What sites are the stormfront/pol of black and asian people?
Stormfront/pol of other races
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asian people need no stormfront, as they face no dangers
black people have twitter
if you're worried about storms you can check the weather channel. But why are you posting about this on Sup Forums?
Google Asian masculinity and "the coli"
Ilbe = hangout for the extreme right in South Korea
Pretty sure the Asians just come here.
>I am Asian
Blacks use Twitter. They can say anything publicly without repercussions.
There's a website called african something where basically they WE WUZ everryones culture saying they were vikangz and the celts were black etc it's really funny.
facebook and twitter
I mean I dont participate in race threads, but get ready for the stormfag invasion. I'm pretty sure there are a sizable amount of people who lurk and post that think race threads are retarded.
2chan was already far-right when Sup Forums was still far-left
Nip otakus are ahead of us due to more distilled versions of anime waifu indoctrination
When will people learn that anime is just a tool of fascists?
a swede knows this
Why didn't you ask about Muslim sites? Are you racist?
Blacks don't need a niche site because they can use the social media to be racist against whites, and the whites praise them too.
aka cuck central
they do dicuss stuff without calling people cucks tho
They have no room to call anyone cucks
Darkies have that Worldstar hippetyhop
there should be some forum or resource cheking out the dating options of white males too. Not becouse it is a matter of life and death but if white supremacy exist as they belive we should maximize its use for ourself.
That place is far from being like stormfront. I laugh at them there because they want white girls and I say take them it is nice to get rid of our curse onto the asian man because we cant force out cunts onto the black men anymore
There's no need, white aesthetics are already supreme.
Even if you bow tied a white girl and handed her to an asian guy on a silver platter, he still wouldn't be able to seal the deal. Asian genetics in general have shit aesthetics.
>slit eyes
>round face
>weak jaw
>small stature
>small dick
I can see why they need an entire subreddit to nurse each others insecurities. I'd almost feel bad if they weren't such autists.
>OP implying Sup Forums isn't already safe space for asians
Mainstream media is black stormfront
Asian stormfront is Sup Forums. Asians typically aren't annoying when they discuss superiority because they don't go into the we wuz bullshit because they played it smart and stayed isolated.
Because racial tension has no existence in Japan.
You hate non-Japanese people. It's the reason I have respect for Asians in general.
I don't think asians have the need
for niggers they have the MMS, BET, TWATter, facebook, and instagram.
Radio Biafra would be the "StormFront" of Blacks, specifically Igbos.
The black race is far too diverse to have any cohesion, so we just stick to our own tribe, mine in particular is Biafran, we want to be Nigerian Seperatists.
I honestly think Biafran nationalists and White nationalists have a lot in common, they want their own ethnostates, they see the failures of Multi-culturalism, they bot hate negrobama, both love Trump, want to secure their own ethnic group/race.
Facebook, Tumblr and twitter
Being white is a state of mind. Some days I feel white, other days I feel like a nigger. Never Asian though because I got a huge dick.
Yeah that's why they don't invite shitskins into their countries to fuck their women like we do.
Hence, no racial tensions there.
I respect asians, I don't want their womens but I don't respect niggers as they go out of their way to make it impossible to do so. If there ever was a giant race war the, it would only be in asians and whites best interests to form a temporary alliance and then peacefully, and respectfully part ways. I'm not really worried that an asian might try to rob me in the middle of the night.
>Being white is a state of mind.
say this a 100 times in the mirror and it might just become true
>Being white is a state of mind.
Confirmed not white.
I would love for them to make their own African ethnostate in Africa. Is it possible to remind them of how their own people sold them into slavery and put it into their mind they should go home and take revenge against the ones who sold them?
Sup Forums is Asian Stormfront, the vast majority of morons who write here are weeaboos worshiping the fucking Gooks.
>muh anime
>muh manga
>muh japanese """""culture"""""
Mishima was one of the best writers Japan ever produced. read his short story Patriotism if you can find it.
And of course, the fucking amww spammer from r/asianmasculinity, who is never banned because the mods are agree with what he's doing.
Their main obstacle is Northern Muslims that are treating them like how whites are being treated in South Africa, but I do have some talks with them, yes they are aware blacks sold other blacks into slavery and they are heavily critical of themselves.
I once heard them on the radio complaining about how blacks never learn and that:
"Obama was a mistake, never let a black person be a leader of a developed country, unless you want to turn it into a 3rd world country".
As for them going back, I honestly think it would be specifically Nigerian Igbo Christians that would go back if Biafra were to become a state while you still have to keep the other Bantu, East and North African Niggers who most likely aren't even interested in nationalism.
>Confirmed not white.
Explain why the Irish, the most light-skinned Caucasoid people, were once considered non-white.
Reading a fucking Ching Chong instead of Heidegger.
Fuck you and kill yourself disgusting weeaboo.
For blacks, it's the assatashakur.org forum.
> More left-wing Pan-Africanism
For niggers, it's every forum or social network, because they're the most protected social group and they can say whatever they want in every place.
>That Sardinia far away from Europeans but also from Arabs
What the fuck are these people?
Holy fuck, that looks like the early beggings of NatSoc.
They are kinda talking like Sup Forums but hate themself for it, top fucking kek.
No, that's women. But they're a close second.
Unlike European nationalists, most non-white nationalists (with someexpections) seem sparsely divided. For instace me as an Ethiopian right-wing nationalist and monarchist, it would be hard to find a likeminded community.
whats the website for ilbe?
lel looks like a bunch of white larpers and serious beta asians
Damn straight leaf, I stay quiet about many of the writers I read but never about Mishima, I openly suggest that people read his works or atleast read about his life.
Spring Snow is amazing.
Here's the short by the way:
Blacks is thecoli
/r/ A S I A N M A S C U L I N I T Y
/r/ H A P A S for elliots
femanons and boipucci white boys on /r9k/ worship us
Global times is Chinese Breitbart.
There probably is some Chinese nationalist forum in Chinese over there
>/r/ A S I A N M A S C U L I N I T Y
I just dont understand them.
They sound kinda like right wingers, but are fucking cucked beyond belief.
If they want to live the Asian life, then why not move there?
Because Asian countries are fucking shitholes, retarded weeaboo?
Why do you think they are migrating to our countries?
what are the white aestetics?
There is actually a hilarious forum I forgot the name of
Its basically black Sup Forums only they have we wuz kangz threads unironically
are not igbos high iq?
I could not give a fuck less about this shit, so stop projecting your secret fetish onto other people.
I just asked because it makes no sense when they talk about their proud Asian heritage but live in our countries.
Sounds pretty niggerish too me.
>Sounds pretty niggerish too me.
Because there are no differences between niggers and gooks. They are incapable to build successful societies.
azns are profoundly targeted by hoards of dindus in the cities in the US. cause they're productive and have money
im a major weeb for the japanese empire desu, even if they kinda messed with the british empire.
10/10 would pearl harbor again.
Not too sure, I honestly think it's just a meme, that or it's the whole WE WUZ DA REAL HEBREWS mantra that floats around.
>I mean I dont participate in race threads, but get ready for the stormfag invasion. I'm pretty sure there are a sizable amount of people who lurk and post that think race threads are retarded.
You are correct.
easy for you to post, you live in a homogeneous society. maybe you could use a couple million africans over there ey, goy?
>stormfront/pol of niggers
Have you tried everything but stormfront and pol?
>Even if you bow tied a white girl and handed her to an asian guy on a silver platter, he still wouldn't be able to seal the deal. Asian genetics in general have shit aesthetics.
I live in China, there's a few foreign female/chinese male couples. Maybe the ratio of them to the standard ones (weeb/poontang) are like 1:5 but they exist.
I can think of four off the top of my head. Three are girls from Eastern Europe dating somewhat wealthy Chinese guys, one of them, the girl has her own career I guess but the others are just models/housewives and are 10/10 Estonian and Georgian girls married to a banker and something corporate. The third EastEuro is polish and maybe 7-8/10 and engaged to a young but well-off Chinese trust fund baby, she has a job but I don't think she works that hard in it anymore. The fourth is UK/Mongolian I think, maybe a pair of 6/10s, I think that's just a normal relationship, nothing weird about it. Mongolians are kind of chavs though so maybe they have some shared culture.
>azns are profoundly targeted by hoards of dindus in the cities in the US. cause they're productive and have money
Can confirm. I'm flip and I've been told by the nigs to my face that we are privileged.
inb4 you flips are the greatest race blah blah blah
>I just dont understand them.
They're just a version of the same kind of losers who unironically posted pizzagate and the_donald memes, they hate women because they can't get any because they're losers and they hate anyone they perceive as keeping them down.
Above all, it's about having someone, anyone to blame for your problems.
>Can confirm. I'm flip and I've been told by the nigs to my face that we are privileged.
Well you do have Jollibees...
>muh dick
hello white nigger
What the fuck is that?
turkish Sup Forums is toruchan.org
i kekd hard when i saw it in the spic culture thread that got buhleted earlier.
>why are mods killing all the lulzy threads?
idk. seems like every time i talk shit about a bong the thread gets shoahed
Estonian girls were one of the most beautiful, race mixing and low birth rates are making them extinct. What a shame, we're becoming an ugly world.
This, kek
Everyone here should spend some time reading /r/AZNIdentity, /r/AsianMasculinity, /r/sino, and /r/hapas so that you can fully understand just how much Asian-Americans hate us.
They are not "honorary whites". They are not our bros. They will not form an alliance with us against the dindus. When the Happening comes, they will not hesitate in allying with other non-whites and putting us up against the wall.
Propaganda by self-hating Asians.
I don't really care about you whites.
I just really fucking hate niggers and spics and kikes. And fucking abos.
When the race war comes, you bet your ass I'm going nigger hunting. Ain't no greater game.
they would be in other languages
>people were wrong once therefore the concept is not valid
Global Times doesn't have a large enough readership to be considered the Chinese Breitbart. It's just a state-owned tabloid that's meant to spew opinions that "respectable" state-owned media like CCTV and People's Daily can't say.
Honestly, it amazes me how boring Chinese state-owned media is. Russia has managed to make RT, Sputnik, etc. widely-followed throughout the world, so it shouldn't be too hard for China to internationalize its state-owned media.
Chinese nationalists/Han-chauvinists are likely to spend their time posting on Zhihu, nationalist boards on Tieba, and trolling liberals on Weibo.
Good chink
You're wasting your time, as I said, the vast majority of Sup Forums users are retarded weeaboos spending their time watching Japanese porn and anime. That's the reason why they hate sites like Stormfront and think that Asians are their "bros".
That makes me feel more at ease user, maybe you don't have to go back after all.
>Tfw no ultimate patriotic goal to die for
You only have to live in a fucking nigger majority area to see how fucked up things get when you take away lawful citizens' right to defend themselves and subsidize niggers living in commie blocks.
I highly recommend no one in this thread ever live in NYC. This is a fucking SJW hellhole filled with lazy niggers.
Honestly, when Asians are in their own country, they're fine. Asians tend to be right-wing and don't buy into PC bullshit.
It's Asian immigrants in white countries that worry me. And even if the majority of people here won't listen, I feel like I have a duty to inform them. We need to be on guard.
Heidegger is the entry of Oriental thought into the West. Europeans are able to understand his work with great labor but it is instinctually understood in the East.
also the Japanese are a part-Caucasoid race and Mishima was manifesting Aryan thinking
BLM for nigas?
>he thinks the Irish are white
Says the Ching Chong.
This is such a simplistic coping mechanism. Race realism is real. Pizzagate insofar as the Podestas are pedos and the government is heavily entrenched in paedophilia is correct - the moloch/Satanism stuff can be discarded.