Thank you Marxist professors who get funding to publish gender research the women on dating sites lap up and drive us away.
Really, thank you.
What Self Respecting Guy Would Date Her?
where's the part where she says i don't believe in labels?
she's attracted to intelligence op.
you have no chance
She'll just find a guy with no self-respect. i.e. any nu-male cucklord
I wonder if the labels will grow ever more complex, placement of the labels will become standardized, and they will simply replace names.
Like instead of "Bob Johnson" you'd become a string of classifying labels once those labels become so complex that it is mostly uniquely identifying.
>Sorry, the name "Cissexual heteronormative fucking white male" is already taken
>Would you like one of the following alternatives?
>[ ] Cissexual homonormative fucks white pales
>[ ] Crisscrossexual hererogenic fuckboi with nails
>[ ] Cinderblocknuptual heremycuntrytissofthee fricando witch (mailman)
at least it knows people should hate it.
>have a girl tell you this drivel
>yeah yeah, sure let's get a bite to eat
>end up fucking in the back of my car
>"I'm a lesbian, I can't believe I just did that!"
>"yeah and you're going to do it again."
>second round
>drop her off
>toss the number
There was a brief moment in time where shit like this would happen ever other weekend.
When hard times come, all of this will immediately go way.
Just you wait.
All I need to know is how many holes you've got and what you like to do with them.
Literally everything else is fucking meaningless.
Bla bla bla bla blaaaa!!
Didn't read that shit.
All I wants knows is:
And I want a yer or a no, no fancy schmancy liberal shit.
2.Can she take a cock in the pussy without crying or acting up?
3.Can she cook fried eggs/steak
One y is enough, you got the job!
We need to create achmed accounts and start attacking lesbians and demanding to know why they aren't attracted to brown people. Islamophobes. Racists. Bigots. Gender is just a construct. Love everyone. Don't see skin colour.
>if people don't accept me it means they hate me
How do these people function well enough to exist with this extreme black and white thinking? No wonder SJWs are screeching borderline hambeasts
Lost me at liberal
Is that OKCupid? That site is full of SJWs. Seriously, a good 25% of all the profiles I read have something along the lines of "must be an intersectional feminist." Then their sex history on the bottom is disastrous--shit like being into biting and having sex in public.
I like to believe that girls on there don't represent women at large. OkCupid seems to attract a certain type of women.
God damn my sides, britbro what have you done?
We'll just end up with bar codes.
>but it should help not wasting the time of people who hate people like me
That is very kind of Xum though.
Sapiosexual is just another code word for "I'm a frigid bitch who just wants to get blacked"
A lot of the loudest ones have really violent sex fetishes/histories apparently. They virtue signal as stronk womyns to make up for being subs who like getting tied up and choked on dick. It's all bullshit and needs to be brought out in the open.
She has also clearly been single for a very long time and will remain so. Whoring on a street corner is the only dick she will ever get
Look she's applying for the job of fun receptacle.
So all I'm interested in is, can she cook and does she suck. She can call herself princesses gumdrop of the chocolate Ireland, if she wants. Who listens anyway.
That's a brilliant idea.
>but it should help in not wasting the time of people who hate people like me.
already know when i read poly
everyone does