Is college now the ultimate meme?
I don't understand why I should become a slave to debt to get a worthless degree.
Fifty years ago, you had to be actually intelligent to be accepted into a university. Now they'll let in everyone and cram marxist ideology down their throats so that they can go into the world and proceed to make life harder for the rest of us.
I personally don't consider myself to be intelligent and I'm a little too old to be starting college since I'm approaching my mid-twenties, so I'm essentially waiting to die. I think college would be too difficult for me.
What about you, Sup Forums? What did you major in? Did it help your career? How much do you make?
Other urls found in this thread:
Who can possibly afford a $50k Masters education?
Masters is hardly necessary for starting a career...
Bachelor's is expensive enough, not to mention time consuming.
Society has bought into the delusion that having a college degree will give you sucess at life.
I majored in psychology and im getting a phd in clinical psychology and neuroscience. It really helps my career, but im not making any money yet since the phd is not yet over. Plan on lecturing at colleges after it.
"I think college would be too difficult for me"
Well, you will never know unless you try. Just dont choose a shitty useless career.
So lecturing will be your main source of income?
Yeah, in Brazil this shit pays well because its a federal university, and you cant be fired, this guy is planning on leeching the population to do nothing.
Welcome to the shithole
Get the marxists out of education and we win.
I went to college so I could be a software developer and make 6 figures.
Now I am and I do.
The problem with college is people are willing to pay for shit that they don't need, they care more about the experience than their grades, and they go in without having a plan.
Also that the demand has gone up so the prices have gone up. It's simple economics.
>mfw ex-socialist state
>we kept free education and medicare
Hard when youre broke as a nation but it does still works.
All I ever wanted to do since I was a little kid was join the military and be a tank driver or something. I even though about becoming a police officer but it was mainly just the military. My parents wanted me to go to college and discouraged me from doing it after I was accepted into any 4 year I ended up going to a community college and after discovering how easy it was quickly transfered in a year in a half to a 4 year univeristy.
Here's the thing: I wasn't living my dream I was living my parents, my dad failed out of law school and was pushing me In that direction and I said fuck it because money but I hated my major and ended up leaving after a semster because I wasn't happy.
Now I go back to that school but online said fuck it and applied for a deputy psotion with my local sheriff's department. I'm over 60 credits in so it's not worth it to enlist but if I don't get hired then when I finish college I'll probably apply to OCS.
What does this all mean? College isn't for everybody, and the classic experince you may not enjoy. It's expensive and just because you get a degree doesn't mean you'll make money. however, college allowed me to discover myself in a way the military might not have and travel around different states with my beautiful 10/10 Aryan GF. It's not as hard as people make It out to be and no one really gives a fuck about your GPA unless you apply for internships
But black people have affirmative action so that means none of this applies to them and they should be doing better, right?
Trade school
>Trade school
Trade school
>Trade school
Trade school
>Trade school
i only pay 3000-5000$ for all the pack(bachelor+master) in my country, parents usually pay for it and it's top-tier education
>I majored in psychology
wasted money, STEM master race
I just wonder when the bubble will burst and the effects thereafter.
I don't have a GED and I'm too old to start from the absolute bottom in my mid 30s, nor do I have $100k. Maybe I'll get a better start next life so I can have a cool job like an engineer or something, but for now I'm working at Walmart until my casket closes.
Now that's one gorilla I don't mind being shot... LOL :)
Majoring in Business Administration, but from a worthless school. In other words, I'm going to be a retail manager my entire life.
you didn't graduate high school?
>children detected ITT
College is a little about education, but it's mostly about being able to say, "Look, I was able to do this college shit on my own, I'm at least a little responsible. Can I have a job?"
If you can't be bothered to get a college degree, you're probably not worth employing.
Dropped out months before graduation due to homeless and daily uncertain futures.
College was pushed for the same reason home ownership was.
Government bureaucrats in the 70s saw that people who had degrees and owned homes made more money, provided more tax revenue, and thus better citizens.
Jerkoffs pushed degrees and houses thinking that's what made successful people, not that people naturally inclined to be successful would naturally have both.
College won't help you do much these days, other than prove you're not a complete retard.
Only in america. I pay under 200€ per year for university, and its pretty high quality. The problems in the USA are that you have to go to to a private university to find a job later, since universitys that are owned by the State seem to be pretty worthless. Also Capitalism isnt good for education to be honest, spending money into education makes your technology stong
Learn a trade or become a mechanic. Never too late to turn things around.
>near mid twenties
>"too old for college"
Lol wut. I knew a guy who started fresh in college near 30 and put himself through bachelors plus medical school.
It can be done. I absolutely loath the "oh fugg I'm too old lol better ignore significant opportunities lel fugg"
Accumulated 24k debt in 4 years got a job that pays 60k with high growth, I think i did college right and my Degree is needed in my Job.
Part of that is the profit gauging universities engage it. State Schools which were meant for residents are now hyper competitive because they prefer to accept students from other states who they can charge a lot more for tuition.
Congress also making student debt impossible to discharge by bankruptcy also really fueled this and is unconstitutional as fuck. It's literally the only debt immune to bankruptcy.
At least youre in your gated community and not in a favala brazilbro
I hope at least
Mid Thirties here, in college
>tfw 25
>tfw too old for university
>tfw going to die driving a forklift
I know somebody who started university when he was 30 years old. Younare never too old for education.
College itself is not a meme.
- You dont need college to any and every job ever. Many jobs, at least here in hueland, can be guaranteed by trade schools.
- There are plenty of meme tier grads in college. We always talk about woman studies, but usually there are plenty of others.
You need a college degree if you want to be a medic, an engineer, or something like that.
>I majored in psychology
I got my bachelors and landed a comfy $60k salary job within a month of graduation cus I'm not a fuck tard.
Moved out after 5 months of living at home to save some cash. Now at 22, it's only up from here (my job will pay for my masters degree 100%). If you live at home post graduation for longer than 1 year you fucked up
Sorry, you might be mistaken.
The Wehrmacht was really the most advanced for it's time army in the past 10 centuries they only lost because the winter of 43' was cold also also because the Italians dragged them into Africa also the Luftwaffe would have been better if there weren't so many supply shortages once they had jets by the way did you know that not all nazis were evil some of them were okay people the holocaust happened but it probably wasn't as severe as people say it was-
it wouldn't have feasible to use precious fuel and resources doing something that didn't contribute to the war effort did you know that Albert Speer was a really good architect also he didn't know about the holocaust so he's not a bad guy also Hugo Boss designed the uniforms don't they look cool they look so cool dude all the German generals were really smart it's just that Hitler kept making bad decisions if it weren't for him the Wehrmacht totally would have repelled D-Day and captured Moscow and Stalingrad did you know that Hitler didn't want to bomb civilians in London it's just that the British accidentally bombed some civilians in Germany and that made him retaliate also the firebombing of Dresden was way worse also did I mention that the only reason the Germans lost is because of Italy and the winter of 43' being really cold and Hitler not crowning Rommel grand Fuhrer of the Wehrmact and god-emperor of all things
Anyway, I'm gonna catch you guys later. Let me know if you want to play some Hearts of Iron 3
It's never too late to go to university. Just fucking do it, faggot. Remember to actually study something worth a damn though.
Usually it is worth it if it includes math.
Here is an enjoyable cartoon about college
>I think college would be too difficult for me.
I would say to go and try, but muh american college debt.
Anyway, as a college student, i sometimes fell overwhelmed by how hard things are getting today and few that im not learning nothing, but them i look back and what was terribly hard 2 years ago is just trivial now.
Only dumb daggers go into debt for a B.A I went to community college and transferred to an affordable 4yr University by the time I graduate I'll enter law school debt free and then I'll get loans
>tfw you fell for the university meme and the only reason you at still attend is because you're too invested in it
I fucked up big time boys
>Not having smart professional parents
>Not having them fund your education to your heart's content
>Not killing yourself
Just get what you need to get and get the duck out
>Not memes of Iron 4
Why are you playing that old game? The new one improved upon it in every way! Pls buy it.
t. Not Johan
unless required for your career (medical doctor comes to mind), avoid college.
You are like a half bottle of color away from a "Just Fuck My Shit Up" hairdo.
Trades are the best options right now or technical school
>be me
>option to go to u-m or honors college at Western Michigan
>u-m literally 4 times the price
>go to Western
>major in physics
>class size is about 6 people
>profs know me by name
>work closely with profs
>particle accelerator lab is pretty fucking rad, u-m doesn't have one
>work part time as Calc tutor all through undergrad, make dosh
>come back for masters, school pays me to do it with teaching assistantship
>earn physics masters in 1.5 years, make money doing it.
The trick is majoring in a subject that actually matters.
Have masters in history. Came out debt free by working as a butcher full time and living like shit for 6 years of my life. I now own a butcher shop kek.
how do you make money now
I went into computer aided engineering (finite element analysis)
How much do you make?
if you can't do math (white people math, not business/ life science/etc math)
and you aren't a nigger
don't go
That's mostly what I did right out of high school. I wanted out of my home because of various degrees of family bullshit. Ended up getting over my head financially and got cratered academically in my second semester because I held a pity party and nobody showed up.
It stung having to admit my failure, put college on hold, and go back to living with my family. It took me fifteen years to get even the minimal stability to finally go back and succeed in getting a college degree (first Associate, then Bachelors).
It's just a look into my future. Maybe for shits and giggles I'll go full JUST when that unfortunate time comes.
> I don't understand why I should become a slave to debt to get a worthless degree.
Exactly. Dont go to meme education. If you see some carreer opportunities - do it. Otherwhise dont bother.
Should I do Business Admin, Accounting, or Computer and Information Systems?
Another problem that I have is that I don't know what a regular work day looks like in a real job with a salary.
I don't even know what I want to do for a career.
I graduated HS with two years of college completed already from acing AP exams. I went to UC-Berkeley on a scholarship as a political science major because (((They))) told me that was the best school for that.
It only took me 4 months of living on college and upper-division classes to realize what a meme college was especially for a liberal arts student.
I dropped out and interviewed at like 10 places in a week and started working as an executive
at 19 for a chemical company.
I'm 25 now and running my own business however I'm considering shutting it down to either work for the Trump administration or run for Congress because the reality is I'm still extremely political and it sets a limit to how far I can go in my industry because it's populated entirely by globalists. I also haven't really worked in a couple months but my last deal was for $100k so I don't care.
Sad how the History Major success story is comparable in reward to that of a felon. 4+ years of education all for nothing
How the fuck do you get hired as an executive for anything at 19 years old?
What were you plan on majoring in when you were in school?
Teach me your ways
>Should I do
>asking a meme board filled with NEETs and /r9k/ left overs for advice
Meh, I know and understand the world better than most people, and it's fun to fuck with sjw's who think I'm uneducated because of my occupation
Fake and gay
He didn't, desu.
This is Sup Forums.
Yo, i got into this crap and made some dosh in my college. Not much though.
Usually colleges are willing to pay you or give you schollar ships if you want to actively help in research, not just take classes.
Calling bullshit, but intrigued. I worked for BASF for a while and they wouldn't even talk to you without an advanced degree
Lmao so full of shit. A chemical company doesn't hire college dropouts at 19 for executive positions
Executives at a chemical company need a Masters degree or higher and like 20+ years of experience in chemistry and buisiness AT LEAST.
>OP's pic
Time to beat that monkey!
So teasing sjw's is your reward for all that time and money in school?
Accounting if those are your only choices
The main problem with college is the government. It was so funny to hear about Bernie talk about free college and all the dumb Millenials creamed themselves.
College overcharges students so much. Most of them make enormous profits and non-profit schools inflate all their staff's wages to keep raising tuition either way.
The problem is that the government keeps guarenteeing student loans. If the government would not back these loans or if the loans would not be given at all, students would have no possible way of paying these huge tuitions.
The result? Most would drop out, and if anyone of you has taken basic economics in high school, you'd figure out that by the law of supply and demand the schools would be forced to lower tuitions to a competitive point to where both the students pay what is affordable to most and the universities still make money.
It's just because of the government the universities have absolutely no reason to lower tuition costs.
I got an 800 out of 800 on my English SAT and got hired by the international president who knew 6 languages but could not write in English well (he was very self-conscious and embarrassed about corresponding with native English speakers, paranoid he would look dumber than them). I'm pretty sure he picked me for the interview because he really liked my cover letter and then really liked my interview. I ended up being the primary decision maker on business with the native American nations and his stand-in for business with English speaking countries outside of the US.
I'm also tall, white, attractive, and have good fashion sense, which was important for my job of meeting people face to face often.
Kek. I guess. Plus if anything ever happened and I had to sell or close the shop down I have a pretty cushy job I could go to and make an ok living. That's my plan for when I retire anyway because I will want something to do. Plus being red pilled about how the world works is a reward in its self. Though sometimes it's a curse.
You don't need a college degree. Find something you love to do and become good at it. But yes. College is a meme
Also the delusion that college education is good education. You would be much better off reading thirty good books than you would with most four year degrees. And the books can be done in a fraction of the time and cost
So in Brazil they let people with a psychology joke degree just pursue a masters in neuro? No wonder you all come here for medical needs.
You could just, I dunno, not go to fucking college you dumb faggots. There are plenty of ways to make a living without some shitty piece of paper.
>SAT scores meaning fuck-all when hiring an executive for a chemical company
>zero experience outside of Highschool, yet somehow qualified to make high level buisiness decisions in a techinical industry
>Native Americans purchasing chemicals
>"I dress well"
Role playing is dumb user stop it
>I'm a little too old to be starting college since I'm approaching my mid-twenties, so I'm essentially waiting to die.
My dad works as a defense contractor. I got a degree in Biology from UNC, debt-free (because my dad works as a defense contractor)
Now I intern at a recording studio and hang out with musicians all day while my parents subsidize my living costs (because my dad works as a defense contractor)
Pseudo-socialism is nice when your family is in the Party
bretty good
>worthless degree
then pick engineering retard
they actually do this in the united states as well
>then pick engineering retard
there was a literal retard on /sci/ with certified 90 IQ doing engineering.
unless you go to a top-tier school, the degree is already useless as they've horribly dumbed down the material now.
Socialists BTFO
fuck off johan
don't cuck yourself out of an education
what do you even mean by too old? too old to fit in with fellow students?
"pre-med" is not an actual degree. As long as you have a couple basic prerequisites covered you can go to med school with a gender studies degree.
>There are plenty of ways to make a living without some shitty piece of paper.
Are you delusional? Save working 2-3 jobs, it is virtually impossible to make a livable wage working a 40 hour week without higher education. If you are willing to commit yourself to a business you can be promoted into a management position making 12-13$ an hour if you are lucky in a year, year and a half if there is room for growth.
I think college is a sad buy in meme that is forced for people to think it's "right".
I went to school for a few semesters, realized you only have to read the book to get an A and do the busy work. Immediately dropped out and proceeded to work at starbucks while reading books on my own time. I'm a real faggot.
College is only a joke if you get a degree with no worth (i.e., not engineering). Non-engineering or math Bachelors degrees are mostly junk, like what the fuck do people plan on doing with a BS in Physics if they're not going to grad school?
Agreed I got a 780/800 in English on sat. Never offered a job for it
It's not a meme. It's a stepping stone to getting a job and getting a career. You neee it now to do anything don't be naive
Native Americans buy a lot of chemicals. Why do you think every indian casino has a known carcinogen warning outside of it. They're also very tricky to negotiate with.
It wasn't like I was going up against extreme competition either. I didn't get hired at Dow. I pretty much steamrolled everyone in my office in intellect and was the only person who wasn't a functioning addict so there was never any question of how I was performing.
Trades can be very lucrative, especially since we're in a shortage of things like young plumbers and electricians. These are typically entered into by a short stint at college/trade school and an apprenticeship.