really makes ur pancea ponder...
Really makes ur pancea ponder
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Hopefully all the fucking stupid Drumpf supporters on this subreddit can drug away their shitty opinions
lol its so transparent now. they act like its satire and all that but in the end it has the same function as the nazi and communist governments of the past.
will white people start caring about this or are they all too pilled out to care anymore?
it's called LSD.
shut the fuck up druggie and go ego die
Too late
Why would someone took a pill that would make them change their views? One that could give you more motivation, cure you of your vices, sure. But one that would change your political views? You can't want things you don't want.
>(((they))) will start handing out real, physical pills to the masses to administer the old metaphorical blue pill
Whoa gramps calm down before you shit yourself lol
A drug to make you a slave to morality is the faggotiest fucking shit I've ever heard of.
>not taking happy pills
>being a depressed loser instead because you think it makes you edgy and cool like neo from the matrix
-passes you a blunt- hey man this is gooood shiit -takes a hit- ARCHH ARGH ARCH HUNHNHNHNH AHHHHNNNNANnhnhnhn NAHHHHHH wheeeezee hhhhnhnhnnahnahn mmm this is good shit.... my cancers cured -passes u the bong toke-
>Mind control drugs
Nothing can go wrong with this
really makes my neurons fall in line
I take antidepressants
Gas the Kikes, race war now
Are they talking about DMT?
A literal bluepill.
There is such a thing as too much morality. As in you are going to be so moral as to let an invader literally kill and rob you.
when you feeling down.... dirty dirty sverige style..... thats a sativa... Sverige Ja OG Kush........
when u feelin down aint go no 1 around... thats call Skaneberry Fleek..... indica
what u buying?
lol if you need pills to be happy. this post may be a joke, but im not joking. if you need pills to keep yourself happy please end yourself now. you are a drain on society.
It's called the red pill
t. Autist who didn't have friends in high school
We get it, a stoner cucked you and now you feel the need to deride every person you come across who could potentially be a stoner.
I hope you can find internal peace
1 post by this idea, buy ill give you the time of day loser
-takes a hit from the vuvuzela- HNnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn good shit... cancer cured... ego death acheived.....
my third eye has awoken.. at last i truly see 0.0
chill man smoke some weed
>More moral
No thanks the empathy of whites is why we are in this mess
>Take a pill for a more moral you
If your political views can't stand up to some drug trip then they are obviously not worth having anyway.
And who is talking about politics? Its like Sup Forums automatically gets offended by this because they perceive their own political opinions as immoral. I get being a bit scared if its mind numbing drug that is being pushed the left that has to be taken daily ''to work'' but we all ready have that today anyway, there is really no practical difference is changing peoples morals and changing the person so they stop acting on their morals. In other words, pacifying them with drugs so they don't care about anything.
We Equilibrium now.
Sure sounds like brainwashing to me, but why bother with that when I already could just smoke weed everyday and not care about anything like a degenerate?
Yeah, it's called adderall.
They dim emotions, when the time comes a society drugged up will be less likely to act than they would otherwise be.
Keep in mind the DSM VI is unsources and is written entirely by 6 or so jews
I have all ready read your earlier post, you're obviously just an average retarded american that is proud to be an ignorant retard. Psychedelics is not the same as cannabis.
That's all i am going to say to you, have a terrible uninteresting, uneventful and unfulfilling life. You ignorant cretin.
Thank god for ID's.
man i hope they do it. create the reavers so we can finally do away with the left.
controlling the population opinion with a drug, and who decides what is the right opinion lol.
fucking 1984 shits
DARE graduates never cease to amuse.
>I take antidepressants
Switch to St. Johns Wort. 300mg a day 3 times a day. Or If you can find a once daily 900mg pill it gets easier to take them. It takes about 2 weeks to start noticing the effects.
Serious user. This stuff got me to get off my ass and change jobs and improved my mood so much my wife isnt threatening to leave me anymore for being perpetually angry (this was a few years ago).
This stuff works miracles for me. It is a moderate anti depressant. And all natural. Get off that evil stuff user. Anti depressants are bad.
I would not take a pill that makes me more moral what does more moral even mean ?
I would take a pill that makes me smarter and more rational. Or elevates my EQ
If i could design the exact effects of the pills, and if it would lead to a permanent change that wouldn't require constant medication, I would take it.
>I would not take a pill that makes me more moral what does more moral even mean ?
The only real moral is the NAP and do onto others what you want done to yourself.
But i guess they are after a (((moral))) pill that makes people kneel, pay their taxes and celebrate the fact that their living area gets flooded with foreign people that attack them and their culture and use their resources.
Not bad advice but..
>St. Johns Wort
Use caution here, very safe but vast drug interactions. It stops the liver from breaking down many drugs (including antidepressants) so the effect of the combination causes increased drug concentrations.
Just ask your druggist if your taking anything
Look at it this way.
If these pills can magically create Liberals, they can be made to create the opposite.
Do onto others what you want done to yourself ? So what if I want to be raped by a female and rape women so they do the same to me ?
>pancea ponder
pandea poncer...
pandoa pencer...
pandora pence..
Is Pandora Pence the correct answer?
That would brake the NAP
>more moral, you?
Is that correct punctuation?
>Switch to St. Johns Wort
>St John's wort also decreases the levels of estrogens
samefag. Clarification,
Pandora being the fact this is clearly a disaster waiting to be unleashed.
Pence because this drug is supposed to make you more like Mike Pence, the vice president picked because of his moral values.
>here, take this pill it will make you more (((moral)))
Yep, everyone prase the new, physical blue pill
>Taking any kind of Jewish poison
Why is Iceland so sad though?
>literal fucking bluepill that dictates your lifestyle and political views
What the actual fuck
It isn't. It's like 99.5% white and they won't diversify unless they're braindrained.
winter darkness, probably even higher in greenland
Is this Brave New World?
Nah Greenland got other problems than winter darkness to cause depression mate.
Why does reality always get the shitty parts of fantasy/ sci-fi stories? Where's my fucking Gun-Kata?
Sounds familiar.
Well, at least those stats are okay.
I've heard that lack of sunlight can fuck you up mentally, maybe half of Sweden and Finland are depressed as fuck too but outweighed by the Southerners.
The only thing I could think of is the low population? Maybe some isolation thing going on? But I've never lived there, I could easily be talking out of my arse though.
Why no US on there?
Took that crap in high school, just turns you into a zombie.
One of the highest in the world, depending on which data you look at.
>I've heard that lack of sunlight can fuck you up mentally
It can cause all kinds of deficiencies, everything is related so its not just vitamin D.
>maybe half of Sweden and Finland are depressed as fuck too but outweighed by the Southerners.
Half of Iceland's population lives in Reykjavik and its on the north of the 64th parallel. Anchorage is around the 61th and Stockholm is on the 59th. Sweden got only like a 1/9 of the population living above the 61th parallel. Finland got a lot more since they got no land further south the Stockholm.
It numbed me out taking those
I think it sorta caused a toned down ego death
I was devoid of thoughts and had my senses dulled by a large degree but will try re administering them to myself today
someone said it was Orwell
someone said it was Huxley
clear it is now that both called it: permanent vigilance of slumbered '''''citizens'''''
>someone said it was Orwell
>someone said it was Huxley
Both of them where members of the fabian society.
Do you know where the name comes from? Fabius Maximus, its pretty apparent when you read up on him.