Brit/pol - Cheeky lads edition

>Paki nonces are still running amok

>Sharia May accused of Blairite interference; "The state is being cobbled together to fix permanent Tory power"

>'There's no war in France!' Milkman mocked for urging Britain to accept Paris migrants

>Corbyn to Theresa: "You're not Henry VIII"

>Senior Civil Servant: The Tories lack the courage to acknowledge the scale of leaving the EU

>Why is Labour so worried about a crackdown on voter fraud?

>Lib Dems: £450m Brexit savings claim is a fantasy figure

>Labour's New Year Vow - a UKIP fightback

>Israel accuses Britain of leading UN resolution that told them to stop bulldozing Palestinian children

>Number of 5-11 year olds suspended from school for racism up 33%

Other urls found in this thread:

Imperial Leather

Also fuck thread splitters

Reminder that being anti-Israel is being anti-Semitic.


So that's illegal goy

Dad we need to talk


Stop this.

Don't tell them that - It's the easiest way ever to spot American Redditors and subsequently tell them to fuck off and die

>tfw New Zealand qt in Greece makes you ashamed to be British

Government mandated surveillance desu.




Have a pity bump, lad.

I still btfo the pole so im happy

Christ, the idea of being her grandson now scares me. I would never wish to be left alone with Grandma.

post yfw GCHQ is reading this thread RIGHT NOW


Nobody will ever have to suffer being her grandson, don't worry


Oy you're not me

kys polecancer

Meant for the other OP?

>Muirfield Golf Club has been told to "get out of the dark ages" when it decides whether or not to admit women members in the New Year.

>Members at the world-famous course are due to vote on the issue for a second time next month, having rejected female members in a ballot last May.

I really hope they don't vote to allow women. There are women-only clubs, why can't there be men-only clubs? As ever it's forced, one-way diversity.

Gentlemen Only Ladies Forbidden

Why do people comment on porn videos lads?

Indian cretins think that the performers read them

What is it with Indians and being pervy losers?

They are like Sup Forumsacks and have no contact with girls. Most Indian men do not meet women outside the family until their parents give them one to marry.


2 minutes in to his radio show and George Galloway is already having palpitations at the prospect of Tony Blair being honoured in the new year for 'services to world peace'.

Shaping up to be a good episode.

Christ. Isn't he "peace ambassador to the Middle East" or something too?

Link it lad

>parents telling me about movie they watched
>some guy had his heart replaced but his divorced wife paid the surgeons to kill him so she could get his property
>it sounds really macabre and nasty
>"so who was the director?"
>"oh i dunno, vergstein or something?"
Of course

It's my belief that Jews are deeply fucked in the head. They always come up with the darkest and most disturbing shit

That sounds like 'Awake'

It's about people who are actually awake during surgery and feel everything

Good idea but had Christian haydenson (?) and Jessica alba so it sucked cock


That's true actually. We're all a bit crazy.


Of course YKTD would jump at the chance of listening to the ravings of a Labour paki lover

>hehe goyim we're all a little crazy hahaha here i made some torture porn for your kids to watch hehehe
Nah kikes are just evil.

Actually I just made a kids TV show with subconscious pro-black male messaging in it.

It's unironically a good show. He's also pro-Russia and talks up Brexit all the time, which is rare for a talk radio host.

The end is unavoidable now.

I now hate people who try to stop degeneracy than those who encourage it.

The country is lost. Just have fun because your children won't. Nor your grandchildren. All you are doing is selling them into slavery

Its over. Cut your cock off or take up the ass for all I care.

The war is lost and all people who want to deny that should be silenced


Do not go gentle in to that good night.


Rage, against the dying of the light.

Even if it was as hopeless as you make it seem, you could still go Amish mode and isolate yourself from degeneracy

You guys give up so easily, it is almost sad.

No user.
There is always hope.

That is only relevant when you can win.

Nah. They would be killed.

Based Tony tbqh.

Yeah there's surveillance I get that, but what are the Tories under May currently doing so badly wrong?

Please report this tweet

I got suspended for using the word cuck, so he should be suspended for calling everyone cunts

Why does everyone think NZ is this promised land? Have you ever actually been there? It's like the fucking sticks, you can't get a hold of anything unless you want sheep arse.

dude, europe was in far far worse situation many times before

dont be such a defeatist... or kike

Move somewhere else then.

t. alcoholic atheist

Child refugees, soft Brexit


Fuck off, you defeatist little pussy. You can kill yourself if you want, you clearly don't have the spine to go on, but the rest of us will stay and fight.

They aren't doing anything to reduce immigration

Go hav' a pint ya' cunts. It's Christmas.

Google 'uk new anti semitism definition'

>Not wanting a soft Brexit

>I'm a republican and want a referendum on the Monarchy

George, George, George...

> Getting paid to go on a Mongolian basket weaving forum.

Why can't I have that job, I bet he only has a 2.2 as well.

How do we ensure that no one in our society starves without creating a lazy and entitled class who subsist entirely on government money?


You can't, there will always be people who abuse the system. You just have to get over it.

How can we win if we don't keep going? Keep believing that things will get better?

It's the only way to stay sane.
Always move forwards.

>ywn convince your boss that I am a threat to national security and put me in a cell with two Ahmeds

>don't talk to me or my wifes son ever again!

Whats going on with George Galloway lately? Did he finally abandon the LE TIPS FEDORA [RESPECT M'LADY] PARTY-OF-ONE?

Lost his seat didn't he?

Wasn't there a new policy to prevent anyone who earns less than £30k from coming in? It's possible that May couldn't do much as HS cause of outside interference, I'm giving her the benefit of the doubt on that at least. No evidence of soft brexit either, no new info at all

Aye, he lost his seat to Labour because they deliberately chose an anti-Semitic Muslim as their candidate

He's doing a live talk show right now, just had decent banter with one of the Royal Family's damage control men

>Have you seen that show, The Crown?
>Oh yes, it's brilliant, I can't believe the amount of money they spent on making it thou-
>Well it's not quite as much as we give Buckingham Palace, is it?

>The Crown
Ticks me off that does. They could at least wait until after the queen's died before they start making TV shows about her private life

>we give the Buckingham palace

We the taxpayers, yes

>republican sentiment is at an all time low
>monarchy popularity is at an all time high
>the queen generates a huge net profit for the country from royal tourism and merchandise
>mfw people bitch about the repairs to buckingham palace which have been in dire need for over a decade

fucking republishits

>It's another "Paki makes a stupid comment about how voting to leave the EU was bad and doesn't realise that Galloway was in favour of it" episode

The Crown Treasury turns over a net profit, which they give back to the government Treasury

If I took £1 a year from you and gave £10 back, and then ask for £2 one year instead of the usual £1, don't pretend like you are paying me

>queen sat by while the empire fell apart and our country was flooded with pakis

>Limit power of the Monarch
>Baffled when they do nothing

Yes, or you have to go home if you don't earn £34k after a certain time

Saw someone posting on Bragbook complaining about their international friend being sent home because they weren't earning enough

I kekd, ofc

>British """"""""""""monarch""""""""""""
Might as well be a ceremonial President.

Are Jez

It was entirely and rightly within her power not to break her Coronation oath and refuse to give assent to the ECA though

Please tell me someone else is listening to this person prophesying a third world war with Israel

It was the queen's father's idea that the monarch should be completely neutral. Before him it was normal for the monarch to express political opinions.
If Elizabeth had had the guts to speak her mind, then maybe we wouldn't be in such a state.

She did once upon a time

That's Ken and he phones into every single talkRADIO show to talk about Christianity/cite the Bible.

I could tell by the way George phased him out


Shit lads I totally forgot there was new Robot Wars and Time Commanders

What a nice speech. I do love the queen really, but it's undeniable that she could have done more to save her country

>Muh EU


should I go into central london and party by myself or not?
>people will make me feel less alone
>people watching
>might get swept up into the atmosphere and feel happy for a second
>it'll be fucking freezing
>too nervous to go into a pub on my own
>full of people
>rampant degenaracy
>if I get drunk (I will) i'll be pissing every 5 mins
>i'll still be alone

fuck me when the kids aren't in the Harry Potter scenes they become decent films

All 8 films are Literally britiains best actors Surrounded by terrible child actors

>should I go into central london
The answer to that is always no.