When will you cucks finally realize that American support for globalist, multiculturism and exporting of their degenerate "culture" is the greatest threat to world peace? The world even agrees (survey asking the world's countries who they sees as most fucked up nation). AMI fuck off back to your country, off Ramstein, off Okinawa and take your filthy nuclear weapons deployed all over EU with you.
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Before it was them it was us, American people aren't to blame it's just what happens when your government gets away from you.
It could have been Germany.
Okay. Would you like a police brutality video to go? How about a "Stupid American" video compilation? Mind your own business and stop getting butthurt.
The reason so many countries hate America is because most media comes from there, and a simple video of a white guy calling a Mexican smelly means all the liberal Europeans get buttmad and scream about how America is racist and should be tolerant. I don't see why you obsess over us.
Also bringing our nuclear weapons back over here? That doesn't stop Krauts like yourself from eating up American "culture".
It is an issue for the world because Ami is meddler and likes to play world police. Because he likes oil you see, goes everywhere to install puppets and then requires the help of NATO brothers (European troops) to get deployed in some desert. Ami wants to export (((democracy))) everywhere and doesn't recognize the right of self determination and oganic development of nations. Ami dos this to feed the war economy since peace is never profitable. Ami supports cancerous nations like Israel and Saudi Arabia. See it wouldn't be much of a problem if European politicians weren't getting dictated by your military industrial complex.
As far as "eating" American culture I would rather die than have a single bite of your filthy big mac and listen to your degenerate Nigger music. But I digress the point is that much of the world don't really have a problem with Americans themselves (well, apart from your fat and obnoxious tourists), it is a problem with your foreign policy.
The people with the most money and the most bases overseas are going to garner some hate for sure and he makes a good point about your military too, always in other people's lives.
You lot did really fuck things up in the middle east and in Europe as a result of your meddling there to keep control of oil and the petrodollar.
It is kind of sad becuase I've always thought of the American spirit as being one of the underdog not the tyrant, you founded your nation of the yearning for freedom and self determination and I believe most Americans think that's what your country stands for today, I'd like to see you take it back and live up to that some day.
That being said which nation is actually living up to their supposed values in the West anymore? Certainly not Britain.
The American spirit is one of defiance though and I think Trump being elected proved you still have a backbone and a voice, that's why America gives me hope it seems like your people will always do the right thing at the end of the day or at least try to.
This smelling more and more of Ahmed to me, why do you hate America that much? What did America do to you recently? Trump is the only leader who criticised Merkel on televison and spoke up about us Europeans being endangered by Islam that is creeping in here getting closer and closer to suffocating us every day.
People need to learn to seperate the actions of the state and the actions of the people, yes America stirs shit, gets people killed and installs puppet governments but most Americans don't realise that's the case like I bet most Germans don't realise they're pulling the trigger on the continent by not demanding Merkel step down deport refugees.
It's not fair to imply that Americans support this, American people at heart are kind people.
Fuck off James. You are smelling more and more like a filthy kike to me. Why do YOU support America? I dislike Ami because they are not an ethnonationalist country. They are an artificial nation. Their "white nationalism" is artificial since there can be no nationalism based on the color of your skin. Nationalism has to do with shared tradition, culture, ethnicity, language, religion etc. Their culture is degenerate, they have no great historical tradition. What is there to like? Worst of all they like to dictate to everyone what is supposed to be done and fight needless wars everywhere. America and its policy regarding Iraq (war based on lies) and Syria (war to install pro West puppet) is the reason why there is an exodus of migrants from there in the first place. FUCK America and their foreign policy.
Trump is not the only leader that crticized Merkel lol. Lot of opposition to Merkel even inside the German government and everywhere else on the European continent and beyond (In Russia for instance).
And to your point, I have no problem with American people in general. It is their bullshit politics and culture which disgusts me.
>But Americans did nothing wrong
Most Americans did get duped into believing that Iraq was justified at the time. Close to 70% of Americans were in favour of the invasion of Iraq because muh revenge for 9/11, something which had nothing o do with Iraq and everything to do with blow back.
>tfw when amerifats still didn't pull their troops since ww2
You did this Amis , for your (((overlords)) you forcecucked us. We never were free, we never had agency since the end of ww2, we were but your vassal state. And now you have the audacity to accuse us of ruining Europe. JewSA Reeeeeeeeeeeeeee
I support America becuase I feel kinship with them as their society is based on European life and I genuinely think they are well meaning people.
What are you on about? You're talking about America based on the left's Redefining of it's culture, America is a white, European style nation all the architecture is in that vein as is the system of government?
The republic was kind of based on the French republic.
Why the hell are you so mad? Do you blame America for Germany's current situation? Germany by admission of most of your people is not ethno nationalist either, Brits are the same, lefties have convinced us race doesn't exist.
Well Yeah but Trump seems like he will actually take steps to try and help, you need to realise you have an interest in America's survival.
I find it interesting that you decided to view America as not having an original ethnic base, the ethnic base was Europeans, they founded it, America's devil may care, braggadocious, gun toting style is what happens when you take Europeans out of those archaic systems we here in Europe are familiar with.
Hating America will not save Germany or accomplish anything else mate.
Which is my point man, most Germans support Merkel becuase they've been led to belive it's the moral choice.
Why is everyone so hard on America here? This is no different to people on here with their "eternal Kraut" nonsense on and on about how you all want to destroy Europe and lying about how you started The Great War and WW2.
Ease up on the throttle christ.
I do already.
America is Israel v2.
They are the true Jews destroying Western civilization.
>Sweden hating America
What a surprise.
Yeah that's out of order in though I give you that they should deffo fuck off from Germany, don't we have bases in Germany too though?
We both fucked you during the war it's a disgrace.
Don't we still actually control a lot of what's allowed in your media and education institutions?
Really messed up totally unfair that since the creation of Germany you haven't been allowed to prosper because of war.
America this is why people think you're a dick.
I do not want American influence on German society anymore. I don't know what the situation is like in the UK but consumption of American media and fast food have made Germans into cucks. That is why the nationalist movements in Germany are first and foremost anti American because America represents all that is wrong, warfare, globalism, bankers and speculations people rigging the economy, multiculturalism, globalism etc etc. American influence on our politicians through NATO is undeniable.
To your point about the "European" ethnic base. European are not one people but many. The countries in Europe are constructed on the basis of ethnic and linguistic nationalism. It is the natural order of things. That is why I said that American nationalism is artificial because it is based on ideals that some men made few hundred years ago. (muh first amendment, muh guns, muh apple pie) It is not organic and intrinstc. Not blood and soil nationalism like what is found in Europe.
Whataboutery isn't what I am here to discuss. This thread is about America., not how cucked Europeans are too. And like I have already argued, American intrinsic disdain for ethnic nationalism (since their country was not founded on this principle) is the reason why we are all in this mess in the first place.
Whereas we consume a lot of America media and products we also are quite critical of them in all the areas except the ones that count, see there we have it, American influence has made Germans cucks and not that you were a young nation that was made to got to war twice and blamed for those global catastrophic wars that claimed the lives of countless Europeans.
I know Europeans aren't one people what I'm saying is America was a mx of those European cultures and would've stayed that way had they not freed the slaves or just deported them, America is a white nation founded by whites.
Americans absoloutely have blood and soil nationalism which is why Europeans were supposed to be the only immigrants there originally.
America did not single handedly cuck western civ mate you are overreacting, Britain played/plays a major role in that, France and Germany too okay? Our society and way of life is old now and is heaving along in it's old age we have been through so much that's why it is what it is today.
And globalism was quite popular in Europe for many years, (((fractional reserve banking)) is a European invention.
You're being unfair right now by claiming this is all America's doing.
But a multicultural European state isn't any better is it. Or do you want to share UK with Poles? Brexit suggests you guys don't. And it is only natural, since you have not the same culture, not the same language, not the same ethnic background, tradition etc. America, the artificial multinational state, seeks to somehow change what is natural.
How can Americans be blood and soil nationalists when they cannot trace the ancestory of their people to the land they inhabit? Makes little sense. The land was never theres, it never belonged to Europeans. This is the reason why America is and will always be open to everyone from the world, be they African or Asian. Anyone can become "American" wheras only people who have roots in our countries can truely call themselves English or German or Polish. This is the main difference. Due to the influence of American globalists and multiculturalists, Europe too is becoming more like that. Which is an utter shame.
"White" is pretty esoteric. America is at it's core an Anglo nation built on Anglo principles with British/Irish descent being a plurality of ancestry. America wouldn't work filled up with Serbians.
But those European "ethnic" divisions are pretty ridiculous. There's really no reason the Dutch, Germans, and Austrians shouldn't all be one country. You could even throw in the Northern Italians and Scandinavians. Obviously all Slavic countries should be united.
America has a lot of problems, but political cooperation is something Europeans could learn from us. Germany is only as big as Montana. You should be able to forge a better union of people than you currently have.
They are not merely ethnic divisions. Europeans are different peoples with different histories and cultures. We have different cuisines, different literature, different folk heroes and tales, we speak different languages, wear different clothes. It is quite good that we have this wonderful diversity but also good that we have constructed our countries on the basis of land our people have inhabited for thousands of years and shared ethnic and linguistic background.
I don't need to hear a thing from a filthy fucking kraut, go bend over for refugees
At least we admit we have a migrant problem. When will you admit you have a Jew problem?
I'm happy to share the UK with Poles as long as it stays the UK?
I love Poles?
America is European though, the idea of America is European.
God the infighting on this board is just too much.
>"White" is pretty esoteric. America is at it's core an Anglo nation built on Anglo principles with British/Irish descent being a plurality of ancestry. America wouldn't work filled up with Serbians.
When I say white I mean white Americans have the only claim to America as it stands as they built or contributed the most to it.
But those European "ethnic" divisions are pretty ridiculous. There's really no reason the Dutch, Germans, and Austrians shouldn't all be one country. You could even throw in the Northern Italians and Scandinavians. Obviously all Slavic countries should be united.
>America has a lot of problems, but political cooperation is something Europeans could learn from us. Germany is only as big as
Montana. You should be able to forge a better union of people than you currently
I completely agree this should have happened hundreds of years ago
Woop fucked that greentext up proper.
You're doing Germans a disservice in this thread.
Fucking frogs triggered me again, SYRIA?!
By that logic even Communism is European since both Marx and Engels were Germans. Just because the founders of a certain ideology are Europeans doesn't make it good or bad. I am talking about objectively judgeing the American model (or Americansim) which is inherently based on multiculturism and not on ethnic nationalism based on shared blood and territorial ties.
All this talk of ethnicity has derailed the actual discussion that I wanted to have, which was how America truely is a threat to world peace because of its constant meddling in the affairs of other nations. This point alone disqualifies the notion that Europeans should look toward America for leadership amd inspiriation. Each nation in the world should have the right of selfdetermination and not dictation designed to further foreign agendas.
Even if it was agreed upon that America is "European" even though the ground reality is quite a different one (increasingly so with each passing day), it does not justify their meddling in the affairs of European nations. Or any other nation for that matter. Would you as a native of the British Isles stand for French control or Spanish control of the British peoples? Both intellectually and politically? Would you give them a pass just because they are European? Don't know about you but I as a German certainly would not stand for such a thing.