Say someting rude about the country above you
>no cuck
>no you're not white
Say someting rude about the country above you
>no cuck
>no you're not white
Other urls found in this thread:
cuck, you're not white
cuck, you're not white
Oh wait something rude. Oh now my country is above me though. Ok:
We're just too goddamn awesome. Muslim problem is getting solved as well
Your "country" is full of degenerate drug users.
Your language sounds weird.
You're full of spics and niggers.
best goy
Chechnya hasnt been nuked yet
Literally white niggers
You still believe atrocity propaganda even though there is overwhelming evidence to overturn every claim.
fucking burgers.
instead of shitposting, get emperor trump into office before obongo starts ww3
constantly fucks over europe, lost 2 world wars, cucks
You have one of the least creative country names on the planet
You have our worst diaspora
Your Jews are the worst.
You're ruining our country
You behave like monkeys in my country
no need to team up on me ;_;
Dumb chinese monkeys full of trannies who stop being good looking after age 30, you will never be a civilized country like Japan
Your "education".
lol, you have a king? what is this? the 14th century?
you lost the space race
You're drunk 24/7
M*rocans confirmed shit human being
That cuts deeper then you would ever know....
Your """country""" without US support
You`ve lost some wars.
>first animal in space
>not Yuri Gagarin
>Over 1% of your population is in jail
>Homeless veterans, "war heroes"
>More corruption than Brazil, but at least they recognise and fight it
>Indoctrination levels are on par with North Korea
>On every list of "fucked up shit per capita" among countries I'd never heard of and other's ending with 'stan'
>Have to chose between going bankrupt or treat a life threatning illness
>Division amongst civilians (left/right) is comparable to North- and South Korea
But worst of all, you don't care because Uncle Sam's indoctrination Jewish dick is so far down your throats you're rendered capable of only murmuring marked phrases and gargle jewish cum
Your country is riddled by sandniggers and your people are cucked.
Oh wait, shit...
Sub Human
has the worst mexicans
>Not Algeria
You're Polish.
Fuck you for killing Hendrix
racist fucking country thinks it's immigrants are even close to being as bad as other foreign countries. I bet Belgium would KILL to have Central American Immigrants than fucking Muslims
You're [we're] fat
You didn't succed in genociding the t*rkroaches.
No talking shit about Mohammed VI you fag
has no history and is a melting pot of other cultures...other wise known as a mixed up shit stain. Didnt even invent the most important language on the planet
Your country's flag is mine but sideways.
Your citizens are not very civilized.
Pretty much thanks to ((( you )))
your capital's mayor is a muslim and white brits are a minority in london
Terrible food, and bad teeth.
Raj 2.0
Bruxelles is a fucking shithole because of you fuckers.
your women don't shave
"first woman in space"
Yeah the USSR really nailed that one didn't they
You are EUSSR capital.
has balls
au contraire
But that's a good thing?..
belongs to russia
Fuck Georgia
You guys really have proven to be the worst fucking assholes on earth during our common history.
putos narizones
Your country hasn't accomplished anything of note since William of Orange
full of faggots and weedsmokers
a country of most retarded idiots to ever walk on this earth
also your military sucks
should have been turned into a potato field after ww2, literally ruins the world every time
I really wish it wasn't. Also, i would gladly live in russia if it wasn't such a shithole.
Your islands are occupied.
Your wifes bull is a nigger.
you dont even deserve your own flag, non european shit.
Cuantas copas tenes?
we were around long before russians
we really wuz goatherders n shit
Should be annexed by France, netherlands, and Germany. Only famous for waffles
Your alllright russkie bro, high five.
youre not as cute as you think you are :3
t-thats not true! nobody ever loved finland as we do
You betrayed your oldest ally in the Ultimatum
Elected an SJW prime minister
how do you rotate your flags like that
You are morocans in disguise
you always get conquered cuck
also you fags at least had hitler back then
great country overall, but is getting cucked hard
> fucked
Let`s see how you will live under ISIS, after collectivization, korenization and some kind of "leningrad affair", that deprives all people of national majority from political power anywhere.
You're not a real country
How can a US state belong to Russia dumbass?
Africa tier flag
You are proud Argelian Sharia followers and suck shit at football
trump will still give us money
>25% muslim
did a shit job at removing kebabs
The Wehrmacht was really the most advanced for it's time army in the past 10 centuries they only lost because the winter of 43' was cold also also because the Italians dragged them into Africa also the Luftwaffe would have been better if there weren't so many supply shortages once they had jets by the way did you know that not all nazis were evil some of them were okay people the holocaust happened but it probably wasn't as severe as people say it was-
it wouldn't have feasible to use precious fuel and resources doing something that didn't contribute to the war effort did you know that Albert Speer was a really good architect also he didn't know about the holocaust so he's not a bad guy also Hugo Boss designed the uniforms don't they look cool they look so cool dude all the German generals were really smart it's just that Hitler kept making bad decisions if it weren't for him the Wehrmacht totally would have repelled D-Day and captured Moscow and Stalingrad did you know that Hitler didn't want to bomb civilians in London it's just that the British accidentally bombed some civilians in Germany and that made him retaliate also the firebombing of Dresden was way worse also did I mention that the only reason the Germans lost is because of Italy and the winter of 43' being really cold and Hitler not crowning Rommel grand Fuhrer of the Wehrmact and god-emperor of all things
Anyway, I'm gonna catch you guys later. Let me know if you want to play some Hearts of Iron 3
you missed a stain at the back of my bowl.
nice flag
did you had put a coat of arms in there to be original?
Literally Anglo.
Too scared to fight the nazi's.
Flag looks like toothpaste.
You havn't been relavent since the 1500s
Well our history is basicly just 100yo so its not that long really,
"maybe now ruskies will be good, he speaks nervously"
Bad: Probably not capable of maintaining Liberty since ww1.
Good: Legend and Delerue are French treasures
You elected a nigger as president
Opposite, to roleplay Byzantium
Too retarded to spell right
shut up mongolblood