This is just sad
This is just sad
no its not leaf,
moving out early is a trick of the kikes
of course (((they))) want you out early, so they can rent their apartments to you at a premium
fuck off eternal leaf
maybe don't import 40% of your native population over night with welfare queens
How can a woman be liberated™ if she's not taken far away from friends and family and left in a college dorm to have access to as many dicks daily as she can desire?
it's what happens with socialist policies
>percentage of people not living in cucksheds
Oh vey you need your own house when you are still single, you need your own car, why would you want to live with your parents like all generations that build this civilzation, just take credit in our jewish bank
$$$$$ XDXDXD
When apartments in Swedens capital costs 200k usd it's not so weird. I'm lucky though that I don't live at home. Most of my friends moved out when they were 22-23. I moved out because of uni and never moved back in.
Seems like nations with kids moving out only move out because they know their parents wouldn't approve of their sex with blacks. South and East Euro do not have desire to nig it up so they rather be frugal.
As a sleeper Jew in hiding for 5 (five) generations straight, i approve.
My Great great grandfather died in an early access™ Holocaust during WWI
i would fuck off quickly if i didn't have to work 2 weeks in a month just to pay a tiny appartment rent.
Thank to the "unioni civili" law you can't even live with a gf or a buddy, because if they prove you had a relationship it counts like a marriage
Good. It would be worse if everyone owed more credit to the banks.
>Kalmar fags on the green
That doesnt count! The state pays for them.
What? What madness is this?
You wont trick me SZLOMO!
Już za późno goju, nasze kamienice, ulice też, kara finansowa za spacerowanie w Szabat.
>GOy in ID
It's called family ties leaf. It's a cultural tradition, I would not expect a westerner to understand. We do not shun out families away and the parents do not shun their kids. Independence here is not forgetting your family exists unless it's Christmas when you pick up the phone just to excuse yourself because you will not make it.
If we ever had any doubts due to the trends from the west that got to us too, the economical problems was used as more of a defense against your kind of degeneracy.
Everything revolves around family, we help each other, we care for each other, we are together. Traditions and customs can die only if you want to - we don't.
There is not a demand for black cock, slut tier university years or whorish behavior. We are not ashamed of our parents, wifes and mother in laws can cooperate and not hate each other like in every TV show of yours, respect is mutual and the bigger the family the better.
I know this seems alien to you, but it's what we call a normal life situation and, at a grander scale, it is what allowed society to become a thing. But hey, time to move to a new city and put those rights and empowerment to good use alongside Jamal and Ahmed.
Degenerate filth, thinking living with your family is something to be ashamed of. Good Lord, you people truly are a lost cause.
oooh shobbas good goy you've been tricked b4 you even suspect ;)
Is this the ultimate proof of nordic master race? Go back to your mother's basement your losers
he's exagerating how "easy" it is. You still have to file paper work and you have to declare some shit on taxes it's called common law marriage over here
Notice how the countries with the most young people leaving their parents house are also the most cucked countries.
1 room suicide apartment paid by government is not worth it Sven.
I am sorry to break your fantasty but most people in ex commie.countries live with their parents untill 34 (on average) because that is the age when they can move out (if they have a good job),the house market has similar prices to the west and with salaries up to 10 tumes lower you can see why....Anotger misconception is the basement here only rich people have a basement,i live with 4 family memebers in a 2 room cimmie appartement so yeah...the thing about traditions and shit is just a meme if i could move out i would.
It is worth it Perkele, if you just buy a king size bed you can share it with one lass and you're good to go. Imagine picking up a girl in Greece and then having to invite her to your mother's house like come on now
Yes, good goy, move out at 18 and waste all your money on rent.
You don't want to stay close to your family, do you goy? They're really bad for you. Just pay mister Shlomonberg the low low price of 1000 Euro a month and you too can have your very own little room to stay in.
What's that goy? You can't save money because of rent? Don't worry, you don't need to save or invest, we'll take care of it all for you. heheheheh
Why is Denmark so based? Is it because of the nordic master race?
How dare you mock the victims of the holocaust?
My grandfather died on a nazi meat grinder, after his 5th daily shower. I wasn't after he met my grandmother at a holocaust survivor convention that he realized he was dead.
Really makes me think
Nah famiglia, i got a couple of friends that live together. Police and taxman keep asking them if they are in a relationship, and they keep telling them that they are just roomates, because otherwise they have to pay taxes together (which is not convenient). Once you are counted as a family, on break up you have legal responsabilities to your ex partner.
That mean you can even have a divorce without getting married
>your mothers house
are you so cucked, that you call it "mothers house" after your father bought it?
mother's house sounds more childish and degrading
Living with your Parents strenghtens the traditional Family and makes Globalist Kikes mad
LOL look at all these NEETs blaming Jews from their mom's basement XD
Oy vey the burger know!!! shut it down