalla bin jahud fasan

4 white guys are more violent than 2 entire cultures. wew you bongs are as dumb as you're ugly
4 > 2


How are things in prison Anders ? Will we see you ever again ?

Remind me when the last time a muslim killed 70 kids on an island in your country?

>4 cases compared to thousands DAILY
This isn't cherrypicking.
This is advanced cherrypicking.

I love these lists never include communists/leftists

Those 70 'kids' deserved it. Next!


we on the left don't tend to use violence

Just look at the crime stats you stupid fuck. Have fun being a race traitor and turning your own country into shit.

Good job picking 4 White people
That is the Same ammount of People that bombed the belgian airport.
Now if you could, post the same amount of white terrorists as the number of Islamic terrorists that attacked europe this year

what the hell happened to (you)


White mass shooters are so rare that they make international news maybe once a year, twice if you're lucky.

We need to become violent. So violent that Moslems and Niggers will run, run away screaming into the night.


what about the THOUSANDS of white terrorists attacking muslims in the middle east?

funny how you ignore that eh?

You know this argument wouldn't work on anti-whites because they don't feel guilty about it.

They were acting like little angels that time. Wait until lthey have proper motivation and training.


>Counter terrorism == terrorism
>Sup Forums in the current year





They're all inept peoples.

that dude on the far left top has no soul holy shit those eyes

Statistically speaking in terms of hard math if whites were more violent than blacks then we'd have ethnically cleansed the entire planet generations ago.

Crisis Actors.

>white people are conveniently mentally ill when they commit crime
>muslims and blacks are perfectly sane of mind when they commit crime

You right wingers are a parody of yourselves

Per capita, and on the given day, much less violent.

But both criminal records and military history show that when whites are either mentally disturbed enough to be violent, or when white cultures decide to make war, they're a lot better at it.

Youngest victim was 14.

>implying OP is really british

Notice how JEWISK VIOLENCE is never mentioned.
Stalin's Jews
We mustn't forget that some of greatest murderers of modern times were Jewish,7340,L-3342999,00.html

sorry didn't realize 14 year olds were adults in your country

>christopher harper-mercer

So, a guy with Mr. Magoo tier glasses killed 16 people?

How dare you talk about Roof like that! He was a good boy, he was on his way to church!

Here's more redpills about Jewish biological weapons AKA anti-whites.

>the use of violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political aims.
It sucks when words have actual definitions.

>Impyling whites do this at the same rate as Muslims

Weeeeeeeeeeeew lad.

All people can inflict violence, whites are both the most altruistic but when pushed to the breaking point or when poorly raised can be far more violent than any other. We have the capacity of inflicting massive harm, but we choose not to do so because we know the damage it does to ourselves.

4 cases vs everyday terrorism

he killed 8 i guess got a few more casualties
he also posted on /r9k/ the day before he did it

I wish these things included the source. Without a source you cant really use it in an argument. Do you by chance know the source OP?

Well at least white people make more competent terrorists.

Breivik is like the king of terrorism, he was literally a one man army and almost single handedly destroyed a liberal future for Norway. Osama used to the the king but his dirty wizard beard and failure to actually do anything himself just makes him a manipulating jew.

Holmes is insane but smart enough to build impressive WMDs he never ended up using due to his own insanity and batman fetish.

Dylan Roof is trolling on max cruise control and constantly in the media unlike the sand nigs inside gitmo nobody has ever heard of.

Jared whatever his name is crazy nutjob was just plain crazy.

There's also all the Chechen terrorists in the middle east considered top tier Jihadis compared to their kebab bretheren who are recruited as lowly suicide squad members.

aren't you forgetting?
literally 10,000 black men were killed by other black men in the period since those lonely 4 spergs did thiers. why don't you mention that?

racist much OP?

Kek. Nice argument faggot. Obviously whites are worse because muslims are so ineffective... thats the argument right? Whites do a better job so even though their attack number is expotentially lower they're still the real menace?

>Counter Terrorism
pick one

Hey OP let's have a little conversation here. I take it you are anti-white. Am I correct?

>banana degree logic detected.
Is that you again overly angry brazil bro?
My apologies if not.

>4 people compared to hundreds of millions

>Corner Dorner

Nice try Mohommad

blacks and muslims are mo-

Can confirm

t. Trump rally attendee

Funny how shitskins are only capable of petty violence meanwhile whites go all the way and make shit like pic related

St Louis, MO 2012 (49% black, 42% White)
Murder 97.6% of offenders were black
Rape 78.6% of offenders were black
Robbery 91.8% of offenders were black
Agg. Assault 84.7% of offenders were black
Burglary 80.0% of offenders were black

Chicago 2011 (33% black, 32% White, 29% hispanic)
Murder offenders--- black 70.5%; hispanic 24.3%, White 3.5%

New York City in 2014: (33.3% white, 28.6% Hispanic, 25.5% black, of 8 million people):
Blacks were 62.4% of murder victims and 61.8% of those arrested for murder.
Hispanics were 25.2 % of murder victims and 31.8% of those arrested for murder.
Whites were 7.5 % of murder victims and 2.9% of those arrested for murder.
In short: in 2014, blacks and Hispanics were 93.6% of those arrested for murder in New York City.

How about rape victims/those arrested for rape in 2014?
Blacks were 39.7% of rape victims and 43.2% of those arrested for rape.
Hispanics were 36.5% of rape victims and 45.8% of those arrested for rape.
Whites were 17.9% of rape victims and 4.7% of those arrested for rape.
In short: in 2014 blacks and Hispanics were 89% of those arrested for rape in New York City.

Robbery victims/those arrested for robbery?
Blacks were 33.7% of robbery victims and 61.5% of those arrested for robbery.
Hispanics were 37.3% of robbery victims and 29.6% of those arrested for robbery.
Whites were 15.4% of robbery victims and 6.1% of those arrested for robbery.
In short: in 2014, blacks and Hispanics were 91.1% of those arrested for robbery in New York City.

murca wuz good boys, we dindu nuffin

blacks and muslims are more vio-

What was his beef? Anybody have a screenshot from the archive of his post?

The statistics on unarmed African-Americans being shot by police: "In 2015, more than 6,000 black people were victims of homicide, while 258 black people were killed by police. This is a 23-to-1 ratio....Only 38 unarmed black people were killed by police in 2015...this would still mean that black people are nearly 160 times more likely to be murdered by a black criminal than..a racist cop...Of the total of 987 people shot by U.S. police in 2015, half of them were white, and 31 unarmed white people were shot by police."

A white cop is 18x more likely to by killed by an armed black criminal than an unarmed black man killed by a white cop. Black and Hispanic police are 3.3x more likely to shoot a black suspect than a white officer.
Facts from: The War on Cops: How the New Attack on Law and Order Makes Everyone Less Safe?

U.S. Department of Justice, National Crime Victimization Survey; table 42.
37,460 black on White rapes in 2005
32,400 black on White rapes in 2006
14,090 black on White rapes in 2007
19,290 black on White rapes in 2008

Average over six consecutive years:
Black on White: 22,534
Black on Black: 24,730
White on Black: 0

These only count perpetrators identified as "black". Does not include race- "other" or "not known".

2014: Blacks account for 51.3% of total murder and 55.9% of robbery arrests in the USA. The blacks are only 13% of the population, but account for a higher percent of nearly every violent crime... FBI 2014 Crime Data -

white man confirmed for moral degeneracy

That sort of confirms the IQ test reults, and if you niggers had such weapons the earth would long ago have been destroyed.
Also you are ignoring Jews, Communism and Red Terror.

Are you anti-white?

Detroit (83% black, 8% White) tops the list of America's Most Dangerous Cities for the fourth straight year, based on violent crime rate. Violent crimes -- murder, rape, robbery and assault -- are running five times the national average.

1 Detroit, MI (83% black, 8% White)
2 St Louis, MO (49% black, 44% White)
3 Oakland, CA (28% black, 26% White, 25% Hispanic or Latino)
4 Memphis, TN (63% black, 29% White)
5 Birmingham, AL (73% black, 22% White)
6 Atlanta, Ga (54% black, 38% White)
7 Baltimore, MD (64% black, 30% White)
8 Stockton, CA (12% black, 23% White, 7% two or more races, 35.7% of Stockton's population is of Mexican descent)
9 Cleveland, OH (53% black, 37% White)?

USA has four of The 50 Most Violent Cities In The World:
40. Baltimore, Maryland had 33.92 homicides per 100,000 residents.
28. New Orleans, Louisiana had 39.61 homicides per 100,000 residents.
22. Detroit, Michigan had 44.87 homicides per 100,000 residents.
19. St. Louis, Missouri had 49.93 homicides per 100,000 residents.

facts is racist yo

Leftist hate the truth. Especially when it involves statistics about black crime.

Well it's your own fault. You brought niggers into your country cuz you were to lazy to work.


The nuke was primarily developed by Jew scientists who escaped Germany to warn the US that Hitler was trying to make his own nukes.

Isn't that guy in the middle some sort of war hero?

Niggers were brought here by (((merchants))).

Slavery is still a thing in Africa too...

>Showing white mass murderers from around the world.

Oh, you're opening it up to world statistics now? Oh boy the floodgates have busted off their hinges.

Sit down, let me tell you a story about the little nation that could: South Sudan...

>while between zero and ten black females were sexually assaulted or raped by white man
that means zero were raped but they can't say that since it's racis

Not being funny but they're mostly Jewish and Brevik is a massive freemason to boot

Nah we still win in area are gringo

>Nah we still win in area are gringo
fucking autocorrect

*in that area

shortened list of countries we've destroyed, m8:

east timor,
el salvador
america, tbph

Im sorry, but we are not allowed to say that blacks and muslims are mentally ill. Good try

Will it be a happy story? Can we all gather around the campfire and sing kumbaya?

Blacks are more primal whites are more psychopathic

in history there are over 30+ black guys who savagely kidnapped, raped, tortured and mutilated women and kids
and that's disregarding mudslimes

>quality v quantity

Top lel m8

Good point.

Better to let in hundreds that only kill 10-20 at a time.

The blacks had another great year in 2015, topping the charts in every crime yet again!

>Blacks commit more murders than the other 87% of the population, coming in at 51.1%
>They commit 53.5% of the robberies and 28.2% of the rapes
>black men make up 6% of the population
>Rape almost half as much as 30% of the population

Truly a marvelous feat for their race! And people say they've accomplished nothing!

Let's give a round of applause to our negroid friends, and to another year of high criminality!

26 out of the 38 million blacks in the US are on welfare.

"We" meaning the Jews dindu nuffin right friendo?


kind of like the USMC in iraq? semper fi, brah.

Memphis is only #4? Must be an old list.

Kek, you only found 4. You just proved us right, fag. Niggers and Muslims as a whole are FAR more violent. Whites, as usual, just know how to do it better.

not Breivik.

jews brainwash black kids to commit crimes too. if you're going to open that up, at least let it go both ways.

Who is that prettyboy Elliot Rodger and why is he so gorgeous?

Truth be told, Whites are discriminated against and oppressed in the West, that's why you see them driven to desperate actions.

Wew lad what are stats?

325,000 blacks killed by other blacks in the last 35 years in and that number is getting a lot larger by the day. Do they think there is no problem with how blacks behave?

Twelve per cent of London’s men are black. But 54 per cent of the street crimes committed by men in London, along with 46 per cent of the knife crimes and more than half of the gun crimes, are thought by the Metropolitan Police to have been committed by black men.

When the Muslims are perfectly articulating the religious rationale behind their actions (which incidentally line up perfectly with the literal doctrine in their texts) then yeah, they're brainwashed maybe, but not mentally ill.

Brevik wasn't mentally ill, he was really clear in what he wanted. We just throw around this term to feel better about ourselves because we KNOW we aren't mentally ill and therefore are incapable of committing those crimes. It's rationalizing.

I have ZERO sympathy for blacks anymore! Over 50 years of Affirmative Action, Black Power, Civil Rights legislation and preferential treatment in hiring and education have resulted in nothing! They have had access to the "buffet of opportunity" for over 5 decades and still haven't turned things around. What a complete joke and failure! They behave the same in every country they live, no matter if is USA or any country in Europe. The blacks are their own problem.

Truth be told, there is no conspiracy by Whites to oppress Blacks. This is a lie pushed by the Jewish media so Blacks lash out at White people.
I personally have zero desire to oppress anyone because of their race, religion etc.. That whole idea is ridiculous. In fact, I have yet to meet a single White person that legitimately wants to oppress Blacks. The only reason we are making fun of Blacks is because their behavior is so irrational and dangerous that they represent a threat to our well being. Multiculturalism just doesn’t work.

If you Blacks feel so oppressed because of the color of your skin there are plenty of other countries you can move to in Africa. All you are doing is making more and more White people dislike you because of your childish behavior.

>people forgetting Sam Hyde the most famous mass killer

Ok then. Before niggers got Jewed, say, America in the 1950's and 60's, they were able to hold jobs and raise families at a rate comparable to whites and most enjoyed a middle-class lifestyle. Do you follow me here sparky?

ffs Bjorn have you ever even seen a black person?
