If Finnish people are White+Asian, doesn't that essentially make them THE master race? What's the problem again?
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When you mix races, the good in both cultures and traditions is discarded.
Finns are pretty smart desu, them and Estonia are like scoring at the top of white countries. They are a mix of mongolian and swedish blood and it created the perfect übermenschen.
I honestly believe this.
I want to impregnate a finn desu
> a country of hapas
Good god no.
their language is fucking garbage and their entire race somehow ended up being a white version of russians: Stupid, always drunk
Have you ever met a finn irl?
I unironically believe that the Finns are a beautiful people.
no but there is like a million of them in PoE
the PoE /vg/ guild is like 90% fins who constantly capslock spam their language
I was scammed by a fin, so the Mongolian gene sure is evident.
Yes. Just look at their meems
>still playing PoE
How did he scam you?
>not playing PoE
ebin. Stop being so autistic Hans.
Make this semen demon, then get it BLACKED.COM.
They are basically rapebabies, the result of centuries of racemixing between Mongols and Slavs. That's why they look so ugly/weird.
They are rape babies, but the rape was thousands of years further back than Mongolians.
Fins are ugly?
Well I definitely would make you full to the brim if you know what I mean
Fuck off nigel shekelsteinberg
Yeah, full of my cum
Finns are ethnically 100% Russians.
Problem is that if you name them asians, you name Russians mongols. Not in a bantz-perspective, but in a discussion way.
IMO they just have very competent teachers. You need a university degree there even if you want to teach a kindergarten class, and the classes are small. If the distinction was racial, you'd expect Finns to have had a bigger impact on history.
Yet everybody here circlejerks that smug Finnish girl who is completely average looking.
Post a random girl from your facebook or something.
>implying i have facebook
I'm too autistic for that shit. Here's a pretty average one.
maybe in eastern finland
Post an average western one.
Fuck you Hans, our language is beautiful
It's friggin elven when compared to your tongue
>manchildren the thread
Is this really an average finnish woman? She looks like an asian like non-meme wise.
this is typical
hurr asian master race
i clearly ment east-asian and you know that.
How does she look Asian?
Sure, if you're Asian. Finns are literally what all Asians should aspire for their children to look like.
>i clearly ment east-asian and you know that.
even worse.
Not for long. I know at least 3 guys who didn't have a job here, who failed at everything here and who are now living in Finland and fucking finnish women. You should pay more attention to your immigration laws. Looks like you can live there for 3 years using you tax money and for nothing.
Asiatic genes remove empathy and ingenuity.
How do you have sex with a Finnish girl?
She looks like björk or whatever that musical jew is called
But benis in bagina
I know one. The guy who works at the hobby shop where I live is Finnish and he's pretty cool. Super focused on RC cars and the like.
1. Be foreign
2. Don't be autist
>What is a nigger
top kek
Are there any greeks in finnland? Do you need a roomate? I want to come.
I wonder why almost all white 8s and 9s do look Russian for me?
Swedes are a mix of Finns and North Germans desu
>You person
>You bush
>What is that...
>THE master race
No, that would be Filipinos.
look up "The Mixed Beauty Myth"
I don't believe that for one moment.
You're thinking of chink genes. Asia is bigger than the remnants of Mao's genocidal communism.
>stealing Dingo memes
nigger pls. just for that, im gonna move there and attract all teh shy finnish qts with my boisterous loud american obnoxiousness ;^)
Only applies on burger time scale. Not in thousands of years.
i agree haha. i made up that title too :^)
might be the case desu. Thinks to finn-anons on Sup Forums I have new found respect for the whole country.
Some international clique is hiding the fact, that Finns have average IQ>120-130 compared to rest of the world.
he is jealous of supreme gentlevolk
If Swedes are so great what's the deal with the massive cucketry?
Finns have the most blue eyes and blonde hair in Europe
possibly there is some sort of ancestral genes being preserved there
Rei or Asuka?
They've been ruled by a French king for 200 years.
because they probably are or are similiar to good looking russian girls but their ancestor lived at the russia/fin border when considering the finnish ones. it also matters what taste one has. this look might not be one that only familiar for slavs, but others as well
but beauty is worthless without intelligent behavior and who is to determine what is intelligent behavior at the end of the day. i m sure everyone wished that they would be right when it comes to that.
>type "FINNISH SEXY" into google images
we will fight for you happa man, we will make it more acceptable to be part asian
200 years ago it was Napoelon and shit in France so nope. Although their king was anti Napoleon so it's maybe that.
we are the champions of the future happa man when you realize how shitty white women are
jesus he's giant considering his racial handicap
So in other words the person has identity issues is what you're saying, s/he doesn't completely fit in there or here..... well that's only that and nothing else then.
poista tää, meillä on tärkee tarkoitus tulevaisuudessa
>manlet gets banned from misc
Intelligent finns have traditionally moved to Sweden. Also there is large ethnic divide in Finland between east and west. There are a ton of retarded Finns, just like in any country. Half the population is dumber than the other half and like a fifth of the population is essentially retards.
It wasn't rape, I'm a product of peaceful multiculturalism and migration of people into Finland. Although modern version of it is rape, don't do that ever.
But Swedes always complain that Finns are nothing but drunkard neets, are they bigoted anti-immigrant nazis?
Behold! The master race!
We have a pretty nice impact on history for a small country that has less than hundred years of history.
I'd argue with this but I'm literally drunk right now
looks like a fucking albino abo
That girl isn't even Finnish but Norwegian model
If you plan on memeing at least meme properly