St. Mark's Cathedral: 'We will name racism, anti-Semitism, xenophobia as sins'

>"We will reject White Nationalism," says the statement. "We will name racism, anti-Semitism, and xenophobia as sins. We believe all people are made in God's image, and we affirm diversity as a gift, blessing and opportunity for our nation."

>The statement speaks of study, listening and tolerance. "We will strive to replace fear with facts when it comes to public discussions about immigrants, refugees, Muslims, racial diversity and national security," it says. "Our times require a moral compass, and truth-telling is an important part of this."

>But what if fear prevails over fact, and truth telling does not sway a hostile White House.?In that case, Saint Mark's and other churches will face the choice of whether/how to "disrupt" a religious-based registry, or how to provide a "sanctuary and safe haven" if the government accelerates a roundup of undocumented immigrants.


Lol you can't just name sins you fucking protestant faggots.

[Church was excommunicated for this post]

Burn it to the ground.

That's where you're wrong kiddo.

the pope sure seems to like doing it

so muslims cant call for jews' death, but americans cant act in support of jews for fear of being xenophobic? and Palestinians cant claim the land of israel due to anti-semitism, but they'll be given it anyway for fear of being called racist.

what a perfect system.

Even the Church is being cucked in the west. Religion is cancer.

Anyone who disagrees with this disagrees with Jesus. DEUS VULT fags who just want to act like jihadists need to be gassed.

so social justice is officially a religion now


I thought it was already sinful to judge others and hate them, regardless of the reason?

But they are actually giving a free pass to judge white people?

Also I don't see them asking to call homophobia a sin. Fucking kid fuckers.

These people literally fuck children.

t. someone who was categorically not chosen by Jesus as a rock upon which to build his church

Read universally preferable behavior for more on this topic.

dios mio

He's the freaking pope he's the only one with authority to do so


I'll give you one dollar to fuck off Stephen.

No he and all the other popes have been heretics and I'm getting tired of your heresy cathcuck

Someone should ask these people if they think that only Christianity is true. It would be very revealing.

Because the whole of Catholicism and Orthodoxy isn't based on that and blatantly contradicting the Bible at every turn...

Meant for

"The Pope wears a funny hat"

>Im going to say Jesus's choice of a church is heresy because i say his name a bunch without using metatative prayers

Lol prodestantism