Daily reminder that few nazi thugs doesn't represent us europeans,We europeans love muslim people and the refugees. Muslims aleays welcome to Europe, racists not.
Daily reminder that few nazi thugs doesn't represent us europeans,We europeans love muslim people and the refugees...
>That flag
Hi Soros.
You are stupid.
The mulsims don't give a shit about you and your feelings ..
they come to destroy what your ancestors gave you and create an Islamic Caliphate where you and your descendants will live as second class citizens.
I just puked a little, this must be a bait.
Schulz is shitposting again
Feel our "love" shitskins.
Go suck ahmed's smegma covered dick, you baiting eucuck
The Wehrmacht was really the most advanced for it's time army in the past 10 centuries they only lost because the winter of 43' was cold also also because the Italians dragged them into Africa also the Luftwaffe would have been better if there weren't so many supply shortages once they had jets by the way did you know that not all nazis were evil some of them were okay people the holocaust happened but it probably wasn't as severe as people say it was-
it wouldn't have feasible to use precious fuel and resources doing something that didn't contribute to the war effort did you know that Albert Speer was a really good architect also he didn't know about the holocaust so he's not a bad guy also Hugo Boss designed the uniforms don't they look cool they look so cool dude all the German generals were really smart it's just that Hitler kept making bad decisions if it weren't for him the Wehrmacht totally would have repelled D-Day and captured Moscow and Stalingrad did you know that Hitler didn't want to bomb civilians in London it's just that the British accidentally bombed some civilians in Germany and that made him retaliate also the firebombing of Dresden was way worse also did I mention that the only reason the Germans lost is because of Italy and the winter of 43' being really cold and Hitler not crowning Rommel grand Fuhrer of the Wehrmact and god-emperor of all things
Anyway, I'm gonna catch you guys later. Let me know if you want to play some Hearts of Iron 3
Muslims are more european than you racists. Good guys will win again,just like how good guys win in 1945.
>racist not
So deport all the jews in Europe then.
What a shitty troll you are.
Being brainwashed for 50 years doesn't make you European. Your race and ethnicity makes you European.
Well good luck, Kraut.
Most people here in Britain hate Muslims right now.
Talking of 'Growing Nativist'.
You continue to enjoy your free european culture when you have open borders, and tonnes of Muslim enter your continent, and then give you brain drain.
Don't worry, you'll be needing Shari'ah law by the time your Average IQ reaches that of an Orangutan.
>good guys
>"We defeated the wrong enemy" - Patton
Fucking Yurop and their autism again
> Good guys will win again
The good guys will rape your mother to death and will gape open your asshole too you fucking cuck. topkek
TFW when you realize white people* are actually the biggest enemies of white people
* women
Great job guys, you totally defeated the globalists and the establishment ;D ;D ;D
>Muslims aleays welcome to Europe
Make no mistake. They are not, Those that advocate importing sectarian divions are not kind open borders people lovers they are fomenters of violence and genocide against the very refuges they manipulate, who as human beings mean nothing to them compared to their inept and mindless left wing identity
>autism AGAIN
Saying that the globalists aren't the good guys isn't close to beating them
But of course, Ahmed lacks reading comprehension.
HMmmmm could it be israel has the same kind of undercover cabal fucking shit up in the government just like the US?
Nah, must be just the Jews.
Disclaimer: Jews are fucking retarded.
Am I the only fucking swedfag here thats okay whit imigration but wants to cast out every fuck that lives for years of our wealthfare, does crime ect. Im tired off everyone here in EU either being a cuck,neo nazi or just a plain old racist. We could just deport the fuckers that deserve it, let the good ones stay and check everyone twice that comes here so we know for sure what kind off ppl they are.
does the EU seriously not have anything better to do? are they so free on time to where they shitpost on Sup Forums from the EU headquarters?
You should only take the people that you need, not people that are there for humanitarian reasons. Racists and communists are both idiots.
kill your fucking self
True. If there are any Muslims reading this, know that this is all satire and we welcome you in the EU. We are not racist. We want diversity and happyness
>a fucking neutral medipack sissyboi
nobody cares about your opinion, bergjude
Put them in your house and let them fuck your mother and sister you goat fucking faggot.