I have a PhD in Politilogy. Ask me anything about German politics.
I have a PhD in Politilogy. Ask me anything about German politics
Would you agree that National Socialism saved Germany?
Why does the Barcelona Declaration give Merkel such a hard-on?
Do you drive a taxi for a living?
And earn 200 euros per month?
Why you cucks?
Why didnt you made a degree in something thats not useless?
It was an answer to a crisis of Capitalism and modern culture. Today, those crises are still visible. So the Nazis didn't change much in the long term.
> politilogy
>So the Nazis didn't change much in the long term.
>A fuckin' 13 years!
>implying you what reality looks like after a decade of leftist university propaganda
It doesn't.
A question to you: why does Sup Forums have such a fetish for Hitler? He was a Socialist and adored Islam.
It seems to me the old politician used to be concerned with listening to the working man and progressing his country, these days they all seem occupied with 'fixing' issues where sometimes there aren't even any, they also prioritize fixing things that aren't even inside their country like third world countries and they then claim this falls under the mantle of progressiveness, where did it all go wrong that the focus went from progress to fixing and a we got so occupied with sometimes the stupidest of shit
Most importantly, is realpolitik dead?
Kys non-stem pleb
It's either Army , StEM, Jura or trade all other is subhuman pleb shit
Don't believe this guy, politonomy is the real stuff.
Why is the working class supporting a party like Afd when they are in favour of neo liberal policies that support corporations and are all about giving tax breaks to billionaires instead of working to improve conditions for lower income men and women?
How do you feel about the ethnic German birthrate and the fact that your politicians are replacing you to deal with it?
Oh, that's a good question.
Politicians are indeed failing to address the problems of common people. Hence why anti-establishment populism is on the rise everywhere around the globe.
It's difficult to make Realpolitik, since the imperative of the economy is stronger than the imperative of governments. And even if a government wishes to change the economy, there is no proven recipe. Communism failed. There is a backlash against market liberalism everywhere.
What would you do, if you were a politician?
How important is Voegelin really?
Sadly, people don't know or care that much about economics. They should.
Do you see any chance of a peaceful future for this country with the growing influence of fundamentalist Islam through migration?
Waren Sie Könige?
>PhD in Politilogy
how is that starbucks job treating you lmao
What was the subject of your thesis?
Prep those ovens.
What's it like living under Sharia law? Does your gf let you watch when she gets fucked by Arabs?
Why arr you destroying europe with subhumans refugee filth?
If you really needed migrants why didn't you just ask? The whole world wants to go to Germany. Most of the whites here would give anything to go, we want to get away from niggers and build a better life. We are european children and would've been way better.
Germany will stay peaceful. It has an old and wealthy population.
The treat of Islamism will stagnate on the high level of today, but we won't turn into the Middle East either.
As in the religion of peace levels.
Can't tell you exactly, or else you could probably find me.
It's about the split between revisionist and revolutions movements in New Left of the 1960s.
Tell me a good reason not to vote Afd in 2017.
>Germany will stay peaceful.
So they teach you to ignore crime statistics in "Politilogy"? Sounds about right
Whats your stance on immigration?
Are you like the ancient greek philosophers, who said immigrants need to treated different from the citizen, having not the same rights as citizen, to not cause chaos
That´s enough. You´re right btw. the exact title would give up your identity without much effort.
So here´s my question to you: Why would germany allow such a high number of refugees from the middle east into it´s country and what possibily are politicians hoping to gain from it?
>he was a socialist
Some think socialism works when its in an ethnostate, some would gladly accept socialism if it means getting rid of the mud and other like socialism. Also not everybody likes hitler here
Believe it or not, pol isnt 1 person
>Hitler liked islam
Hitler liked islam back then so obviously it means he would invite millions over and let them leech off welfare and rape/commit crime.
If you approve of their program, there is no reason not to. You might, however, thoroughly read it first.
OP is very skilled at ignoring criticism - he'll make a great german politician someday
Why do German women like black men so much? I probably left at least a couple of mulatto babies back there
Immigration comes in thousand forms.
In Germany, immigration is being promoted to counteract falling birth rates. Immigration law, like any law, is something that has to be decided democratically.
The mass immigration of 2015 is the result of too high birth rates in Africa and the Middle East. Europe can only shut its borders, our asylum laws are completely unfit to handle this exodus of millions. There has to be a geopolitical solution.
Why are you reacting so triggered? I stated what's obvious. Hitler adored Islam and Socialism.
Long-winded politically correct way of providing no answer.
Wie viel kostet eine große Pommes mit Mayo?
Prove it.
Certificate + timestamp.
>modern culture
Tell me more about this.
What is the number 1 import of Germany?
Masters in politics here, you're wrong
A lot of people respected Islam when it was shitting up their own countries. Those that didn't during this period were the people that actually had to deal with it on a regular basis. So basically all the old Ottoman occupied territories as well as some British voices (Churchill famously hated Muslims after his experiences in India).
Socialism is not a bad thing inherently when done on a civic or ethno-nationalist basis. The problem with Socialism now is it embraces open borders and cultural marxism. Not to mention that National Socialist economic policy did retain aspects of the free market it just closely regulated preventing the rise of crony or corporate capitalists
saged because fuck your gay ass thread
big Arab cock and mixed race babies
Petroleum, ofc.
Why do you think, they dont focus on tackle, the low birth rates effectively, but bringing in foreigners in the millions, which cause even more problems?
Pic related
Red are foreigner or mixed ethnicity
Nothing inherently wrong with Islam besides being a retarded religion like all Abrahamic religions, belongs in the desert not in Europe...only reason it's in Europe is due to (((meddling))) in the middle east by the west.
See: Kalergi plan
How do I get qt3.14 domina kraut gf?
>Actually believes we need to breed like rabbits to sustain an increasingly automated economy
Kek looks like you wasted your Euros on that PhD
Would you compare present day Germany to the Weimar Republic?
Can Germany still unfuck itself if they get rid of Merkel?
Why, exactly, is a low birthrate a problem anyway?
Propaganda used to justify the importation of unskilled brown labor in an increasingly automated world
How in the fuck did the fucking "Pirate Party" come to exist? 1st time I heard the term I thought surely this is some sort of joke. Nope, real. Burst out laughing. Why is this a thing?
who was the most based chancellor of germany and why was it helmut schmidt?
Because politics can only do so much. There are countries with far, far worse living conditions than Germany - and yet, much higher birthrates.
Germans chose this lifestyle of having only one child - or none at all. If you're German, currently reading this and don't plan to have two or more children - you're part of the problem.
Why almost every german politician and expert is hell-bent on supporting refugees and immigration, even when his own daughter is killed by immigrant?
This is surely not just sticking to "social norms", as these people define these norms and they keep expressing same opinions even in informal, private discussions between each other and even their families.
The economy would shrink, deflation.
Otherwise, lower birthrates would be better for everyone. Just not for the market economy.
> I stated what's obvious.
yes you stated the obvious affairs of 1935.
do you not know what the fucking current year is?
wow they must be giving out phds to just anyone these days
you vote afd?
Not really a Hitler fetishist but his policies about protecting his own people (which unfortunately he considered only Aryans) were really good.
He couldve been the greatest hero of history if it wasnt for his shekel hatred and that he lost the war.
You know better than me that many policies nowadays were Hitlers idea. Of course nobody says that cuz
>muh nazi
you obviously dont see the context of women liberation and tanking birthrates, dont you?
The old parties were completely ignoring modern topics, like laws for the internet. But these weren't relevant enough to secure seats for the Pirates and they're irrelevant by now.
> Implying there will be an automated economy in the future, while we are overrunned by jihadist immigrants and having a political blockade on finding any solutions on todays questions
einmal ketchup mit majo
Kek what a retard. Who actually believe this?
Must suck to live in a country where you constantly have to monitor your own speech...don't wanna commit a thoughtcrime!
>Low birthrates cause deflation
What. Explain that logical leap to me.
>The economy would shrink, deflation.
missed the point, lower birth rate = shrinking population = shrinking tax base = underfunded socialist programs like """"""""Free education""""""" and """"""""Free healthcare""""""".
delusional krauts think that shitskins are going to come in and work and pay taxes. JEJ they are just going to drain your social programs dry, multiply and then start beheading you cucks in the street. I cant wait, hope it happens in my life time.
Hitler is only remembered for killing Jews and other pointless, juveline and immoral stuff.
But, additionally, he was an anti-austerity protectionist. Trump and the Greek SYRIZA come closest to him.
Look how much money is being pumped into automation at Google alone. It's coming, and probably a global economic collapse along with it - a massive problem/reaction/solution scheme.
lesser people, lesser demand=deflation
not a genius move
Since France and the US, the origins of most emancipatory movements, have far higher birth rates than Germany or the conservative Poland.
do you think you're actually worth listening to just because you have a PhD in Politology? chances are you're a complete quack.
we need to breed like rabbits in order to sustain western democracy and the advancement of our species
stop breading = population replaced by shitskins = social retardation and devolution
its not propaganda, its fucking real. white women dont have 2.1 babies anymore
> Immigration law, like any law, is something that has to be decided democratically.
Why? As a PHD in Politics, can you please explain to me how Democracy is altogether not a complete disaster?
As the average person has irrevocably proven they will be lazy, worthless, uneducated fucks who lounge around and fuck, eat and shit all day if they're allowed to, what sense does it make to govern the society by the 'decision making' of plebian-tier retards?
Can you provide any reason why dictatorship or class-rule is inferior to "Democracy"? Why should the decisions EVER be left to the lowest common denominator?
And before you take the route of
>Muh oppression of the poor unpriveleged
This is immutable due to human nature and exists in every system, "Democratic" or otherwise. This is not an argument.
How much biology is included in your curriculum?
b-but wait! let me tell you how importing 85 IQ Arabs will boost the German economy! Maybe if I signal hard enough I'll shed my holocaust guilt
How much debt are you in?
OP - do you actually believe all races are the same, and there's only one race, the human race?
Do Germans like Sahra Wagenknecht? She looks like she'd shank you while directly into your eyes and smiling.
Also, is it normal to pie each other in the face during parliament?
Old people buy less, pay less taxes and consume more taxes than young ones. They eventually die, leaving a gap in demand.
The income of mass retailers and mass providers of services shrink. So does the investment volume, as further shrinking is expected. The incomes of people fall and prices adjust accordingly -> deflation.
i did before becoming a member. my assessment: it's a mix between conservatism and libertarianism, it reads like an updated version of a coaltion agreement between the CDU and FDP in the 90s. for all the rhetorics about AfD being Nazis, my guiding star is not Hitler in the least bit, my guiding stars are Adenauer, Erhard and Kohl.
germany wants to be THE 1st world nation that has successfully integrated muslims. that would give it cause to look down on other countries, including the USA, telling them: look at us, this is how it's done. it is ethical ambition: to be perceived as more ethical (read: better) than others.
fairly wasted get
cherrypicking eastern europe. the high birthrates from the us come exclusivly from conservative whites or hispanics
Will the old bitch win the 4th time and (because she will) why are you Germans so brainwashed? Why are you selling your culture for nothing?
Democracy produced the best empirical results. There's not a single undemocratic nation that isn't a tax haven and/or oil exporter that matches the economic performance and stability of Germany or France.
Nice Hitler straw man - care to address any questions besides the safe softballs?
now go ahead and tell me who was the best chancellor and explain why it was helmut schmidt.
ill even give you a (you)
France higher birthrate is probably, due to North Afrcians, who treat woman like dirt
>I stated what's obvious. Hitler adored Islam and Socialism.
you failed to state that both were likely just tools to him.
kann man schon für 1,80 haben. es sei denn große portion entspricht einer doppelten portion. dann um die 3 euro.
it is the cucks fetish to have his wife be impregnated by a shitskin
germany is literally the "cuckold: the nation"