Our guy.
Our guy.
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No, he's a whore.
Are you a whore, OP?
He's such a bad goy. All the poor muzzies will get angry now.
No. Fuck off you dumb nigger
inb4 apology video
>lefties say terrorism isn't part of islam
>he makes a joke about an explosion
>lefties immediately assume it's an attack on religion
respect is earned
fuck outta here faggot
How is this the top comment though?
is larbi2014, dare I say, our guy?
All these butthurt comments are faggots more than pewdie himself
>tfw swedes are based as fuck
I'd say most or all of the upvotes are from bots or fake accounts.
Bump. Remember to vote on the anti-islam comments.
i'm at work
what song was playing?
he'll backtrack on this tomorrow like he does every other joke he makes
That american history x song.
"Were taking down the zog machine Jew by jew by Jew!"
hes redpilled as fuck i mean cmon... Wearing maga hat watching hitler videos putting hidden jews must die in background saying he has aryan super genetics he thinks sweden is cucked, exposing youtube kikes for trying to push diversity agenda, now this???
Respect is lame indeed
Sage and report
Once he brings up 60% whites he will be our guy.
I just got a moustache too.
You think the chaplin will ever be allowed to make a comeback?
>50 Million Subscribers
youtube bots
Yes. In 1000 years time every cyber-hipster will be naming their sons adolf.
Anyone have the shop of pewdiepie as a nazi? It's really well done
No. In the interview with h3h3 he expresses his disdain for brexit and trump.
They dm each other on social media
Lol sure thing kid
he didn't really say he disliked Trump just thought it was "crazy". he was against brexit, tho tbf he is a swede
Damn. PewDiePie looks good in uniform
Brexit has been a total joke, I don't support that false hope shit either
You guys made anti-zionism illegal since Brexit, fuck (((Brexit)))
He's rich, he doesn't have to be PC anymore.
crazy, as in it's crazy this reality tv show star even has a chance of becoming president.
Same thinking every rich liberal has.
Hitler loved mudshits though
>it doesnt count because he did it ironically though!!
he dislike shiliray tho
I really don't want to give that fag views. What is the video about at 9:00?
man up just watch it
penguin goes allahu akbar then explodes
he's obviously mocking trump voters and exposing them as hitler lovers here.