Let's get an unpopular opinion thread going: Sup Forums edition.
Let's get an unpopular opinion thread going: Sup Forums edition
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Democracy is better than fascism or NatSoc.
allowing politicized lefties to hijack your government and steal as much gibs as they can get away with and erode as much traditional culture as they can using government force
Removing (you) was a mistake.!
Non denominational fundamentalist Christianity is the only way to follow scripture
Catholicucks and the Orthocucks church and Protestants (reformed catholicucks) are all going to hell
Not if you have massive low IQ voters.
>mob rule is better than order
(((you))) are absolutely 100000% correct
India is the greatest country on earth. God bless India
Racism is bad
Socialism is good
Return of the (you)'s:
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Type in the following:
Christianity was made by Jews to suppress whites, and destroyed their ancestral pagan traditions, and has proven so effective in enslaving Gentiles mentally that even "redpilled" whites try to argue and rationalise that Christ (a Jew) should be worshipped as a traditional White religion.
KeK isn't anything else but a social construct of the goverment to control the internet and we are falling for it
Storm cucks kinda have a point. With large numbers of different ethnic groups comes a culture unlike that of America which is typically a third world one that decreases the standard of living for everyone else.
It's controversial in that I don't believe being racist is the solution to this, and rather we should just limit immigration and have a more responsible policy that isn't constantly leading to rapid demographic shifts in our country. I see where the storm cucks are coming from though
I believe anthropogenic climate change is real.
Interracial porn is good propaganda to raise white racial consciousness among normies.
Make 'em feel insecure and develop and "us and them" mentality.
Same. It's just hard to believe that with all humans are doing on this planet we have no influence over the climate.
Western civilization is responsible for the shithole the ME is - Doesn't mean I want refugees but we should stop fucking meddling in their affairs.
Democracy only works in limited areas where people have, or at the very least have the immediate possibility of getting, first-hand knowledge of the things being voted upon, not having to hear of it from (((them))).
Like a city state democracy.
I ate a kebab 2 months ago and it was good.
We should invest in renewable energies and protect the environment. Come at me, bros.
>tfw you realize all your opinions are puke-in-mouth shock-worthy in real life but absolutely commonplace on Sup Forums
don't really have anything to contribute kek
I think Israel is alright?
If Hilter lived today, he would instantly turn on the muslims instead of the Jews.
Of course you do with all the media in your country being owned by jews.
A One World Order is the only way forward. Or else, we will forever be stuck on this rock and perish.
by definition you have average IQ voters you mongoloid
race is a social construct
Most religion is blue pilled. A good majority of Sup Forumsacks only believe to distance themselves from the stereotypical fedora-tipping leftard neckbeard atheists because this board has always been contrarian.
Anarchism is better then statism.
The holocaust happened, and the death tallies are more or less accurate.
>Implying hasn't been a cesspool of shit ever since Genghis fucked that entire region up beyond repair
of those two pairs of animals, none but the humans can interbreed and produce fertile offspring. Assuming it was a heterosexual couple, that is.
Just saying that pic is referring to species, not race. complete false equivalency
I don't like Trump's policies, he seems like an egotistical moron pandering to the dumb masses with feel-good things like "build a wall" that seems like a child came up with it. He seems like he's primarily out to line his own pockets rather than help America get out of the shitty state it's in. Any pro-Trump posts on here are always along the lines of "BUILD WALL" or some racist slur, or "Hillary BTFO", and it makes me question whether anyone here actually knows anything about Trump other than the memes they've been fed and "muh broad sweeping MAGA without any implementation details or strategy". Then again this place is a shithole.
But at least it's better than Hillary.
Why don't they ever talk about Khan wrecking their shit? Did he destroy them that bad that they were too afraid to bring it up ever again? Or is it simply because the concept of feeling guilty and apologizing for that was nonexistent?
name of whore?
Structured Religion is basically Spiritual Communism.
She's qt who is that
I think Muslim girls are better wife material than white women.
black men are better
good point. True world theories are for the weak
Do you unironically believe this Pajeet? Where does this conviction stem from objectively or is it all patriotic feels nurtured in your culture?
lil wayne is a genius mastermind oracle, and if you listen to his music closely, you will gain understanding of the present realities, of the bot-net and its methods, and how to fight against it.
what the hell you talking about nigger?
it's known that grizzlies and polar bears can breed
Trump is a moron
I think pineapple on pizza is pretty good.
Because they are uneducated and think history begins in the 1900s.
Its more of a cultural unifier if anything. Everything needs a balance.
The lack of it has lead to disgusting degenerate shit like Trannies, allowing mass migration in spite of people getting hurt. Too much of it leads to a corrupt theocracy (Iran, etc)
>Some latina whore
also because they have an agenda
>how to trigger Sup Forums in one simple step
you must have a zero IQ to still be talking about fake news.
Rico Strong is such a good performer, its really saddening not having him on more interracial movies as of late.
Automation, UBI, and space exploration are the future and we should work to achieve them.
Milo isn't that bad. At least he's gotten more people to join right wing politics
I cant stand fat people they're a waste of potencial.
No, I mean the fruit, pineapple, on a bed of dough with cheese and tomato sauce is good tasting.
Also pizzagate is real.
Confirmed, sempai.
Polar bears and grizzlies will mate
i might be one of the low iq, i don't undestand your post
>by definition
what did he mean by this?
*Democratic republic, that stays true to the constitution .. is better than fascism.
The future of the white man is to mix with asians to create a new race that is immune to the >holocaust and >slavery card
Your time on this world is limited, so don't waste it with hating people you never met.
Racism is a mistake. Talk with people.
Religion is a mistake. You don't need it to live a happy life and paying money to religious organisations is a waste (exept they help the poor/sick/orphans... with it)
he is one of the best to redpills to give to friends
>tfw no movement will probably ever be this aesthetic again
why even live
>pagan traditions
Sucking cold dead cock isn't something you want listed in your heritage.
Trump won't fix anything.
We're doomed.
>shawty want a thug
>bottles in the club
Anything that gets institutionalized and encourages herd mentality and lack of skepticism is blue-pilled, and there's no arguing about it.
It must've been incredible.
Atheism is controlled opposition.
I think war refugees should be helped and should be let into a safe country.
They removed it?
>"I leave them dead in the living room"
>"... Get it? I leave them DEAD, in the living room!"
>Jews invented an army of people to hate them
While I wouldn't put it past them I still find it hard to believe.
>Jesus was a Jew
Ah, you're just a professional shitposter. The flag should have given it away, but with sudden influx of "muh Israel" (((Australians))) you never can be too sure can you.
Sup Forumstards are brainwashed like the general population just in the other direction. not every last fucking imigrant is a raping criminal
No matter which country they come from or what their specific beliefs are, I respect a nationalist
Sup Forums is getting browner everyday
no shit
>tfw school teacher was secretly showing us these when we were small
So it can become unsafe?
you cannot be not racist, you automatically put every data and information in categories, you also put people into categories, you judge everything naturally, different things get judged differently, you will judge a homeless guy differently than a guy with a suit, are you homlessphobic? no there is no word for it, you are just an asshole, but surprisingly things change if you are against non-whites, why? because white genocide is a real thing, and you cannot genocide a group if they are free and have a strong culture, self-identity and tradition
Wtf I love snow monkies now?
>fantasy made up by a homo
Someone post the rebuttal to this pic
Sanctions for refugees should be way more strict and you don't let refugees in if they can't identify themselves. EURO countries were fucking dumb letting them just pour in.
Even though I wish for shitskins to be removed from Europe by force/daily beatings I think Arabs are cool people, they just need to stay in their country.
Trannies are mostly okay (With some obvious exceptions) and gender dysphoria has some truth to it; it's the crazy fill-in-the-blank-gender and "non-binary" retards who are the real problem.
homos don't need to be gassed, they just shouldn't have the rights of a straight couple.
In spite of the trends I've noticed about certain demographics and groups, I try to not demonize every single person that belongs to said group, which is why I haven't gone over to the other end of the extreme as a racist. Don't get me wrong, I'm not ignorant of the fact that a disproportionate amount of crime in the country is slanted towards blacks and Hispanics, but I'm not going to treat everyone in those groups I see like that.
Immigration really needs to be slowed down however. Otherwise shit is going to get ugly when whites are around 30% of the population in the next 70 years
>ywn be as cute as young bibi
>Obama has always been a shit president
Most of Sup Forums only recently adopted this.
Brazil is correct, Democracy was pure until we started getting immigrants than we needed to modify it again and again. First we tried 'land owner' than we change it to 'male above a certain age if you are black you can't vote' than 'well okay if you are any race you can vote but not woman' then 'ok if you are over 15 and breathing you can vote don't hurt me anymore guys' now Democracy is super fucked. Electoral College almost proves the existence of God because it secretly saved us from getting butt fucked by ignorant mobs of idiots who don't understand the EC anyway.
If we ever had a democracy where you had to have a 110 IQ+ to vote it would kick ass again.
1)Culture is more important than race
in modern society, i'm not entirely convinced that white people are indeed the master race, though, to be fair, certain ((other)) groups may have molded society to ensure their dominance
our compassion for other races and naturally trusting nature, as well as a tendency to form sexual hierarchies that i feel are not as prominent in other races might be our downfall