This is Chet Hanks's (Tom Hank's son) daughter and baby mama. BTFO Sup Forums! Beautiful couple!
Tom Hank's granddaughter
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Why don't white people care about their genes?
Kekerino... didn't he go missing?
Its not though.
his wife looks like an ape
Wew bitch looks like 50 cent
Why do drillers go for such ugly negresses? He must be a rich trust fund kiddy amd shes hideous
kek, I actually kinda knew Chet when he was in college - that kid has some serious fucking issues
yes it is faggot
His son is some pathetic faggot who wishes he was born black.
>implying they're married
It was a one night stand
Drugs, not even once.
When the fuck did Tom Hanks fuck Michelle?
That's his son? Are we sure tom wasn't cucked?
Dont you see her body?
Bug tits and big ass
Because blacks woman are hot
It saddens me what the jew is doing with these great white actors. Truly a shame.
No it's obvious he wasn't look how fucking black his baby mama is
>those Sup Forums posters who literally use the 'appeal to authority' fallacy to justify racemixing with the objectively ugliest race because "muh jewish celebrities do it"
I bet these celebrities get paid millions to have a black kid in public, and they have 30 white kids that they raise privately
Only low iq subhumans would racemix, raxemixing is merely White People deporting subhuman genes outside of their genepool towards the genepools of the other races.
The White Race can only be the greatest race by constantly cleansing subhumans from its genepool.
>The White Race can only be the greatest race by constantly cleansing subhumans from its genepool
Oh yes bro, the genetic of white people is so great
Look at those lips, perfect to suck dick
>I bet these celebrities get paid millions to have a black kid in public
That is stupid to think
who wouldn't want this queen to take home to your mother?
>BTFO Sup Forums
Jesus Christ rewrite your fucking algo so it picks up on this, Jew. Your bots are fucking bottom tier garbage
Go on..
>Want to breed with a cute Nigress
>Don't want Nignog babies though
Can a ultrasound detect dindu features of a fetus?
This, she's probably thick as fuck
They have nigger blood in them, and they are the descendants of prostitutes and criminals sent there to populate this shitty continent.
American = Negroe + White Trash
White = European Only
Cute baby, ugly mom. Good white genes, bad black genes
we're just creating superior slave stock with muted violent tendencies
>destroying your genetic line with a nigress
Couldn't he at least get a somewhat good looking one? Sad!
We're getting too smart, they're definitely gonna import some hunter gatherers for labor and breeding
Where is the father?
looks like a dude tbhnest
>threadly reminder
Clint Eastwood is a boss.
Genes don't really have much of an affect on the kind of person you are. Genes are like a blueprint for how to build tissue and monitor/maintain an immune system. All this emphasis Sup Forums puts on "Muh aryan genes" is kinda embarrassing to anyone who actually understands genetics.
Also, there is no such thing as "pure" genes. Genes are incredibly complex and mixed up all the time. The concept of a pure, perfect genetic specimen is a complete white supremacist pipe dream that makes zero sense.
if genes dont affect the kind of person you are, then why niggers are so dumb?
Life is like an box of chocolates.
shit has to be staged
This is the most cucked thread on this board. Chet Hanks babby momma is a fucking gorilla. Shes fucking gross. Chets pathetic for even spooging in that thing. Shes gross, hes gross, the youngling is a half nig-- things are bad all around.
Robert de niro's children are depressed as fuck.
I would to if I was i pale nigger mongrel
In this interview de niro is bought to tears because of his childrens mental issues