It seems like everyone of them is a narcissistic spoiled slut patting themselves on the back for being an empowered modern womyn because Affirmative Action got them a STEM job as diversity officer in a tech firm.
They pride themselves on being "childfree", because these nasty little fuckers supposedly just consume their precious time and money which they could use to engage in a variety of wholesome and enriching activities instead, such as guzzling up Chad's cum, getting spitroasted by Chad and his buddy Brad, or flipping their bean to a pic of Chad's enormous appendage.
When they aren't currently busy gagging on Chad's cock, they hang around on the internet sharing cat memes, try to outdo each other by being the most politically correct of them all, and document the various microaggressions they've had to endure for having a vagina, such as being called "female" on the internet, being preyed upon by vile "Nice Guys(TM)" who in their unchanging misogynist ways assume they could confess their love to a female friend without being regarded as a creep, or being "body-shamed" by misogynistic fat virgin neckbeards with tiny penises who still don't understand that nobody deserves to be made fun of for their appearance.
Looking at this behavior of female humanoid organisms , I can't help but feel disgusted up to the very core of my being. Sometimes I lose faith in the female race, but then I remember that females are subhuman and cannot help it.
I understand why POL hates modern females
Other urls found in this thread:
Didn't read, who is that girl?
Here we have someone who has seen the light
Females are not a race dumbnuts
We had a good society that recognized their inherent mentall weekness, then 3rd wave feminism happened
Take this faggot shit to /r9k/
sad but its true op
>Take this faggot shit to /r9k/
How true
The 3rd wave of feminism, coupled with the death of the western church institutions, including marriage, have definitely impacted the lead to the demise of women, and men, in western nations.
Our fathers and grandfathers failed to hold the moral backbone of our society, we are left with the mess of women being liberal ideologues, and men becoming effeminate and soft.
Unless our culture, our neighbors and ourselves start taking control of our lives again, we will be crushed in the wave of expanding Muslim and Chinese cultural colonialism.
Start embracing feminism.
But they are quite kinky, so you know. That's good.
Stop being so consumed into hating them.
Sure they'te shitty, but there a few girls that are genuinely nice and good.
And for the child free part, go and get a few pregnant.
I already did that with at least 3 of those girls, hey, at least there will be more white babies.
>Start embracing feminism.>>
No TY I kicked all the stupid bitches out of my life, now things are running smoothly
Varg, the destroyer of feminism
Your speead of woman hatred will ruin Sup Forums, in reality there are plenty of good women and there are many that will conform to a mans beliefs. Don't hate women because they are sluts, just find the less slutty ones and stop looking for a virgin.
>at least there will be more white babies.
Which is why femdom and fagginess are so popular right now, and are objectively the proper way to go. If you can't find a woman who can hold her own shit, then just find a dude. Way better than willingly letting a leech ride on your back.
And now I want creme brulee
I think a positive attitude to the situation would be better. Not all women are the above. That's just the degenerate whores. They're some top tier conservative qt 3.14s if you look hard enough. /R9ks attitude is defeatist.
Sup Forums hates them because they aren't man enough to have women
>Rig the game so one sidely against one of the players
No my mane, no, come back to men once you've abolished alimony and we might talk.
Is she even 18?
>he thinks modern """men""" are better
Fact: men that genuinely hate women don't get any pussy.
There's no spinning it. You may as well tattoo "beta" on your forehead.
>man enough
Thank god I am not "man enough" to have one of these monsters as a girlfriend then
What about if I get no pussy but I don't hate women?
You're just a normal guy. Probably young, probably insecure, probably painfully shy. It doesn't take amazing looks to get women, they're much less vapid than men. They generally don't care if you're fat or bald, they like confidence, humor and passion.
Now go get some pussy.
>a lot of women turned into some kind of unfeminine monsters in the last 30 years
>men who hate women do it because they can't get laid ahahah
Or maybe, you know, it's because they are shit
A lot of Sup Forumstards seem to not get, is the fact that modern white male are the biggest problem, behind Jews.
The establishment education system has feminised to fucks into being weak, effeminate beta cucks who grovel around women.
Meanwhile, yes, the education system and media has told women to be sluts and feminists, meanwhile the new breed of weak males, and the masses of nu-males tolerates this absolute garbage like it's nothing
It doesn't help that social media is a thing now either. Social media, where some slag just has to upload a picture of her duck lips, or just has to write a status about what food will be in her stomach within the next 3 minutes. Next thing you know, she has 3k likes from white knight cucks.
Take the pill, and realise that most women are like children before they hit age 40. They're incapable of rational decision, and the more you ''give'' to them and the more you let them take lead, the more they will bite off your arm, and get even more miserable and feminist.
Don't be a literal arshole to your fellow young women, but do remember that they hardly know what they want, other than being guided by and alpha (male they respect), and then have his attention and love. That' what makes young women happy, in a blur.
100% sure my shekel hoarding friend.
White knight cuck alert
How does Jamal's cum taste out of your gf vagina dude
Nobody cares about pussy anymore were not in HS..women are brainwashed into forcing men into cuckoldry and fingering our asses .. nobody, including women, care about sex and getting laid .. everything is about being bi sexual, girls strap fucking guys, cuckold shit, and other types of degenerate sodomite behavior
It's not 2007 anymore, life isnt about crushing Natty Ice and crushing Stacey's pink little starfish anymore dude
I know, I get it. They're shit because they won't fuck you. Sucks to be beta. Try fucking guys, it's easier.
>nobody cares about pussy anymore
Speak for yourself faggot. Life is not about women, I agree. I'm a 31-year-old guy dating a 25-year-old. Doubt I'll marry, ever. But I'm going to fuck her because I can and it feels good.
The fact that you don't think women care about sex is further proof of your betaness. It's like your only contact with women is memes on Sup Forums
They are not shit because they don't fuck me.
They are shit because they don't act like women and this means I wouldn't date them anyway
You really should try to develop a better argument than "you can't get laid ahaha" if you want to be taken seriously, just saying.
Females lack the Y chromosome required to be considered human.
Dude, where the fuck do you live? Women in Albania are not this degenerate (yet).
Said the virgin
Albania hasn't been Jewed yet, but your time will come.
This is why I'm on Sup Forums, to slow down the Jewing of the West. If you fall, we fall as well.
Oh boy, the loser containment board leaked again.
>They pride themselves on being "childfree"
Then where's the fire? If they are "childfree", they are eliminating themselves from the gene pool and don't deserve any more time of the day. End of story.
Why do you cucks continue to bitch about it? Do you really think you're any better than a woman for harping on and on in your own self-pity, fag?
>"Nice Guys(TM)"
Literally numale betas that should never reproduce. Natural selection is a bitch. :^)
But there isn't a better argument than "you can't get laid."
but here on Sup Forums we do nothing but meme
Those memes probably got Trump into office. Those memes have redpilled thousands of normies across the globe.
He lives on the internet.
God I wish I was a female.
Life on bluepill mode must be heaven
I would give anything to not have a Y chromosome. To be such a Simple minded emotionally driven creature would be bliss.
You might be gay
Nah, I'm straight.
dont you mean STEAM?
As a non-virgin, I can confirm what
said 100%. Women, in general, are much more forgiving in the looks department.
BTW, do you really think men are any better than women nowadays? Once you actually think about it, men fall short in nearly every category women do. We're all damned.
I'm not a virgin or ugly I don't have problems getting grills but it just got old I'm tired of the
>at least I'm getting pussy
Sex has been weaponized now I'm saying normal sex gets too "boring" for the modern femanazi..cheating/unfaithfulness is the bare minimum now ..
Sex is about reproducing at a animalistic level, I don't want to reproduce with some self centered immature femfag
Now we have to "put up" with something to get can't be about two adults having sex for mutual satisfaction.. TV/instagram taught girls that they're god and men are idiots so we have to deal with they're childish behavior
I'm attracted to grown women not short fat childish trolls who get cosmetic surgery to look like a Kardashian tranny
Stopped reading at "modern females..".
Too long.
Post a picture of your self Chad Thundercock Jesus I'm tired of these fake Chad's with cheating sluts as girlfriends coming on here whiteknighting and pumping their egos..
Dude what do you bench?
How many black guys you beat up?
What's your salary ?
I hate feminists full stop mate. First wave feminists were as cancerous, Women do not deserve equal rights
>Be beta
>Start learning PUA
>Suddenly bedding a lot of women
>Start hating women through dealing with them
>Redpill kicks in
>Now bedding less women and focusing on more important stuff
What an amazing ride
>Not knowing not to read by a quick glance at the post format.
>Getting your B-grade Pepe's from outside sources.
wtf is steam?
kekek that poster.
Nah, you're just too simple minded to think about better arguments.
> Also I like sushi and mini-golf
Based Varg.
Very true. Womens have also become less happy. They should get back in the kitchen. It will make them happier and it will make men happier.
> Since the 70s, women in the US and Europe have reported feeling less satisfied with their lives
Getting your pussy and asshole stuffed by dick doesn't make you happy in the long run and when you hit the wall the only company you're going to get are cats, unless you can find a pathetic beta provider.
All of these things tell me that you are a bitter nerdvirgin living in Clinton's basement and have no understanding of women.
The fact that you see them all this way, and fail to understand them as complex individuals with their own thoughts and feelings is why you shall be forever alone.
You will never find that diamond in the rough because all you can see is dirt.
Well meme'd my friend
>muh betas muh natural selection
Are you a nigger or a woman?
This. I have no clue what
said tbqhwyrnf.
I only read the first part, but you're right. I'm probably a bit older than most, but even I was raised to watch/listen to the electric jew and base my whole lifestyle and sense of self worth and being on what they told me to be. Which is a whiny, emo, soft emasculated little bitch who worships feminism and pop culture, which does nothing but degrade me and tell me blacks and whores are what's really cool.
People probably don't even realize how long this has been going on... sure, you merican kids might remember Chapelle's Show, but in my day we had Martin, Fresh Prince & In Living Colour too, and others. Hell, even Cosby show, and others before that, normalizing blacks when they're nothing like us and are raised to despise us. Jews are still the main problem, as always, wherever they go they must also subvert and pervert. They've been poisoning the well for the last 50-60 years and guys like Bill Mitchell are a perfect representation of the cuck western white man has become.
Don't even get me started on the materalistic, vapid whores women have become. Muh Marilyn Monroe tattoo, zomg user Pretty Woman is my favorite movie of all time, or Breakfast at Tiffany's!
Sup Forums hates modern women mainly because what you just proven:
a.) talking a lot of shit nobody wants to listen/read, overcomplicating
b.) then banging random niggers like all that conversation complication was pointless
Nobody wants to study/try-hard for whores.
>female humanoid organisms
could you possibly sound more like a virgin?
get the fuck back to r9gay you retard
>Why pol hates females
Because they're strong, independent women. And that fact intimidates Sup Forums.
Memes are more powerful than you think.
Creating the right memes, the right ideas, and spreading them to the normies can have a huge impact.
Good goyim, hate your women and don't breed anymore!
Thank god this real man came and stroked his ego to orgasm for all of us
>reddit spacing
this is how you know it's a shitcunt before even reading it
The tone of the comment and the emoticon at the end would suggest that it's a roastie for sure.
... Not to be a dick, but why did it take you time to get this?
I hate women and I still get pussy.
As long as you're not a complete dick about it and act like a fedorabeard-tier mysoginist, they'll see it as dominance more than anything, probably because they've never had a dominant male figure in their lives other than the one time Tyrone knocked their teeth out.
How come all the Albanians I know are literal scum of the earth Muslim Turks?
Yeah it is true. I am glad I don't have to deal with women on a daily basis. Believe me it makes you much happier the farther you are away from them.
fucking weak submissive creatures like women is beta.
Real men fuck men.
Ty balanced user
Not a fag but fucking women is gross and disgusting. Animals deserve more rights than women
OP is racist against woman
goddamn what a blast from the past
probably what sent me on my course of becoming full-blown weeb
Yeesss user, you're right, only retarded n0rmie plebs are interested in those filthy creatures
The real masterace is the one who disregards the other sex and doesn't further their genetic data
Good goy, stay away from those nasty wemem
Face it, you're just envious. You wish you were a woman, and so does everyone on Sup Forums
that's horseshit
being a woman sucks
it's even worse when you're redpill, you have to akcnowledge and accept that your whole gender is a mess and can't hanle politization on a wide scale.
it's depressing honestly
You realise that finding decent non-slut women is very fucking easy right? You just need to know where to look.
But take that child bearing shit back to the 1920s. Children are for your late 30s
Eesh...she seems pretty young, bro...
Went to a nightclub the other night (which I'm rather old for).
Every woman in there was fucking horrible. Absolute trash.
good goy
stop posting my gf ok thanx
>actually try to like women
>on day one of Operation Bluepill, see a dumb cunt take 20 selfies in class with a duckface
>many are loud and obnoxious, have tattoos and piercings or hang out with niggees
>overhear gossiping everywhere i go
Women have no intellectual or emotional depth, and this is coming from a guy that has women approach him
who is this?
Let me guess youre 35+ fat and balding but have a lambo or something. Enjoy your roasties.
Maybe women with emotional depth don't approach you because you're a fucking retard.
top slags
I'm engaged and am 25 she is 25.
Just had our first child.