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imagine having degrees from harvard and princeton, and all you accomplish with it is making chocolate milk illegal.
First "lady". That's rich.
>sociology and African-american history
I just see a nigger named Michael.
He has more balls than his husband, Barry.
Well he's not wrong.
a maga hat
Ooga booga, we haz hii I-Q's n sheeit
doesn't count in our affirmative action era desu
I doubt you could do better
ApeGirl could not have gotten into those schools without her color, so it's fair game.
Probably has high-80s IQ.
I see a dude pretending to be a chick
if you nigger woman can, I can easily
A nigger
i see affirmative action
I see someone who thought Hillary would be a good president
Wife of a terrorist
a man
>degrees from Harvard and Princeton
I read her final college thesis. There is no way she could have gotten through those schools without affirmative action and being treated like a retarded child.
If your own accomplishments aren't enough to satisfy you and you're overly concerned with how people perceive you, I simply do not care.
Well of course we just see black
Blacks get accepted into universities just for being black
You never hear what they course/program they graduated from. Only they graduated from a prestigious school
>Affirmative action product
Did they ban it from school? No wonder gen Z is conservative
Lying sack of shit tranny I see as well
That's a man, baby!
>It's about black society
>Blacks who are more comfortable with Whites
than with Blacks will probably be less interested in benefiting the Black community.
No fucking shit. You had to write a thesis paper to figure this out?
Imagine being an affirmative action gorilla transvestite, but people will take up for you anyway just because of your skin color.
Yes she is a chimp. Went to Harvard and Princeton but had shit jobs until her husband was elected senator. Go figure. Special position was opened in a hospital for her.
Maybe they should find out what kind of studies she has, they'll surely laugh.
Lulz the thesis is about how comfortable black people are in the school. What degree do you even get with that?
A proud black man
Maybe if "her", her husband and their party didn't shove it in our face that they were black for 8 years plus a year for the election I wouldn't associate her first as black and then second as a profiteer of affirmative action
a black male
>look at muh degrees
Yet he's basically retarded. These colleges should stop giving degrees to idiots
Rednecks being challenged by a smart and powerful woman, that's what I see.
so what she looks like an ape. Bush looked like a chimp/human hybrid. oh but because she's a nigger you say that...
I forgot they're special
transtesticle chimp
>degrees make a good leader
She's clearly an intelligent person, also I don't think she's ill intended. I don't agree with her political views though, but I do respect her.
It also has to be noted that she's ugly! When it came to beauty her genes fucked her bad!
Do I blame those who call her a man? Fuck no! It's a funny joke, she's one manly looking bird.
indoctrination != education. garbage. next.
Honorary degrees are not degrees. She isnt educated in anything. They gave her the paper so when she started the school lunch bullshit they could say she knew what she was talking about when clearly she didn't