>Sup Forums will defend this
Let's see what mental gymnastics you goys can come up with to still support a Jewish puppet
>Sup Forums will defend this
Let's see what mental gymnastics you goys can come up with to still support a Jewish puppet
Other urls found in this thread:
>b-but he isn't part of the establishment
Well, that's why I support him..
Please remove this, it is very offensive.
>op actually thought GAS THE KIKES RACE WAR NOW was a viable political strategy
>tfw the cult of personality around Trump is so strong that Sup Forums will defend anything he says and does despite having opposing views in the past
Definition of cucks. Bending over their own goddamn values.
Wait a minute, are you guys actually nazis or were we all just joking?
and there isnt any merry christmas tweet
Sup Forums voted a jew for president
It's sad really. I thought Trump would have been ok but his true colors are starting to show
It's all part of the plan. The leftist hate of Trump is gonna cause a anti kike socialist movement where they are gonna kill all the jews. And because of modern technology they won't be able to fake it this time.
Trump is gonna make the holohoax real.
literally no one hear hates jews here its just memes. the real enemy are muslims and palestine
happy hanukah to all my jewish friends
The real threat to American liberty is the British Monarchy actually Dad
Day of The Dentist when?
an american wanting a dental appointment? did you win the lottery or something?
There is absolutely nothing wrong with being Jewish.
One day we will throw off the yoke of British influence and free Canada and Australia from your clutches!
You can keep Ireland tho
>>nobody hear
Look at this kike.
>T. German pride enthusiast
Day of the Brush when?
Another prime example of 6d chess. First get rid of the muslims, then deport the jews back to israel. Genius.
is that a belgian shepherd malinois? god tier dogs
Go fuck yourself.
It's just the pendulum swings both ways. For 8 years we had a president who sucked Muslim cock.
Because of that, now it's going the other way.
The government fights trumps Muslim ban, fine he will give $ to the people who resist them.
It's not hard to see. I fucking hate Jews and Muslims, so it's 8 more years of torture anyway.
Let's look at the alternative, we could of voted in Killary, and the same shit would of happened except she would of played Saudi Arabia vs the joos, while starting a war against Iran and Russia.
Then you'd be crying
> mama I don't want to be drafted for the war with Europe, can't we just nuke them.
Israel would still get gibs. Obama have them the biggest cash package ever, Hillary just would of kept it up.
Sup Forums has always been pro Israel
We always knew he was pro kike, though the degree to which is surprising. What is important is that he paved the way for a real alt righter to rise
>pre-jewish posts:
>post-jewish posts:
what am I even supposed to do in this situation?
>alt righter
Shut up faggot
What's wrong with the alt-right?
Wait, seriously are you a nazi? I thought we were all just having a laugh.
>tfw been posting with real nazis for almost a decade
>probably on all kinds of domestic terror watchlists
and the next day he postet merry christmas ...so what ?..on fucking ramadan he talked about the veterans while hillary and bernie crawled up the muslims assholes
>Guys Trump is tricking everyone even though his entire family is Jewed just wait
It's a made up label used against us. We are not the alternative anything. We are the only thing going.
We shot the RNC in the face and mutilated every idiot they put in front of us.
Then we molested the Left so hard they are eating each other lol. The rest of Earth is an alternative to us now.
I hate Jews. I'm thinking Trumps a puppet now.
>unironically thinks nazis were the bad guys
what did you think "GAS THE KIKES RACE WAR NOW" meant?
>edgy teen
>Lives in a Muslim colony and watches cuck porn
>greedy jew
the subtle shill is subtle.
I havent seen shitposting this troll tier since the great meme war.
give it up, its over, you lost.
This election was pretty much a quid pro quo kikes get their pro-Israeli lap dog and Sup Forumsacks get a chance to preserve a white majority in America and roll back sjwism it was the best option we had but it was not a "good" option by any means
Haha i hope when you get your Reich they make you a strawberry picker
>death of the white race
>more white people alive than at any other time
Lol why are jews such fuckups, can't do anything right
My super leftist sister is already extremely anti-Israel after watching cnn. Its habbining
They're such evil bastards, good thing they're fuck ups. I just want to massacre them.
another Dylann Roof? It's all so tiresome when the truth is no one is holding you down but you.
If you want to see the enemy, look deep into a mirror.
White Sup Forums """"supremacists"""" spammed for months anti kike threads just to then help getting a kike lover elected. Just plain fucking stupid. And Trump himself is a fucking disappointment, basically in the short term of him being the next president to come he has backed off nearly every promise he made and has only made a clear statement on kike support.
It's pretty clear they want to wipe us out faggot.
And yet our populations are larger, healthier, better educated, safer and happier.
Oh good heavens, just look at the time
>it's you'o'clock
I have no defense. It's just sad.
Let me ask you a question. Are you able to comprehend the fourth dimension? No. Are you even a mater of of plain old 2d chess? Likely no.
So then what makes you think you can know the first thing about 4d chess, let alone be aware of trumps strategies in it?
Is this the so called war on christmas we've been hearing about?
Lol what did you want God Emperor to do?
>goose-step into the White House press room in full Regalia
>nazi salute the Stars and Stripes
>order immediate naval bombardment of Tel Aviv
>tanks in 5
>America is for WASPS everyone else gtfo REEEEEEEEEEE
Oh a lefty faggot who needs more nigger dick to suck? Yeah i'm loving the terrorist attacks and shitskins everywhere to go along with the Pedo Jews.
theres nothing wrong there
If you did not know Trump was pro-Israel and pro-Jewish from the start you are retarded. Pro-Israel and Pro-American vs Pro-Israel that's a step up.
What is the difference between what Dylann Roof did and what the Florida nightclub guy did?
Oh right, only one of them terrifies you, so only one of them is terrorism in your mind.
We have had plenty of homegrown terror of our own.
If 'the jews' are trying to wipe us out they are grossly incompetent.
>he thought it was satire
>le Sup Forums is satire maymay
Bluepilled, desu
If they ever kick my door in for my crimes I will tell them it was all the fault of ebaumsworld.com
Just leave a note on the door telling them your from Reddit and it was all hiroshimoots fault
Maybe use your brain nigger lover or look up how much lower our crime stats are.
>What is important is that he paved the way for a real alt righter to rise
He's a one-termer at best, not even Bush Sr. tier, and he will be a lame duck after the midterms turn Congress blue.
Ha, I told you guys Timothy McVeigh was still alive guys!
>Damage control
You forgot to include...
Postal killings:
Mr McVeigh too?
These killers were mostly white...
I think that will even the score.
While plebs are playing checkers, Trump is playing 17D chess. Praise the emperor and savior of the kingdom of Judea.
Fuck you kike
Well don't forget 9/11 and all the truck attacks lately you stupid fucking nigger!
Thats nu Sup Forums, not Sup Forums. Fuck all those /r/le_donald newfags. Bunch of cuckservatives.
my president did it too so...
What's a cuckservative?
Sup Forums is and always was pro-Israel
This Cuckadian is a cuckservervative. Jews want to kill white people, pols just defending itself.
he literally out does Ted Cruz in jewish shilling. Sup Forums should be ashamed for supporting this fucking Shabbos goy (hell he might be a cryptojew desu).
Memes aside, the the Jews aren't terrible. Keep them in Israel and you don't have any problems.
Keeping them in Israel is what creates the problems