Why did hitler hated slavs?
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He didn't hate slavs. I'm assuming you are referencing the forged trancscript of the speech presented at the nuremburg trials about how he w anted to kill Poles?
He wanted to work with Piłsudski, not against Poland. Stop believing atrocity propaganda.
Did he?
because his Anglo financiers told him to
For hundred of years Germans gradually tried to civilize eastern Europe and integrate them into the European house. Hitler destroyed that all in one war. Fuck him.
>Germans gradually tried to civilize eastern Europe and integrate them into the European house. Hitler destroyed that all in one war. Fuck him.
I would argue he succeeded in Poland, which was occupied the longest.
>t. Abdul al-Baghdadi
References that say "Slavs" were deported to concentration camp generally meant they were communist agitators that weren't Jewish.
Context is pretty fucking important.
800 000 serbs died in a croat-cuck concentration camps
because slavs are many different groups of people. Hitler hated some groups and not the others.
Serbs aren't Slav. Lechites and Czechs are Slav. Russians are a strange mix of Nords, Rus, Slav, and Asians. South "Slavs" have more in common genetically with Turks than Lechites or Czechs.
The 800,000 being killed were mostly Catholics. Ustaše was trying to bring Serbia back to its roots.
Yea look at that guy hating the slav he's honoring in church.
lol wut? there are no catholic serbs are you a dolt or some, croats are basically serbs who sucked western cock and converted to Catholicism
Oy vey!
German Revolution of 1918
>there are no catholic serbs are you a dolt
of course not. they're dead. slaughtered. just like there's not millions of polish jews.
or exiled, or killed by disease
you misunderstood, there's no such thing as a croat, all a croat is, is a serb that isn't an orthodox christian, so all croats are just catholic serbs and Hitler liked them a whole lot
because hitler wasnt as cool when he tried to wear adidas
Thats jews not slavs
Don't lie, be a man once in your life you and admit the truth about a topic which you probably don't give a shit about.
Nope. In Belarus pretty much all young people were deported on trains to the dark and gloomy shitland in sometimes harsh conditions only to have them work in harsh conditions till exhaustion and or death.
Wow, you really do enjoy spewing retardation do you pork chop?
ask this to myself a lot.
how am i supposed to reconcile being a polak and being natsoc?
Jews failed with revolution in Germany, but succeeded and devastated Russia with one, also they occupied Poland with 3 millions jews living there, coupled with lesser development and aesthetics of slavic world he made a logical conclusion.
And i can't blame him. I kind of loathe swedes for the situation they allowed to be created. I guess Hitler's and his team's feelings and thought were similar..
He didn't invent anything new. It's just the usual stuff about Eastern Barbarians occupying precious clay that should be used by the White Man. Everything else is just justification for removing them from it.
Bulgaria fought on the Axis side. Ukrainians say the occupation of Kiev wasn't extremely harsh.
But, Hitler wanted to steal our resources at the very least and imagined the Germans would behave themselves like white colonists in Africa. He didn't use positive means of propaganda, with promises to restore Russian Republic or something, like the Americans would do, and instead launched a brute force attack. Fuck that germ.
you mean,05
>entire non-communist Eastern Europe including Serbia, Croatia, Slovakia, over a million Russians and an entire division of Ukrainian SS fought in Hitler's army
>Hitler hated slavs
You may only pick one.
>Russians who fought for National Socialist Germany - Russian Liberation Army
>Hitler: Why I invaded Russia
no but really it was 700 000
you croat shill with a proxy
He didn't though, read his Kampf. Oh wait we can't, that's illegal. Too bad.
We did not fight though. We only send tobacco to the nazis and as we all know today cigarettes are actually deadly. So yeah, you are welcome, Russia.
Hitler was an Austrian. In Austria-Hungary, the Germans had the notion that they were the rulers of the Slavs.
One of his chief intellectuals, Rosenberg, was a Baltic German. Same deal. They too believed themselves to be the ruling caste within the Russian Empire. The Russian monarchy itself was heavily German by blood.
It's kind of hard to view people that you've "ruled" as equals, and the fact that many of these Slavs either achieved independence of German rule through uprisings, revolutions and partisanship throughout WW1, which brought down two German Empires and the - in their view- German-led Russian Empire, made them (Nazis) particularly hateful.
Hitler's Slavic hatred was just a case of (linguistic) nationalism, not sincere racial beliefs. In fact many top Nazis themselves were of Slavic extraction and often had Slavic surnames to prove it. Otto Skorzeny for instance. I believe Manfeld, Germany's top General, was actually adopted from Slavic parents (by Prussian nobility).
You can read reports about summary executions of Slavic villagers in the East, where SS-officers write how they can't really wrap their heads around why they are ordered to shoot people who qualify for Aryanship going by their physical features.
>hurrrrr there wuz slavic ss heheh look I'm so retarted ;-DDDDDD
Well today's your lucky day my underage friend, the ss divisions were used as a brutal police which didn't mind killing """""suspects""""" of the stalinist regime, be they teenagers. And as for the Ukrainian one it was decimated once it was actually thrown into battle, you really think the Germans cared about Ukrainians?
Mom told me my great grandpa from Lithuania was a commie and an atheist.
Is there a chance I'm part jew?
is that claude jade?
Funny how I sometimes don't get replies from brainwashed victims of propaganda. Perhaps my words make their heads hurt, you know, believing in so much utter bullshit and finally reading something truthful ie healthy after a long while.....
and speaking of giving people headaches most of you prostitutes didn't study history to seek the truth. If you did regarding how things went on in the eastern front you'd either stop supporting hitler or just admit he was planning on and partly did genocide a portion of the native people there. Also you're probably a pindos reading this, why do pindosi have no problems killing of Native Americans, Africans, and Vietnamese people as was done before the Vietnam war by the french imperialists. And as it was shown poor innocent angelic, lutheran and catholic german teenagers did somehow along the way manage to kill hundreds of thousands of Belarusian civilians along with their drunk pedophile fathers.
many slavs are racially inferior
just because you have white skin and blonde hair doesnt mean you are nordid
pic related a gorid individual representing one of the most common types found in poland/russia/eastern europe
Yep, look at them adonis spawns. Pure aryans.
Slavs can kick your ass any time of the day
Hitler was a German nationalist, not a white nationalist. With that said, he did like some Slavs such as pic related.
being racially progressive doesnt necessarily mean you look better but in the general case it does because more progressive = more dominant features
and the people in your pic have different races so im not sure what you want to convey?
pic related is the frontal of a pure nordid women , compare it to a baltid women and you can easily see why the baltid woman is more "reduced/infantile" in every sense
having a babyface is not too bad for women , since they can still look considerably attractive, but its devastating for men (like the guy in my pic)
like when? slavs are racially inferior and also spiritually devoid of any sensible human emotions, literally formless masses made and alive to do menial jobs
My mistake here, I thought you weren't dumb af.
>implying he didnt love us
You deserved it.
Do you really believe Nordids are the master race? What evidence do you have? How do you account for the massive Ashkenazi achievement and IQ, you can't blame nepotism and general jewiness for why 50% of all chess grandmasters (or maybe its world champions, idk) have been Jews.
pic related is a baltid woman , it is hard to say if shes an adult
might be an unfair comparison though, because the nordid woman is just so much better in every aspect
>hurr durr Hitler was racist against slavs even though about a quarter of his army was slavs
You can blog all you want JIDF. No one's buying it.
What did the supposedly "pure" europeans mean by killing hundreds of thousands of their own civilians with many of them being women?
My grandfather was A red army shoulder POW in a German camp, said they starved them constantly .
But nothing about ovens or showers
Have you ever read Mein Kampf, he did say Slavs were a SLAVe race.
there is no "master race" for the whole world, but there are some races that are simply picked/bred to dominate the region they settled in (progressive development centres) , and that happened to be
robust aurignacoid races : nordid/atlantomed/north-indide/north-iranid...
nordids are simply the measurement standard because most taxonomers/physical anthropologists happened to be germans and romanticized them heavily
some anthropologists like Carleton Coon believed meds to be the "truer" standard
but almost all agree that there are metrically practically no differenecs between the robust-aurignacoids - i.e. you cant say the difference by measuring their (skinless/fleshless) skull
>he thinks the nazis had time to stop and kill millions of Russians
>he believes the nazis killed 25 million Russians while killing less than a million of the other Allies in all theatres of war
>he forgot that the communists literally did kill millions of Russians but never admitted to it
>he didn't put 2 and 2 together and realised that the history he thinks is true is just Soviet lies
You know fuck all about history mate.
That's right, just like the Jews are your friends too. After all we're both fighting against Muslims.
>the organization of a Russian state formation was not the result of the political abilities of the Slavs in Russia, but only a wonderful example of the state-forming efficacity of the German element in an inferior race.
So what. They were all communists. It's no different to calling Swedes, Germans, French or Brits cucks today. Doesn't even remotely imply he hated them, let alone wanted to kill them. That's a fucking retarded extrapolation dreamed up by kikes and shoved down your throat till you believe it.
>pretending to be anti-jew whilst shilling jewish memes
Nice try JIDF. But we all know who wrote the narrative you're regurgitating.
>Putin: Soviet Government Was Mostly Jewish 80-85%
>Winston Churchill exposes forces behind Communism
The Central Committee of the Bolshevik Party:
Krylenko Russian
Lounatcharski Russian
Ulyanov (Lenin) JEW
Bronstein (Trotsky) JEW
Apfelbaum (Zinovief) JEW
Lourie (Larine) JEW
Ouritski JEW
Volodarski JEW
Rosenfeldt (Kamanef) JEW
Smidovitch JEW
Sverdlof (Yankel) JEW
Nakhamkes (Steklof) JEW
The Council of the People’s Commissars:
Foreign Affairs Tchitcherine Russian
Nationalities Djugashvili (Stalin) Georgian
Agriculture Protian Armenian
Public Instruction Lounatcharsky Russian
Ulyanov (Lenin) JEW
Economic Council Lourie (Larine) JEW
Food Schlichter JEW
Army & Navy Bronstein (Trotsky) JEW
State Control Lander JEW
State Lands Kauffman JEW
Works V. Schmidt JEW
Social Relief E. Lelina (Knigissen) JEWess
Religions Spitzberg JEW
Interior Apfelbaum (Zinovief) JEW
Hygiene Anvelt JEW
Finance Isidore Goukovski JEW
Press Volodarski JEW
Elections Ouritski JEW
Justice I. Steinberg JEW
Refugees Fenigstein JEW
Refugees (assist.) Savitch JEW
Refugees (assist.) Zaslovski JEW
no , he meant it
slavs are racially and spiritually inferior
thats what hitler thought, and thats what any intelligent racially aware person still thinks today
I didn't know that literally every family in Russia that has lost a relative during the war were all Jews. Thank you for enlightening me.
>The Central Committee of the Bolshevik Party:
>Ulyanov (Lenin) JEW
>Bronstein (Trotsky) JEW
>Apfelbaum (Zinovief) JEW
>being alive or having anything to do with ww2
Stopped reading there. Naziboos sure are dumbfucks.
You're fulfilling the role of the JIDF for free you tard. And by denying what I said you make yourself anti Slavic. You never gave a shit about Slavs nor do about their suffering from the hands of both the bolsheviks and the nazis you colossal hypocrite.
>about a quarter of his army was slavs
Nope, never was it like that. Instead of trolling do your research and you'll find that you'll come to a sad dead end with your "hitler delusion."
The best source of history is talking with people who survived the war themselves. You can't silence all the survivors who witnessed supposedly civilized europeans chimping out like utter retards.
And btw the brainwashed victims of propaganda didn't really need anytime to kill people when they lived around and not too far away from the so called "untermensch." But even when attacking or retreating the Germans still managed to somehow shoot up whole villages of people on their way to and from Moscow. The Germans somehow forcefully sent the majority of the population of Rzhev to factories during the battles for Moscow and locked up the remaining few hundred civilians who weren't fit to work in a church and you know as feral as the nazi krauts were they mined the place too. The people were there without food or water for around 4 days before red army sappers freed them. After viewing the desolation of that town that's when Ilya Ehrenberg said his infamous words to kill some delusional retards. And I say Ehrenberg was right.
Indeed they are dumbfucks, even more so the retard from Switzerland.
Nice try mountain jidf
>For hundred of years Germans gradually tried to civilize eastern Europe
Father, kill the (nazi) German!
why the fuck is somebody who cant read or write german let alone speak it
phantasizing about hitler?
you really are just a typical dumb stormfront burgershit
I don't care about slavs anymore than Germans. But JIDF, we're not obliged to sit here and listen to you spout your lies that are contradicted by easily verifiable and observable facts. That's not how it works here. Hitler had 4 million nazis in Russia. Over a million Russians as well as the rest of Eastern Europe fought for him too. There was an wntire division of Uktainians in the SS, the SS that had strict racial purity entry requirements. Even if you ignore that Hitler clearly stated it was an anti-communist war, this totally contradicts your kike lies that it was an anti-slavic war. Blogging about it won't change that.
Mate. You are denying that Trotsky was a Jew. It's not even necessary to reply. Your post autobtfo yourself.
Because slavs are the true master race.
So defending the truth and exposing how the little men in grey uniforms really behaved like makes me JIDF? No, this only confirms the opposite. You're shilling for free tard and the worst part is that you don't even realize it.
And yes, anti communist war.... which almost as soon as it started developed into a war of two ethnic groups! And you still didn't come up with valid counter arguments.
you dont understand the race concept, race has not much to do with nationality necessarily
and whether or not the SS used ukrainians as cannon fodder is irrelevant , they used literally anyone and everything to further their cause
this PC culture has literally given birth to idiots like you that have 0 clue about how hominisation works and think they are
hitler was against slavs as a metaculture and also racially and spiritually, they would have most likely spared nordid slavic individuals but would have bred out the reduced alpinid/baltid variants for SURE
and most slavs are NOT nordid , however much you want to cherry pick models etc. most slavs are simply reduced types that lose in the "evolution of humans" department
>The best source of history is talking with people who survived the war themselves.
No it is not. Especially not communists and least of all jews. If we were to do that, we would have to believe that it was the Germans who invented the nuclear bomb, not the Americans, and that instead of using it to win the war, it was used to blow up a village of 20,000 jews. After all, it was reported by people who survived the war and accepted without question as evidence at Nuremberg. No. When it comes to WW2, only cold, hard, physical evidence is worth anything. I repeat. You know fuck all about history. You're either a gullible goy or a lying kike.
>Islam says it's a religion of peace which totally contradicts your racist lies about Muslims being violent
>nazicuck logic
Read the fucking mein kampf. He says that Germany needed lebensraum and the only land up for grabs was in the East.
I'm not denying it you idiot. Learn to read. I'm denying your argument that the numbers of dead civilians are all Jewish propaganda because firstly most of those Jews were already purged by Stalin by the time of war and secondly because we have plenty of first hand accounts in nearly every family about the war, we don't need the retarded western naziboos telling us how it was.
Fuck off JIDF. Hitler was against slavs on German land. Not in their own fucking homelands.
>civilize eastren europe
In one part yeah, many german germans(after it was implemented by the german rulers) supported slavery repeals here, however, the local germans exploited the fuck out of native latvians and estonians. The goals to establish the Livonian Order were to gain land.
But you did help in the last years of the Order.
My dear boy. Over a million Russians fought in Hitler's army. How can it have been an anti-slav race war when a quarter of the fucking army were slavs?
See Which explains how nazis viewed it well enough. It doesn't matter how many useful idiots they used to do their dirty work.
How did they deserve it? just asking.
A. Quarter. Of. Hitler's. Army. Were. Slavs. RUSSIAN SLAVS.
idk if you are just trolling or are actually dumb
i suppose you are going to show me the literal parts in mein kampf now where hitler states this ?
im not a fan of hitler but people like you are kind of a disgrace for him
you are
1. unknowledgable about racial taxonomy
2. you dont speak a single word of german and probably wouldnt even understand mr hitler if he stood right in front of you and cucked your mother
3. you seem to follow the common misconception that all whites are "a big single race with huge diversity"
this was never the case, not for the nazis and not for anybody else who understands physical anthropology
It's funny to think that my grandparents lived the in the same country as hitler.
Austro-Hungarian empire, yet he wanted to kill us
ROA had like 150k people at most while total German army was nearly 15 millions. Again with lies nazifuck.
And as I already said, even if it was true, it's not an argument. They would have been disposed of once they outlived their usefulness later.
Hitler wanted to kill all slavs, because of communism and culture not because we are not white.
Slavs are the whitest after nordics.
t.historian (for real)
>gullible goy
You just described yourself. Due to people like you some jews view non jews are "goys" or probably even as golem.
And I have lots of evidence to back up my claims, authors, survivors of the war who witnessed feral foreigner krauts kill people, etc. For you to rid me all the evidence you'd have to destroy all the written accounts of many Slavs and actually genocide the elderly and their children and grand children who know how the Germans under Hitler really behaved like.
Watch this guy, the elderly man in this or another video from the channel mentioned how the nazi police executed a pregnant women and teenagers.
When dirty ss brutes were caught or surrendered it's very good that the partisans would heavily mutilate them while they were alive or dead, their comrades after seeing them would chimp out and proceed to kill civilians afterwards. But thankfully red army soldiers usually executed ss brutes on sight for their crimes against unarmed civilians when they were caught during the later months and years.
A. Quarter. Of. Hitler's. Army. Were. Slavs. I know perfectly well what Hitler thought of slavs and his views on race. But that doesn't imply that he wanted a race war to kill them. The fact that. A. Quarter. Of. Hitler's. Army. Were. Slavs. Completely contradicts that lie. And if we are going on what Hitler says, why do ignore what he says here?
This also completely contradicts you.
old pic of (east)baltid/gorid race
i am asking for literal quotations from his book faggot not some dumb jewtube video made by one of your whitepower frands
i speak german since im not a dumb anglo shit like you and also read mein kampf and hitler was against slavs through and through because he thought them to be SLAVES racially and spiritually
pic related a modern morph of the baltid race
Actually 70% of germans voted for the communists before hitler.
After the jews crashed the economy germans voted for the commies, but then hitler stepped in.
>German army was nearly 15 millions
>3,767,000 troops
>3,933,000 troops
>1,960,000 troops
more pics of baltid race (from hungary)
this is not "nordid" , and never will be , this is literally a step down from the robust-aurignacoid human being to a infantile "survive at all costs" variant
the nazis were nordicists = they preferred the nordid race
Lol Germs were barbarians Poland created the impressive commonwealth with revolutionary political ideas, art, science, etc.
>some dumb jewtube video
It's Hitler's literal own voice.
Most of Slavs were deemed communists. He actually had pretty diverse force (SS units in Bosnia - muslims, Indians, Africans etc.)
Ok JIDF. Tell us some more stories.
That's total number of troops who served obviously.
>Total in Wehrmacht Service 1939-1945: 17,893,200
But whatever, it's not nearly a quarter by any estimate and it's not an argument anyway you dumbfuck.
>slavs joined Hitler's race war to genocide themselves
Yes. You are the one with the best arguments.
they're subhumans, so that probably had a lot to do with it.
Leave it to a polcuck to believe in the bible on pure faith but the holocaust which had a lot of witnesses be denied
Of course not you dumbfuck, they didn't need to know the end goal. They were obviously promised freedom and their own countries. Germans actually established ""democratic"" puppet governments on occupied territories.
Yes and no, it was more about the need for the Aryan race because it was 'superior' deserved more territory for its expansion and development and Hitler thought that it was unfair that '' inferiors ' Slavs had an extensive and fertile land, full of resources
Germany could have easily won if they changed their anti-slav rhetoric. The Germans were seen as liberators to large populations of Byelorussians and Ukrainians, and im sure to many white Russians or Russian anti-soviets as well. The slavs aren't white meme needs to stop, it's so autistic and stormweenie tier.
My dad told me about my Grandpa's experience in Albania during the war. When the Germans came in they were very cordial, polite, typical German ordnung. One time a group of partisans ambushed and killed some Germans in a halftrack patrol or some shit and they responded by going to the nearest village and slaughtering the male population when they refused to give any information or put forward partisans or communist-sympathizers, I assume they did this in other nations too.
>Due to people like you some jews view non jews are "goys" or probably even as golem.
I'm privately and internationally educated. I graduated with a masters from the number one rated university for my subject. I'm the anglo saxon elite my friend. My ancestors ruled the earth and built this civilisation. I couldn't care less what some smelly dumb kike scum think. And your lies mean nothing to me JIDF.