Why is Bosnia even a thing? Half of its territory is a Serb Republic and the rest is rightful Croatia clay

Why is Bosnia even a thing? Half of its territory is a Serb Republic and the rest is rightful Croatia clay.

Bosniaks are barely even a majority ethnicity, only 50.11% of the population is Bosniaks. They should just let Republika Srpska unite with Serbia and give the rest of the land to Croatia.

i agree

No objections to this.



It only exists as a compromise to prevent more war.


Why is USA even a thing? Half of its territory is a Negro Republic and the rest is rightful Mexican clay.

Americans are barely even a majority ethnicity, only 63% of the population is American. They should just let the south unite with Mexico and give the rest of the land to Canada.

You should um like look up 'false equivalence'

unfair comparison

why the hell would a place like Brazil be concerned about the bumfuck Balkans of all places?

Why does Sup Forums only every talk about Europe when the flags on here are truly worldwide and we get a ton of Asians and South Americans?

I want to know what concerns your corner of the world.

why the fuck would they drag a bunch of balkshits all the way to USA for an agreement and why the FUCK did they pick Dayton???

europe is the holy land of kek which is why there are lots of happenings

the rest of world is pretty meh so nobody cares

What is it with foreigners and their desire to talk about the Balkans? Are you diasporafags?

Europeans are Africans with smartphones.

>muh tribe!

this would be a better more historic division

Go be a nigger somewhere else.


Works a lot better as a matter of fact.

Yeah, i tried to divide it with causing minimal butthurt to both Serbs and Croats and minimum population exchanges

muslims were ignored because the map was made with a certain, very interesting global premise

Why can't you just unite with Croatia and detroy muslims for good? Just split Bosnia in half. Then you would have Poland as ally. It isn't good for a country to have too much useless land, having strong cities is more important.

Polen, do you remember what happened last time we united?

I mean Serbia with Croatia.

Did you forgot the 90's? They weren't too long ago.

Just delete that whole part of european clay.

It would be better for Balkans and whole world.


Mate, if we were going by historic division (pre roach times), Bosnia would be almost entirely Croatian.

i'm okay with this but instead of uniting, serbia should become a territory of croatia

that's the only way

historic, as in as closest to pre-war situation without displacing anyone or creating enclaves

Confirmed leaf and diaspora

are you the 50% croat leafposter who sucks serb dick?

where are the bosniaks of Sup Forums i want their input desu